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Question on combi weapons


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If i have and obscenely large unit of Terminators say 10.... and i gave say 9 combi flamers, could i use 3 flamers one round, 3 on another and 3 more on a 3rd or do i have to fire all the same round?

i am not saying it is practical but i was curiuos. keeping track of who shot would be as easy as modeling a removeable marker on the termies base. thanks

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You are free to use how many you want whenever.

And it can be practical to save shots if your Terminators have good odds of completing their job with less, and you expect them to survive for another round or two.

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hehehe thanks was thinking of proxiing some termies against a friend jsut cuz i could. one of those "hey, lets play a game or 2 on friday and try something we havent done before with our lists." i know its a dumb idea but DSing 500+ points of termies and lords could be fun. lol at least shocking.
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hehehe thanks was thinking of proxiing some termies against a friend jsut cuz i could. one of those "hey, lets play a game or 2 on friday and try something we havent done before with our lists." i know its a dumb idea but DSing 500+ points of termies and lords could be fun. lol at least shocking.

May I suggest Combi-Plasma instead of Combi-Flamers? Lot less risky to Deepstrike (a 12" Target area rather than a 6" one, and if you miss, you still get 1 shot), and will be worth the look on your opponent's face when you Deepstrike in and Plasmagun his most expensive unit to death. The retaliation may be a bit strong, but hey.


Or, you could make them normal Plasmacide squads, and take 3x3 Combi-Plas Termies.

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did you mean melta? i thought termicide was done w/ meltas?

I've done it with both. Both work, just different jobs. Usually I need the melta more, but I've done the plasma version for fun too.

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May I suggest Combi-Plasma instead of Combi-Flamers? Lot less risky to Deepstrike (a 12" Target area rather than a 6" one, and if you miss, you still get 1 shot), and will be worth the look on your opponent's face when you Deepstrike in and Plasmagun his most expensive unit to death. The retaliation may be a bit strong, but hey.


You don't gamble away 10 Terminators and a Chaos Lord like this - that's why we have Icons and Personal Icons.

Suddenly deepstriking close enough to fire flamers doesn't seem so risky anymore.

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You've got to get that Icon close enough to the desired landing area to make it useful. Sadly, Daemon Princes aren't considered to be walking Icons, so the survivability of said Icon is in constant jeopardy. Some consider our greatest weakness to be a lack of cost-efficient long-range antitank firepower options; I consider our greatest weakness to be the inability to maneuver and deliver assets reliably on the tabletop, unlike the Loyalists. -_-
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You don't gamble away 10 Terminators and a Chaos Lord like this - that's why we have Icons and Personal Icons.

You do if you deepstrike Termicide units, which is where I was coming from. Personally, I'd never Deepstrike more than 3 Terminators, and I'd never take a Termie Lord at all.

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