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The Dragons of Oricalcos

Andurin Marvak

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http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">Homeworld

“I can see why Sanguinius decided to rest here for a time, Abbess. Your planet is indeed a beautiful and majestic one.”-Veteran Sergeant Allegheri, to the Abbess of the Daughters of the Angel

The Oricalcos system contains five planets, the civilized world of Oricalcos from which the system derives its name, the Industrial World Prosperity, the Dead Worlds Deco and Boco, and the agri-world Arkon. There are also large numbers of massive orbital space stations that used to be run mainly by pirates that have since been cleared out and used by the new Oricalcan Home Guard as orbital defense platforms.

Oricalcos is a temperate planet that is quite livable, its large population mostly confined to hive cities for the sake of convenience. With the removal of its defunct government and the re-introduction of law and order, the planet has begun to thrive, and has some of the best schools of agricultural technology and warfare in the Galactic Fringe. Traders greatly appreciate the safety of the area, which is rare so far out into this Sector, and as a result the local merchants are thriving.

Those that are not businessmen or local workers travel to either Prosperity or Arkon. On Arkon, men and women who have attended Oricalcan Agricultural Universities run massive farms that feed the system, and grow cash crops of spices that are traded for back on Oricalcos. The Adeptus Mechanicus employs those with a knowledge of mining on Prosperity, where they repair and construct the tools needed to extract valuable minerals from rocky Deco and Boco, as well as nearby asteroids. Aside from this, the Mechanicus runs its forges for the benefit of the Home Guard and the Dragons of Oricalcos, supplying them with all manner of ranged weaponry and training their techpriests and Weaponsmiths.

The men and women who populate the Oricalcos System are as a whole a tall and powerful people, the naturally protein and calcium-rich diet provided by the mineral composition of the soil and the local fauna has allowed for an exceptional physique, which in combination with evolution over time has produced an average male height of about seven feet, and an average female height of around six. When augmented into an Astartes, their natural height is boosted even further, forming warriors that in some cases literally look down upon the Battle-Brothers of other chapters. An Oricalcan is also fair skinned and dark haired, and their unusually fine features are made moreso by the genetic material of the most Beatific of Primarchs. Aside from the extended, sharper canines, which among the Dragons have become even slightly more pronounced, an Astartes face could merely be taken as an exceptional specimen in a crowd of local descent. It is the mammoth height and musculature that reveal him for who he truly is. And, should the Red Thirst be particularly strong that day, his eyes will glow a fierce white due to some of the manifestations of Sanguinius' dying psychic imprint. In fact, those among the Dragons who fall to the Black Rage retain this baleful glow permanently.

There is one group of animals that is present throughout the entire system. The locals call them dragons, in keeping with old Terran legends of similar scaly beasts that had great wings to bear them aloft and mighty jaws that spit great gouts of flame. These dragons are highly intelligent animals, even smarter in some aspects than Terran chimpanzees while still young in years. The older they become, the wiser they grow. The oldest, Raziel, the great slate-scaled beast that the Chapter takes its heraldry from, while unable to speak, appears to have an almost human intelligence. They are usually found in tight knit family groups, with a mated pair and wingless youngsters. The juveniles often roam the land in fraternal or sororital groups until they reach breeding age. Mating is for life, and it is still unsure as to how they choose, for it varies between hunting prowess, the ability to fight off rivals, the size of territory held, and other things, depending on the individual dragon. It is, however, the males who must impress the females, who, while smaller, are easily ferocious enough to ward off an unwanted suitor.


“Why do you seek to become a Dragon like myself, young one? Your father is a talented smith, why not follow in his footsteps? It is not an ignoble path to tread.”

“My Lord, because I wish to be like you, like Noble Sanguinius, like the God Emperor, and protect my kinsmen and all Mankind from harm, to my last breath!”

Brother Sergeant Erasmus laid a power-armored hand very gently on the lad’s shoulder.

“To another, I might say that the Home Guard is a more perfect fit. But you, Aaron, son of Brom, show in your eyes the same light that once shown in mine. Run to your father and mother, and bring great tidings, for you shall become one of my Men at Arms! Go, and rejoice!”

Erasmus smiled as the youth ran off, even forgetting to bow in his exuberance. He would spend some time in his private chapel later, and sing for blessings upon the boy, that his noble heart’s desire might be fulfilled.

