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Book of Battles - BA battle reports

Baba Lem

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Hail Sanguinius, brothers.


After a year or so, in which I had gotten maybe one game - which I don't even remember, lol. Only shady fog in my mind, I'd finally managed to get a game on Saturday.


I was hoping not to face Dark Eldar, or Tyranids, because I didn't read their new Codicies yet, and I dislike facing an unknown foe.


Of course, it was the DE I had to face. Never the less, I trusted in my Blood, and would bring down much of theirs.


Rough Breakdown of the Lists - we played at 2000 points;


Reclusiarch with a Powerfist

Libby with a JP and Shield of Sanguinius and Pref Enemy




10 Tacts with a Melta, LC

Sarge with a Fist

Rhino with a HK


5 Assaults with a MG

Sarge with a Fist

Razor with twin LC


10 Assaults with JPs, 2x Melta

Sarge with a TH


8 DC with 2x TH

riding in a Raider


2x Baal Predator with tl. AC, HB sponsons, HK


3 Attack Bikes with Multimelta each





Asdrubael Vect


Haemunculus with some Liquidifier... or something.


4 or 5 Grotesques (not even sure on the spelling, lol)

Raider with DL


10 Wyches

Raider with Lance


6x 10 Kabalite Warriors, Lance, Blaster

Raider with a Lance


3x Ravager with 3 Dark Lances each

Every vehicle was equipped with two fields; one granting a 5++; the other substracting 6" from ranged weapons targetting the vehicle.



Although I didn't knew the codex, that list seemed pretty familar to the Dark Lance spam from the old dex, lol.


Only thing I really had to check up on was Vect.




No pictures, but it was pretty simple. There was a large building, about 12" in the center of the board denying a good amount of LOS and seperating the field into three lanes. There were even more building; one in each deployment zone. Blocking LOS, all of them, but at diagonally opposing position. Looking from my side of the field, the building was in the east bottom, whily my opponent's was situated in the north top. There were some scattered pieces of dense wood also. Hills to supplement the empty corners. Both forests and hills would obscure vehicles, pretty much, but not fully cover.


Mission; Capture and Control. Mine ended up pretty close to the board edge, centre of my deployment zone. His was pretty much tugged in the far North-West of his deployment zone. It would be hard for me to reach.


I scored First Turn, but given his ability to steal the initiative on a roll of 4+, due to Vect's special rule, I let him deploy first. Arrogantly, and resulting from his pure amount of speed and firepower justified as well, I suppose. Lol. He deployed pretty much in the open. We got table quarters, by the way. So he was confined to the North West sector of the battlefield, while I was stuck with South East. Good, in the account of both of us getting a building in our deployment zones.


I reserved everything with he Baals outflanking and the Libby and posse jumping from a thunderhawk; they would be DSing.



First turn, he pretty much scattered his forces. Second turn, he pulled them together to get flat out cover-saves at high speeds. Skipping my first here, as obviously, not much would be happening in it with no models on the board. And although he had all the time to bring himself into a more favourable position, he left some of his light skimmers unguarded on the right. Though they were covering all possibile lands and spots to deepstrike unseen in, it also had them seperated from the main body.


Thus, when my reserves arrived, I decided to strike down the forces on the East flank first, leaving my troops free to clear my own objective in later turns. At the top of turn two, I had a Baal coming in over the East table edge, along with the Libby, the RAS he had joined and my attack bikes. With the Baal assuming firing position somewhere on the centre of the table edge, my assault squad dropped next to some raider. Descent of Angels came in handy, and it was a pinpoint landing. Two melta guns heated up, only to roll snake eyes. Nothing new there. So the raider they target was left unharmed - until the wrath of a thousand bullets, in form of a Baal Predator's cannons, ripped the raider to shreds. Six Dark Eldar died in the explosion and they were in immediate range of my assault squad.


Finalizing my success, I guess, were the attack bikes. They melta'd a Raider. Killed 5 warriors in the explosion and cleaned up the remnants with a resulting charge, wiping them out below their turning wheels and blazing boltguns. I consolidated them into the shadow of the tall building, leaving only my Assaults Squad and Baal revealed.


Originally, I had intended to shoot down Vect's Raider. But since the RAS missed, I had to relocate the Baal's firepower.



DE; top of turn three


He swung around. Two raiders went to my objective. Three or four swung around to open fire on what little of my force I had revealed. Vect and his crude followers disembarked, ready to challenge the Librarian and the assault squad. He kept two raiders around his own objective as well.


