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Fabius Bile


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So what do you think? Could Fabius make it in a comp list?


I would run him more than likely with a daemon prince. Throw in a lot of CSM squads with melta and combi melta. Enhance..


I am just looking for something different that is still competitive..


I am getting really sick of my local store telling me when I put two daemon princes on the table that it is cheddar. Or if i use two squads of two obliterators I am playing cheesy..


So I am curious what people think?

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So what do you think? Could Fabius make it in a comp list?

I think not long ago there was a thread about this (may have been on a different forum though), and the consensus was drawn that a specially tailored list containing Bile could be used, but that it was a bit of a One-Trick Pony, and had too many falldowns to be "Truly" Competetive.



I am getting really sick of my local store telling me when I put two daemon princes on the table that it is cheddar. Or if i use two squads of two obliterators I am playing cheesy..

I'm sick of telling these people that "My 'dex is atrocious, when Games Workshop redo it I will change, but until then, go whine at someone who can do something about it."

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I've used Bile to decent effect. S5 Fearless CSMs are quite the nasty surprise for some armies. The problem with Bile is a ) the cost of getting those S5 Fearless CSMs sometimes involves sacrificing them before the game starts, or watching them die to heart failures during the game, and b ) Bile is kinda lame in actual combat so once you've gotten what you want out of him, he just sort of occupies an HQ slot and does nothing for you (unless you opt for a GGD and use Bile as the daemonhost :lol: )


I've played 3 games so far with a Bile + Tzeentch Prince list, and am 1-1-1 with it. The draw was actually almost a minor victory except the squad camping an objective died of heart failure and lost me that objective, making it a draw. :lol:

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Could Fabius make it in a comp list?

no because buffing csm to be almost zerkers and pms while taking away a HQ slot for a DP does not make the list good.



I am getting really sick of my local store telling me when I put two daemon princes on the table that it is cheddar. Or if i use two squads of two obliterators I am playing cheesy..

only unlike most other armies we dont have other HQ options . only WH have as few as us. Do they also whine when a necro player puts down warriors and destroyers ?

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I've seen Bile used competitively to a variety of success, and the player usually ends up in mid-high ranking. It depends on the competition of course; if you know people aren't as single-minded in their determination to win at all costs you could probably get away with him. I know some tournament environments that are very relaxed and people don't always bring the #1 internet cookie list all the time; I could probably use Bile there to some success. At the grinder tournaments though, I probably wouldn't take him. Sure his pimp cane causes instant death, but it's not a power weapon.


only unlike most other armies we dont have other HQ options
Uhh, last time I read Codex: Chaos Space Marines I saw 10 HQ options. Perhaps you aren't looking at the right one?
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Do they also whine when a necro player puts down warriors and destroyers ?

Probably not, because, unlike Princes and Oblits, they suck.



only unlike most other armies we dont have other HQ options
Uhh, last time I read Codex: Chaos Space Marines I saw 10 HQ options. Perhaps you aren't looking at the right one?

I think he means other VIABLE Options. Besides Khârn and Abbaddon, the others are really quite bad, and even Abbaddon and Khârn have their downpoints.

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I do agree, i don't think it would work cos there's too much chance of being a waste of pts if your enhanced warriors combust in turn 2.


As for people complaining at your list, tell them that it's what the codex gives you. Having seen an example list of the new BAs in this months WD, there is a 1500pt list with 5 Dreads. I'm sure there is a way of them taking more and you can't tell me that someone will be doing that as soon as they can build and paint them all...

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Wait... why does Fabius suck in combat? :)


He has -

An Instant Death, regardless of Toughness, causing close combat weapon, with about 4 attacks (can't fins my codex so unsure), which isn't a daemon weapon, so it doesn't hit Bile.

An assault weapon that automaticly wounds on a 4+.

All the other benefits of simply being a Space Marine (3+ save, relatively high Toughness, Strength, WS, BA, etc.).



And can upgrade a squad... admittedly with mixed results, but the majority of the time it is effective.


I would see him as more of a Monstrous Creature or HQ hunter who lacks effectiveness against hordes... but a complete waste? Why?

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Uhh, last time I read Codex: Chaos Space Marines I saw 10 HQ options. Perhaps you aren't looking at the right one?

I see DPs and what more ? specials are all bad because of cost/kill , Khârn is maybe the best of them , but he aint better then a DP [fewer targets , can be ID ] , abadon forces a deathstart build which has doesnt do very well [bad LR , he has to be used with zerkers ] . lords are a fluff choice , sorc are not even that.

We have one viable HQ the DP , we can take him in two version the nurgle warp time one and a khorn one [as lash is no longer viable due to how psychic counter works in 5th ed and how many armies are mecha ] .


we are like sob that have 1 HQ .



An Instant Death, regardless of Toughness, causing close combat weapon, with about 4 attacks (can't fins my codex so unsure), which isn't a daemon weapon, so it doesn't hit Bile.

that doesnt ignore save so . half hit and half wound and then he does sv on +3/+2 . which more or less means no wounds . he is like a sorc but without the need to roll for force weapon.



I would see him as more of a Monstrous Creature or HQ hunter who lacks effectiveness against hordes... but a complete waste?