Once the Chapter was fully established in the system, and had become part of the local government, a new policy was instituted. Aside from the local PDF, which is trained by the Chapter, each Battle Brother, from Scout to Oldscale, has a fief of varying size from which they draw Men at Arms. These soldiers are drawn from Noble Houses with a long history of Knightly Orders dedicated to waging war. Only the Dracorex and the Drakkenwatch have no Men at Arms, for the Drakkenwatch are the Men at Arms of the Dracorex himself. Bondsmen, oathsworn commoners who pledge themselves to the Chapter out of respect, take care of running these fiefs, yet final authority rests with the Liege Lord. At times, the sons of these Bondsmen will prove themselves worthy of becoming Dragons themselves.

At any time, a Dragon may call his soldiers to fight another fief’s troops, at a pre-ordained time and place. These men will function on their own, while the two Dragons have an affair of honor at the center of the fray. No Dragon would kill or even seriously wound another, but for the Men at Arms this is common. These Gauntlets, as they are called, serve two purposes; the honing of an Astartes battle skills, and the production of excellent warriors to become new Astartes. The Men at Arms bring their sons to war the moment they can hold a weapon, in hopes that they might be awarded the prestige of having a Space Marine in their family lineage when their son successfully “Runs the Gauntlet”.

Combat Doctrine

“Always be the first on the field. Strike like a bolt from the heavens, strike with the unmatched power and grace of a dragon in true form. If there are innocents present, look to their defense first. Should the enemy surrender, gauge their repentance. Should they do so out of ignoble heart, end them, for they will only live to fight you once again. For the Xeno, they can rarely, if ever, be trusted. For the Heretic, the Mutant, purge them and feel no remorse, for they will likewise show none. They are like rabid dogs who savage all within reach.”

While they are well trained and experienced in all the many and bloody ways of war, the Dragons of Oricalcos have a method of combat that was first devised to combat the speed and ferocity of abrupt Waaaaghs and pirate raids. A combination of various high-speed drop ships, tanks, and when feasible in the environmental conditions, a scattering of dragon riders, hammer the foe with hellish accuracy, unleashing waves of infantry that rend the enemy limb from limb. Often times, a group of Devastators will be ferried around in a transport to apply heavy fire to areas that need it most. In a battle where a Drake, any member of the Drakkenwatch, or the Dracorex himself is present, they are always allowed to strike the first blow, usually from dragon-back. Standard practice is for these warriors to pick out the most prominent enemy on the field and take them apart, although it is also acceptable to charge into where the numbers of the enemy are thickest. The Burning Wardens also take on this role, or act as heavy support, working with their martial prowess and their own arcane might to tear apart formations and cripple the foes of the Emperor. Occasionally, a group of Penitents will be sent to break the back of the enemy lines, and fall in battle to repent for their sins against the Chapter.

All in all, any self-respecting Dragon would prefer to be on the front lines of combat, striking at the enemy with sword and axe and mace, as opposed to mowing them down from afar. While they respect the skill of marksmanship, and recognize its tactical value, they simply feel most at home in the thick of things, singing war hymns and leading the charge. For this reason all Battle Brothers are trained to function as Assault Marines, though often they fulfill other duties as needed and are assigned positions according to their greatest skill.

This love of close-quarters fighting is not due to a desire for carnage for the sake of carnage, but the desire to test oneself as a warrior in strength and skill against other foes. This includes the Red Thirst, for the temptation to fall to it is greatest on the front lines. As a majority of their recruits come from a knightly culture, the Dragons themselves retain that somewhat detached view of the purpose of war, and as a result will sometimes do something for the glory of it as opposed to its actual tactical viability. The tradition of dragonriding comes readily to mind. While the animals are central to their heraldry, it would take less effort to simply travel by tank or aircraft, for machines do not require feeding or large living spaces, and can function in the cold vacuum of space. There is something spiritual about mastering a mount, especially one so ferocious and normally untameable as a dragon, that speaks to the knightly ethos of the Chapter. Not to mention, Sanguinius himself ordered a dragon to fight on behalf of the people of the Imperium.

It is equally important to recognize that the Dragons of Oricalcos, all glory-seeking and fame aside, at the end of the day, are closely, for Astartes, tied to the local population, and by association, the Imperium as a whole. Like their Primarch, they fight for the safety and future of Mankind, the preservation of all things good and just, and most importantly, the hope of a better tomorrow. Any Battle Brother who does not set aside his personal gains for this will never rise far in the ranks of the Dragons.


“Your fealty is as thus; you swear fealty to your Sergeant, your Sergeant swears fealty to his Drake, the Drake swears fealty to the Dracorex, the Dracorex swears fealty to the Lord Commander of all the Sons of Sanguinius, the Lord Commander swears fealty to Sanguinius Himself, and Sanguinius swears fealty to the Emperor.”