Although I had tried to cut down on possible lanes of fire on it, the Baal was shot at and taken out by a hailstorm of Dark Lances. The rest of the DE pretty much opened up on the Libby and his gang, getting four or five with some mean AP 1/2 blast from Vect and an assortment of lances from all over the place. Resulting in a charge by Vect, in which the squad was cut down to two marines, including the psyker. The sarge killed laid a wound on one of the Grotesques with his thunderhammer, before my squad broke and retreated safely to the top of the building in my delployment zone. They would eventually regroup.


At the bottom of DE three, Vect had disembarked and was left for a turn or two in the East sector of the battlefield.



BA; turn three


This time I got everything, but the RAS with Razor.


With Vect off to the side, I decided to cut into the turned-around Eldar from behind. The Land Raider rolled in six and disembarked the DC, Corbulo and the Chaplain. Covered by the tactical rhino running 12" to absorb some of the lance fire and cover my raider. The tacticals didn't disembark. If the Rhino survived, I figured, they'd make a run for the opponent's objective. If it was shot down, I would have turned them around the back and used them on my own objective. So pretty much, I created a new front close to my objective, a little on the left, most of my forces in the West sector of the battlefield.


My other Baal appeared East, next to the burned out wreckage of the first. Assault Cannons roaring, it failed to shoot down Vect's ride. Shame.


The Attack Bikes turbo boosted around the East flank as well, in a arc. I intended to slip them on the objective of my opponent's as well and distract some firepower.


Shooting didn't do much this turn, but CC did. The Death Company ripped apart both skimmers close to my objective and left some Wyches and Cabalite Warriors to disembark.



DE, turn 4


His 4th turn movement consisted of lining up his ravagers again. Also, he aligned some raiders to the attack bikes. Distraction worked, lol.


Vect also embarked into his raider and moved 12" toward the centre of the board.


Shooting was terrible - for me. He smoked my Rhino, my Land Raider, two DC, and two Attack Bikes. Even four tacticals died in the explosion.


CC saw the Wyches charged my DC. His PW attacks did nothing, the DC showed no mercy. Killing four, and the Chaplain's fist smashed the Haemunculi, they broke and ran. Although I didn't get them. I repositioned the DC to kill the Warriors left in the centre of the board, close to my mission mark.



BA 4


My Razorback appeared. I parked him infront of the objective, LC pointing at Vect's ride. Along with the melta of the disembarking squad. The solidification of my object was joined by the Baal Predator running around the corner of the building and lining up with my Razorback, and also my Libby and my remaining jumppack-equipped Assaults. They moved in range to charge Vect's ride - if they had to, they would.


My disembarked tacticals remained in position to shoot. Nothing. Either the Baal or the Razor killed off Vect's ride and left them facing my accumulated forces that I had left and brought infront of my objective. With some gap to the side, which was soon joined by the Death Company, however - after they had discarded a remaining squad of 8 DE Warriors with a furry of just hatred.


My lone A-bike continued the run for the opponent's objective. Zoom.



DE 5


He tossed in Vect against the DC, his only mistake, imho. He should have killed my troops. So in the centre of the board, the Dark Eldar Lord clashed with the Chaplain, remaining three DC, and Brother Corbulo. The combat began with Vect making quick work of the remaining DC. Killed them all, leaving the Chaplain and Corbulo. Facing an act of rage, the Priest rose his mighty chainsword and cut one of the mutants before him in two, lol. Nice rending, double sixes. But not to stop there, my Reclusiarch smashed the xenos filth with a mighty punch of powerfist. The shadowfield failed on the third roll, or so, and Vect was instant-killed. In the result of this, his posse failed their LD and were run down by Corbulo in unbound fury.


The shooting in this turn saw an unbeatable attack bike dodging strength 8 shots, lol. And he softened up the DC.



BA 5


My attack bike felt short a few inches from contesting his objective, but I still went there.


My half of the board cleared, I pushed out, although I'd never make it to his objective.


The Libby slaughtered some remaining warrior squad, that was a turn 2 leftover from when the raider had been Baal'd.


I made the grip on my own objective tighter, and pulled pack my foot-slogging assault squads.


Though, almost as if pushed by the Red Thirst, my tacticals ran forward. Joined by the Reclusiarch and Corbulo, they mutli-assaulted two Ravagers which had killed the Rhino and the LR. The tacticals ripped down the left skimmer, while the chaplain's fist released the body of Vect like a well-sized pebble, and onliberated that vehicle as well.


Draw at this point, but we continued.



DE 6


His remaining two raiders kill the A-Bike. He zooms his last Ravager in to contest my objective.



