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I like the DC so I thought I'd make some truescale DC. So here they are.










I still have to work on the torsos and the arms and belts and well a bunch more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I changed some things up a bit. I added a little more detail to the armor, I redid the straps on the chest and added some abdomen protection to well, the abdomen. I actually went out and bought a new box of terminators so I can make more of these guys. This project has been so difficult for me. I think I need to stop looking at the fine work of Sioka and Lamenter and Doghouse and all the other sculptors who have all that talent, its depressing to see the level of detail and the crisp lines that those guys can do on their models. All kidding aside they do awesome work and I have learned quite a bit from them. Well here we go with the pics. Mind you I have taken this guy apart about 20 times now and I am finally at a point where I can look at my work without wanting to start over, so at least I have that going for me now.




I don't know what to do with the arms and I would like some input before I go down that road so please if anyone has any ideas I am all ears, or eyes actually since I am not really talking to anyone here and I am more or less reading what they (you) say. Well you get the picture and here are the pictures










Thanks for looking and please let me know what to do about the arms!

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Little update. I changed arms. I added some GS to the shoulders and I am arming this guy with a regular bolter. I don't know where to go next with this guy. I guess I will work next on the helmet and then on the feet, finally ending with the feet and then the base. Any criticism welcome. Thanks for looking.




Size comparison here. I want the DC to be big and intimidating. Don't think I'll bling him out so much. I like him simple, big, and brutal.




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I have added some details like the x's and blood drop on the shoulder.







I'm almost ready to prime. And here he is primed and ready to go. I'll do the shoulders separately.


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:D <<<=== My first reaction when I saw this for the first time 10 minutes ago. I LOVE DEATH COMPANY!!!

:teehee: <<<=== The reaction your enemies will have when they see 3-30 Terminator-sized crazies deep-strike/jump-pack into their faces.

:) <<<=== When there is nothing left of the aforementioned enemy!!!

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