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Word Bearers Kathartes Lesser Daemons?

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Hi All, first time i've logged in for ages, infact i believe this may well be my first post!


I usually play Deathguard and have close to 4000 points (soon to include 3 Warhounds of the Legio Mortis, then maybe a Reaver of the same Legio if i get the time to get one), but I'm working on a small Word Bearers force for when I feel like playing something more Undivided or just don't feel my Deathguard should be employed against such a puny foe..maybe 'cause the enemy has soap nearby...


After re-reading through the Word Bearers Trilogy I've been wanting to make my lesser daemons for said Word Bearers the Kathartes (both in their material-realm form of the skinned winged females and the immaterium form of the angelic beautiful versions of the latter, perhaps in the same unit to represet both the view of the Faithful and the view of the vile corpse-emperor-loving heretics) and was wondering how you would all try to model this?


My skills with GS are rudimentary at the moment (though I'm working on improving them all the time), and I'm hoping for some advice of a more "kitbashing with minor GS work" nature. I've been looking into perhaps basing them off of the Dark Elves Harpies and/or daemonetts with zombie parts for the skinned ones, and then...well, I honestly don't know WHAT to use for the angelic ones >,>;


Really looking foward to your input, will give pictures of the Kathartes when I have a couple completed once I have a couple of ideas I like.


PS- planning on using these in games at a GW Store, so would need to use as much GW parts as possible for this.

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For mine, I just use the Chaos Daemons Furies, which is I think basically what they were based on, anyway, based upon their description in the novels. Paint them up to look like skinless monstrosities and you're ready to roll, no green stuff required (unless you want to).
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While Furies may well work, I'm just not too keen on the models; don't know why, they just don't appeal on a personal level. I don't own the models (and haven't seen them in person), but from every picture I've seen they just seem too...bulky compared to the description in the books, though that may well be just the poses combined with the colourscheme that make them look like that.


If i use those though, that covers the skinned ones..any ideas for the beautiful angelic versions? Really want to include both as the book's idea of them looking monstrous in the material realm and beautiful in the Immaterium interests me; this idea may well explain why we're so faithful and the Imperium so diluded (since they can't see The Warp for what it truely is). In addition to having both types in the unit I may well use a bit of greenstuff to make one or two of the Kathartes in the unit be partway between both, almost like they're retreating back into the warp or bursting through into the material realm.

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Yeah, those are what I've been considering for the skinned version Baragash, though perhaps filing down the faces and remodelling them to look more skeletal, and removing all skin-level details (all hair below the neck, nipples etc.) ...oh, and replace the wings with something that would suit their new skinned look. Might try and replace the feet with the ones from the Dark Eldar slaves models too as hooves don't really suit them.


I suppose Harpies could potentially be used for the angelic ones too if i were to replace with wings with feathered ones, change the hooves to feet, perhaps try to model on a thin toga-style dress on the occasional one; want a unit that shows the true beauty and terror that are Kathartes when summoned by the Faithful. If i used Harpies for both types that would actually aid in the "mid-emergance" Kathartes too i suppose, since I'd just need to do part painted and converted to look skinned, part painted and converted to look beautiful! :lol:

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"Skinned" will be difficult. As I recall, Kathartes are all bloody musculature, which is an enormous pain to try and sculpt, but, hey, more power to you if you take up the charge. ;)


I might suggest, though, that the Warp is a place of infinite possibilities, and just because the Word Bearers of the trilogy's starring Host were fond of them doesn't mean that they're universal across the entire Legion, so don't feel that you need to do Kathartes in order to adhere to the background. If you want to, of course, by all means, but know that you've got options.

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I myself have been thinking of adding Kathartes to my Host and I was visualizing them along the lines of mixing Tyranid Gargoyle wings with the standard metal Harpies from the Dark Elves range or save some money use the Wood Elf Dryads (making them completely plastic). When painting them I would lay down thin line layers of varying red hues then give em a good coat of gloss to give them that flayed skin look.



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Sorry for the delay in replying there, busy weekend.


Looking at daemonettes, i could use the old ones if i could find a place to purchase them in bulk (Word Bearers should possess at least one group of Kathartes per squad of Word Bearers in all honesty, we do love our daemons..). As for the musculature, all i'd need is a file, a small amount of GS, and something sharp enough to cut shallow grooves into the model and then the Kathartes could be born.


My GS skills may fail, but my imagination and patience are deep and plentiful; By the names of the Four, may my paints and glue forever run dry should I be lying, this project will be done I swear it!

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I love the idea that Word Bearers see chaos as a religion instead of a means to power.



Yeah their view on Chaos is one of religious enlightenment in its purest form rather then a form of gaining power (though some WB's use Chaos as a means to gain power). Hell, they were the ones to originally create the "Emperor is a god" cult religion which is now THE religion of the Imperium. Its no wonder they aim to tear down and defile everything the Imperium stands for after they've been chastised by the Emperor for just such an idea.....



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Over in WHFB-land, we have threads about what to use in place of those awful figs.


Even funnier, the main line of ideas are pretty much the same... some combination of daemonettes, gargoyle wings, and wood elf dryads. It can look good if you put the work in.


A suprisingly awesome option though, is gargoyle wings on Kroot. Check these out: Warden Munger's Kroopies on the Herdstone.

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Religion is a tool of statecraft. Religion is in many ways the key to power. Look at Pillars of the Earth, that new show the Borgias. The Word Bearers are just as heretical as the rest they just hide behind a frock and a pulpit.


I would say that makes them super-heretical simply because heresy is sanctioned on an official level with them, not just a dalliance.

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