BA 6


Though Corbulo, the Reclusiarch, and the Tacs were guided by rightful rage - they were simply out of range. They had some wine.


All I was left with to do, was clearing my own objective, which the Baal Predator did handsomely. And as it stood after turn 5, it remained after turn six.


A draw, each army holding their home objective.



Conclusion; The raider didn't do well for me, but oh well. I've made good experiences with fielding one in 2000 points games. This army was simply equipped with not only one anti vehicle weapon, but like... twenty. Lol. They get them pretty cheap. In Killpoints, it would have cost him, I'm pretty sure. But as the mission was, I'm satisfied with how my game turned out.


I had a fair opponent who was cool and lenient enough to allow me the few extra moments I needed, once or twice, to get back into some of the rules.


Didn't really get to see much of the new DE, only their old stuff, in a new Codex.



Working on a list with more Rhinos now, lol.


Peace out, Baba.

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Not to sound picky but why did you have corbs with the DC unit? They already have fc and fnp. IMHO he would have a better home with the 5man squad in a rback


I was thinking the same thing. Also your Reclusiarch already comes with a power weapon for free; I think it's a waste to give him a powerfist especially considering that he is I-5. Also given that it is so easy to gain Furious Charge in our army he may strike at I-6 and even the regular Chaplain may strike at I-5 with FC.


Anyway, nice job in the game - and congrats! :)

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I like the Idea behind the chappie with a power fist it gives him the ability to spit away and punch tanks or stick with the unit and Bash away with a power weapon or if against something the weapon wont scratch the fist however will.
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The Reclusiarch doesn't lose his Crozius, his bolt pistol is exchanged for the power fist and comes with a discounted cost in points. The power fist has better odds for tanking busting than an infernus pistol - especially versus paper airplanes.


G :)

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Wow you are right, had to check for myself. :P ...well the only thing I would say though... if you open the paper airplanes with the pistol you can still assault. Otherwise you are getting assaulted and things like Incubi will tear you apart on the charge.
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after they had discarded a remaining squad of 8 DE Warriors with a furry of just hatred.

A furry of just hatred! ;)





The list issue; Yeah, he could have played very much differently. But I'm not gonna complain ! Lol.


The fist issue; If you have the spare points, why not ? In this game, if I had not had it, I wouldn't have instant-killed Vect. *Squish~!*


The Corbulo issue; Well, the RA arrived sometime later. And eventually, in the DC, Corb's punch helped them a little too. He's certainly not optimized yet. I took him, so far, for the reroll, which I think is a very handy thing to have. Also his punch in CC is not entirely bad, though some might disagree, he's performed well for me in the few games I had with the new codex.


I'm thinking of a just throwing in a SP with JP for the Assault Squad to give them a little more punch, an additional PW and a more reliable bubble.


Thanks for reading !


I'll post another one on Sunday.

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  • 1 month later...

Hail Sanguinius.


Threw down a game against GK last night, though I'm a li'l tired, I shall share.


2000 points, Seize Ground, Pitched Battle Deployment


I had;


Mephiston, Lord of Death

Libby with Shield and Rage


5 Assault Terminators with 3x Claws, 2x Hammer/Shield

riding in a LRC

Sang Priest attached

Libby attached


7 DC with 1x Hammer

riding in a Rhino

Chappy attached


5 Assault Marines with 1x Melta, 1x Melta Pistol || x 3


Baal Pred with Dakka || x 2





My opponent brought a flashy elite list; I guess.


GK Grandmaster with Rad Grenades (-1 toughness on first round of assault), Defensive Grenades, Hammer || x 2


GK Techmarine with Rad Grenades, Defensive Grenades


GK Strike Squad with 10 Knights, 7 Halberds, 1x Hammer on Justicar, 2x Psycannon || x 3


Storm Raven with Typhoon, AC || x3


So, basically flying cavalry. She deployed nothing and put her stuff into reserve.


We had five objectives.


Going second, I put everything on, but my assault squads. I wanted them in reserve. My Terminators succumbed to the red thirst, as did one of my assault squads. Not that it would play a huge role, actively in this game. Running forward, I popped smoke on my stuff and castled with the vindicators and Baals up front to the middle of the board. I stuck to the left flank for now, setting my armoured, red ass directly on four of the five mission margets. One was scattered off to the far left.


With roaring engines, one of the GK vessel entered the battlefield, carrying a GM with a strike squad. They combat squadded. So five in the Raven, five others, with the cannons, to die on some impassable terrain after a terrible scatter. Oh well. The Raven itself didn't do a whole lot either. Its TML failed to do any real harm, only stunning the DC Rhino. It was about fourty inches before my forward tank barrier.