While for the most part the Dragons are organized according to the Codex Astartes, the highly heraldic marines have renamed some positions within the Chapter, and have a few groups of warriors not found within the boundaries of the Codex. Instead of Captains, they have Drakes, with the Chapter Master being titled Dracorex. Their techmarines are given the title Weaponsmith, with the highest ranking one called the High Weaponsmith. Librarians are known as Burning Wardens, and are lead by the Keeper of the Inner Flame.

Non-codex Squad Designations

Penitents: These warriors are those who have fallen to the Black Rage, and as such, are used in a similar fashion to the Death Company of other Chapters of Blood Angel heritage.

*Muster of vehicles and dragons not included, as both are in high supply due to the local fauna and the nearby Industrial World. The Number of Chaplains, Sanguinary Priests, and Burning Wardens is also not included.

Drakkenwatch: This elite unit consists entirely of the Dracorex’s personal bodyguard. It is this unique division that causes the Chapter to be over ten companies of marines, as the number and strength of this “bodyguard” has grown from twelve men to one-hundred and twenty over the short time the Dragons have been in existence. This is supposedly so that the Drakkenwatch not only outclasses all the other companies, but outnumbers them as well, in the unlikely event of warring within the chapter due to Gauntlets being taken too far. All members are chosen personally by the Dracorex and are usually the most battle hardened or heroic warriors of the standard companies. While all of them are trained to use Terminator armor, it is very rare that they actually do, and that privilege is traditionally given to the Second Company. It is also to be noted that all members of the Drakkenwatch, if not rich enough to feed and house their own fully-grown dragons, are at least trained in the care and use of the beasts in combat. Largely, they ride juveniles, which are much smaller and by nature, easier to care for. The Dracorex himself is Overseer of the Roost, and decides who shall be given the honor of working with the Chapter’s dragons.

1st Company “Oldscales”: 10 Squads of Oldscales
All members of the 1st Company are those chosen by the Drakes of all the Companies for their tactical acumen and all around toughness. They serve in a powerful advisory role, and train the new recruits when not actively fighting. All members of the 1st Company are trained to ride dragons in combat, but only the Drake and a few of the most important warriors actually own one.

2nd Company “White Fangs”: 2 Squads of Devastators, 2 Squads of Assault Marines, 6 Tactical Squads

3rd Company “Foehammers”: 2 Squads of Devastators, 2 Squads of Assault Marines, 6 Tactical Squads

4th Company “Scaled Swords”: 2 Squads of Devastators, 2 Squads of Assault Marines, 6 Tactical Squads

5th Company “Leviathans”: 2 Squads of Devastators, 2 Squads of Assault Marines, 6 Tactical Squads

6th Company “Behemoths”: 10 Tactical Squads

7th Company “The Penitents”: 10 Squads of Penitents

8th Company “Emberwings”: 10 Squads of Assault Marines

9th Company “Kilnmouths”: 10 Squads of Devastators

10th Company “Shadow Wyrms”: 10 Squads of Scouts


“Heed the example of Emperor and Primarch, and remember the Oath of Raziel. Duty and Honor go before all. Remember this, train well, and no enemy shall withstand your blade.”

Unlike some of the more violent members of Sanguinius sons, the Dragons are a reserved lot who focus on maintaining a disciplined, focused, martial, and righteous mind. Like their forebears, they achieve this partially through artistic expression, which varies from Brother to Brother, although the local medium of telling tales through song is the most practiced. Rigorous training, fasting, and above all prayer (usually in song format) is a hallmark of a Battle Brother’s life, and it increases dramatically before they take the field of battle. Above all, they strive to avoid the spiral into madness that will result in the Black Rage, for it is the end of chivalry and honor, and the beginning of barbarism. Notably, it is for this reason that they have a distinct dislike for Khornate forces, above and beyond the norm for the other Ruinous Powers. There has also been major friction between a few Drakes and some Flesh Tearer Captains due to these values.

Strangely, members of the Penitents, their Death Company, are not outwardly violent at all times. Possibly due to their emphasis on discipline and focus, they are brooding warriors who do not speak or make any sound, and remain motionless unless told to move. Once an enemy is present, they turn their attention to the foe until it is destroyed in a cold fury, in just as much silence as before. In battle they are accompanied by a Chaplain, who sings a mournful dirge while goading his men to their initial target, after which they are allowed to roam the field, slaying all foes they encounter with the same quiet intensity.

As with many knightly orders, the Dragons value duty highly, and see Raziel’s oath as similar to their own: protect the people of the Emperor at all costs. They frown upon those who would needlessly kill the weak and defenseless, and have had numerous clashes with certain Guard Generals and Inquisitors over “acceptable losses”, some of which have come to bloodshed, though never serious enough to warrant any major investigation. It suffices to say that while they have won the respect of a scattering of other chapters, and several guard regiments shout their praises, they have made enemies in unfortunate places that seek to ferret out a means of chastising or destroying them. Not everyone has the reputation of Sanguinius or Guilliman or Russ to fall back on when an Inquisitor speaks out against them.