Go on . try to hunt WL, mefiston , chaos DPs , hive tyrnants/swarm lords . You dont even have to play actual games just roll a few times what happens if biles gets in to hth with another HQ.




he buffs csm which forces a csm using build [and a zerker/pms set up is better] . It gives them a hth buff which forces you to do hth [duh] , but at the same time one of your csm unit will be gimped[well you have to fit bile somewhere right and 9 dudes=1 special] and you will get a HQ that is crapy in hth [ even line sm will get a +3 sv from him] . But that is not all.

As he is a lord class[aka rides with a squad] char this means you will be runing a hth army [the bile buff] with one less target for your opponent[which means easier focus fire for him] . If that wasnt enough unlike lords we can run for fluff , he can not do counter [too slow , weapon does not ignore saves , faster moving HQs kill him . cant deal enough wounds to models with eternal warrior and/or t4+].

so yeah he is bad.

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Wait... why does Fabius suck in combat? :)


He has -

An Instant Death, regardless of Toughness, causing close combat weapon, with about 4 attacks (can't fins my codex so unsure), which isn't a daemon weapon, so it doesn't hit Bile.

An assault weapon that automaticly wounds on a 4+.

All the other benefits of simply being a Space Marine (3+ save, relatively high Toughness, Strength, WS, BA, etc.).



And can upgrade a squad... admittedly with mixed results, but the majority of the time it is effective.


I would see him as more of a Monstrous Creature or HQ hunter who lacks effectiveness against hordes... but a complete waste? Why?


I think you'd better re-read. His Rod weapon isn't Power or Force, which means it'll bounce off armor. The Needler wounds on a 2+, but it's got no AP whatsoever. He gets a lot of Attacks, but his I is no better than a standard Marine and not like a Slaanesh-touched former Emperor's Child, and he doesn't have the random statline he used to have in the previous Codex to potentially make him better than an average Marine. He gets NO Invul Save and isn't EW, which means anything that can insta-kill him also ignores his FNP, so pretty much whatever killed his Rhino and the squad he was hiding in will kill him just as readily. He's good at hunting down low-grade IG and civilians, not much else.

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Fabulous Bile is to random for a competitive setting.


Sometimes you get good results, sometimes those results can bite you in the bum, sometimes your CSM ooze into a primordial pond of geneseed.


It is truely sad to say that our best HQ is the Daemon Prince...but its so true.


Failbaddon is too expensive and must be put in a LR.


Khârn may be your next best thing, but the DP will still out perform.


and everyone else just falls shy.

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So what you're saying is make his weapon a power one? Then he'll be more competitive, to the level of some of the better HQs?

not realy . he still has fewer A and same str as a demon weapon lord of slanesh , and we dont see slany lords being taken [and a demon weapon does ignore saves].

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Well to the OP, it depends on what you mean by "competitive". If you mean winning international GT's of 30-80 players over a 5 game weekend with no comp and no sportsmanship....no he is not competitive.


If you mean by competitive winning roughly an average of 2/3 or better of all games played if he is used in a solid list and played well in pick up games, local tournaments, and other events...than yes he can be.


I just ran a bile list March 5 in a local tournament. It was small 25 players. Had some new players and some very good players, even GT winners and nationally ranked amongst the mix. I faced off against Decent of Angels BA's, dual Nob squad/Battle wagon orks, and take all comer Ultra mairines in standard BRB missions. I went 2 wins and 1 loss. My loss was to BA's at it was down to a single dice roll. The game was very winnable...I made some generalship mistakes.


My list was:



1 10 man Enhanced CSM squad, mark of khorne, 2 meltas, rhino

1 9 man Enhanced CSM squad, 1 melta, mark of slaanesh, rhino

1 9 man Bezerkers, pwr fist, plasma pistol, rhino, icon

11 lesser deamons

10 lesser deamons

3 oblits

1 defiler


Bile got "one shotted" twice by a melta gun and an Ork pwer klaw. For the day though he killed 5 nobs, 2 deff koptas, contested an objective for a full turn versus 20 ultra marines and a predator, killed a 5 mans assault squad with no Pwr fist or thunder hammer...not bad for a guy who sucks. The key is putting him in the right places versus the right things. He was beautiful versus nobs with a group of zerks with his number of attacks and auto kill ability...just talking about caused my opponent to rethink everything.


Huron actually was the weak link...though he did not do that bad...he needs a buff next dex or a point reduction. Had I went with my gut and swapped Khârn for Huron I would have handily defeated the BA's.


We also have a player in our parts who runs the Bile list with two 20 man units of Enhanced CSM's with mark of Khorne, a squad of possessed in a rhino, and 2 defilers and wins very regularly with them. He has been playing for over 10 years and has run the list for over 2 years...so is quite good.



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So what you're saying is make his weapon a power one? Then he'll be more competitive, to the level of some of the better HQs?

not realy . he still has fewer A and same str as a demon weapon lord of slanesh , and we dont see slany lords being taken [and a demon weapon does ignore saves].



He has seven attacks on the charge though. That has to count for something. That's the main thing which has worked for me. (Five base, +1 for pistol and rod, +1 for charge). Hitting on fours, wounding on threes against marines. Could potentially wound slower monstrous creatures as well. A trygon, or hive tyrant will turn him into a hat though.


Works well against Orks though, well...Works better then other things. Lots of attacks and FNP are pretty good for that. If your lucky, he can deal some damage to Nob squads as well.


I've had mixed success with Fabius Bile and pals. Sometimes it does really well, other times I'll loss most my army before the game starts and the whole thing will fall on it's face. Fun though, thats for sure. Never predictable which is nice.

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