My second - Not wanting to stretch too much, I retugged my stuff together. None of my assault squads arrived, which was great. I wanted them unharmed for as long as possibel. With no ranged weapon in my army shooting past 24" I gave turn once more.


In her second then, the battle began. The rest of my opponent's army appeared. Flanking my army on the bottom edge of my own deployment zone, was a raven in the same set up as the first; GM with five Strike Squad members. The other five with cannons teleported behind my lines. The third raven had a mishap and was banished into the most far corner of the table, lol. Same with its combat squadding fire support team.


In shooting, the guys behind my formation roared: They caused three pens on one of my formation-heading Baals, but I covered it all, as it was partially obscurred. Pretty lucky there. Going on, she fragged three wounds off Mephiston. Mind Strike Missiles are quite evil. Mephiston's power heavily reduced, it was my turn, after more resultless shooting on my tanks.


On my third, I got two of the Assault Squads. They deep struck, framing the bottom raider with their melta guns and bodies. I wanted to kill it and everything inside, the other two being out of range of my strike force. So I surrounded it. Disembarking death company on the right of the flyer, terminators on the left. Mephiston cast wings to fly and fleet behind it. Almost surrounded, there was just a little patch I couldn't reach.


Shooting saw it immobilsed, and the raven infront of me, shaken. Not that it mattered thought, thanks to Fortitude. At last, Mephiston blew the Raven up.


Strength 10 never fails, they say. Well, they are right.


Now my plan had been to cremate the GKs in the ride, but he could just deploy via emergency disembark. And just with all six models.


So that little strike force remained behind my lines, along with three remaining GKs who had survived the LRCs bolters.


In her fourth, she moved her stuff up to further frame and surround me. A Grandmaster lead the charge on the front line of my tanks. Baal, Baal, and Vindicator in perfect line up. Only two stuns though, lucky there once again. The main combat went down in the heart of my armoured fortress, shadowed by the burning Stormraven wreckage. The 3 men GKSS and the 5 men GKSS with Grandmaster charged my terminators with libby, wounded Mephiston, and one of my assault squads that had landed last turn. Flinging a host of several grenades at my guess, reduced all my stuff to toughness 3, and Mephiston and the Libby to Init 1, thanks to GKs anty psyker stuff.


They came all with halberds, and I couldn't stop the Hammerhand-ing, so they struck down Mephiston, a Terminator and my assault squad.


All I had left were the Terminators, who slaughtered 5 GK, leaving the libby to cut through the last three psycannon guys. All clear. Despite losing Mephiston and one of my scorring units. They Terminatos moved up to surround the Grandmaster. Lightining claws with Unleashed Rage. Gotta love it.


My fourth turn. I had the final assault squad arrive and in the far back, left to the massacre site, I had them deploy on two mission targets in konga line. Two objectives for me, so far. None for her, as of yet. So I went to clean up my table half. Shooting didn't do a lot. Merely cut down the GM and his guys who had attacked my tanks a turn earlier. One Knight and the GM came out of the firestorm of my Baal, LRC and pistols - only to be cut down by the raging Death Company. They left none alived and consolidated toward the raven that had carried their former opponents. Some inches in the back, the lightning claws cut down the second GM without ever letting him strike. I consolidated here too. But the Termis were too slow to do anything in the game anymore.


Not that they hadn't defended their rightful positions as Angels of the First Company. Without them, the GK would have bummed me.


From there on, it was pretty much clean up. My Baals roared out on my turn five, shooting down the rest of the Ravens. At that point, it was three objectives to maybe one, if she had managed to grab the far scattered one with her dislocated combat squad. So we called it a night.


Thoughts; Well, what could one be thinking ? I wasn't sure what to do about my opponent's list at first. Swift and they could strike where they wanted. My build definatly lacked some long ranged fire power, but what can you do when you dislike Razorbacks. All in all, a challenging game. And their grenades are just brutal. Best would be dreads, probably.


I gotta tool in a Stormraven myself. A twin LC and four bloodstrikes would help a great deal, I suppose.


In afterthought, when we took a minute to think about the game, we both came to the same conclusion. Her scatter rolls weren't the best, but that's the risk with such a small elite army. Also, I wouldn't have used the Typhoons on the SRs, but she was going by what the models carried. And although only so little models, they're still quite tough. A dread... I need a dread. To just eat the little Grey Knights.




Enjoy the read, if you do.

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