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Need info on Skyrar Dark Wolves

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Hello Dark brothers, and thankyou in advance for any help (or dark curses) that may flow my way.


Anyway, im really trying to get any sort of info i can on the Dark Wolves, so far i can only say there mentioned int eh Chaos Codex and a paintscheme is given.They appear to be outcast or renegade Space Wolves, and Skyrar is postulated to be the Chaos Godess that has granted them shelter.


In addition to this, it appears they consider Logan Grimnar an Oathbreaker (trying to figure out all the connotations to that statement ATM too) for not stopping the Inquisitions attempts to prosecute them for the decimation of 5th company SW (At what time and whos great company i cannot find).


Most of this is taken from right here at BC, but im trying to see if the respective forces (SW and Chaos) can shed any light or help me with a few more clues - as im very keen to start up my own Dark Wolves force, probably playing from teh Chaos dex.



Thanks for any help guys :D




p.s; ive seen the other syrar thread on here, but am having a real hard time tracking down any official or even community approved history.

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