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My Dark Angels Land Raider Terminus Ultra

Sidewinder 3

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...I love land raiders for my Chapter, and I badly wanted a LR Terminus Ultra for my Apoc Games...But I think that the standard "Off The Box" model is one of the Ugliest and ill Conceived models ever projected...(Apart perhaps the Storm Raven gunship ;) ), so I put on it the FW extra armour and made work on the rear twin linked LC, in order to give the vehicle the possibility to shoot with all the LC in the same direction.

Please give me feedbacks...and enjoy brothers marines. :D




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...Thank, I known I should have weathered the LR a little bit more...but I like the "show room" tanks.

Yep I should have holed the front TLLC :) , for the rear batteries, I have used the standard LR sponson, on the Forge World LR extra armour, which gives a little bit of thickness and distance, and since it was still not enough, I constructed with plasticard and Green Stuff, the final extentions of the sponsons. The Tank Commander is UM Sgt Chronus with a Ravenwing Machinator Head.

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