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The Warp Damned


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I recently lucked into a good amount of Chaos Marines and wanted to make my own warband. I've been reading a lot of Michael Moorcock lately, and the first thought that came to me was the Ship of the Damned, under purview of Pyaray, the tentacled whisperer of Secrets.


My idea for the warband would be centered around a space hulk that drifts through the Maelstrom, collecting the souls of those who have died in the void. When the hulk enters realspace, reavers descend upon the closest world to collect slaves, supplies, and tech. Any ships wrecked would be added to the hulk.


I'm going to start this evening on painting and such. I'm thinking along the lines of Davey Jones's crew for the Flying Dutchman in the PotC movies. Not so much fish and sealife, but more pitted and rusted. Leaders for the warband would be either Nurgle or Tzeentch, with many troops being Nurgle and Khorne.


Let me know what you think. I've already put together a sorceror. I'll be working the rest out over the weekend.

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Pitted and Rusted? Sounds like a nurgle thing. Go with nurgle for your leader.


I actually kinda like this idea. Its a nice little twist on an already interesting concept.


I believe there's also something similar to this in the chaos codex. The Unholy Harbringer. Look it up, its on the same page as Huron.


It might give you some nice ideas.

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Sounds cool.


My suggestion is when you build your CSMs try to give them a slight hunched over look. Something like sunlight hurts (it feels heavy to them in a way) so they shun away from it. Oh and the possessed marines box might help you with the reaver look; mutated helmets, arms, legs, torsos, etc.


For a rust look take a gander (it's the blade you'll want to check out):





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