The Dragons have a fondness of penal legions, for the tale of Sanguinius and Raziel echoes in each of their hearts, and all who turn from the error of their ways, should it be possible, are treated with more respect by the Chapter than most. However, they are still demanding of those who have erred, for such crimes are dark ones, and require great sacrifice for the repentant to be truly cleansed of all taint.

Most notable among the practices of the Dragons is the utter loathing they have for the use of servitors, dreadnoughts, and their like. While they do accept bionics as a medical good that enables one to keep on fighting after grievous injury, the overuse of them is frowned upon, as a warrior which is more machine than man no longer relies on the strength of the flesh gifted to him by the Emperor. They view dreadnoughts as the ultimate stain on a warrior’s honor. The act of entombing a warrior that can no longer fight is abhorrent, as the warrior is denied his just reward of taking his place at the Emperor’s side and forced to fight with limbs that are no longer his own. They also have no love for any technology that destroys man’s ability to think for himself, for it denies them the will they fight so hard to cultivate. In many ways, this has led to an unwillingness to fight alongside the Adeptus Mechanicus unless in the most dire of circumstances. They will fight for their defense readily enough in their home system, as they supply much that their people need to survive, but do so grudgingly.

While heretics are always deserving of death, they see those who worship or serve out of fear as almost equally worthless, and value the choice one makes to serve the Emperor as opposed to one’s self or any other master. Therefore, there are no servitors of any kind in the service of the Chapter, only highly dedicated Bondsmen who strive to be of utmost use in the hopes that they too might one day have a son become a member of the Dragons.

Geneseed: Sanguinius

As Sons of Sanguinius, they see him as the most noble of all the Primarchs, citing the traitor Horus’ own words on the subject, who before the fall even went so far as to say that only the Angelic Primarch emulated his father in every way. They behave according to his example, and while they are very serious about doing things as the Codex Astartes and other documents order, they will follow their hearts and do what they feel what is right and just, as Sanguinius would have done himself.

While the flaws in their geneseed are ever-present, as with all Astartes descended from the same stock, their purity is almost unmatched, there are miniscule, if any, changes in that from the very same geneseed the Blood Angels use. This is a pedigree the Dragons of Oricalcos are most proud of.


"For Sanguinius!"

"Dragons Ascendant!"(upon victory)

"Dragons, fall from the sky!"(while assaulting)

During combat, all Battle Brothers sing praises and battle hymns, in many cases authored by their own pen.

Heroes of the Chapter

Dracorex Caradhras Vael

“You call yourself Warboss! I spit on your title, xeno scum! You are no “boss” of War! For I was a student of its ways long before you erupted out of the ground like the pustule you are, and this day will see you slain by my hand!”

“Battle Brothers, today, we have won a victory without equal, purchased at great cost by the blood of our brothers and those we protect! Despite our losses, these are not dark times, no! They are but a grim herald to a shining future, in which we shall rise, blazing with the light of the Emperor and our Noble Sanguinius, to see mankind once again master of the stars! Take heart, for we are the Dragons of Oricalcos, and though our foes be many and our wounds be harsh, we shall always prevail and rise the stronger!”-to his decimated Chapter, upon receiving his new office and the defeat of Hive Fleet Adder

Even in his tender years as a Shadow Wyrm, Caradhras showed great merit as a warrior. None of the neophytes that were trained along with him could best him at hand-to-hand combat, and he already dealt well with the dragons in the Roost. His penchant for seeking powerful foes to throw himself against with ever-increasing vigor became legendary, and he was shortly inducted into the Drakkenwatch and given the young dragon Mang to ride to war. He continued to single out skilled and lethal enemies with great alacrity and willful spirit, to both the detriment and benefit of his reputation. While he never once met with defeat or humiliation, and the halls of their Fortress Monastery filled with trophies taken from his vanquished foes, many spoke of his prideful and borderline disrespectful nature with open disdain.

After the coming of Hive Fleet Adder, he was elevated to a position that he had aspired to be, yet suspected that due to his behavior he would never obtain. The reality of how he had been elevated to such great heights by one of his mentors, Grand Drake Belar, struck a chord deeply within him, and he acquired a new sense of duty that made him a rfar more suitable and formidable leader. While still a violent and at times almost uncouth and uncontrolled opponent on the field of battle, he has rapidly learned to temper his fiery will with reason and thoughtfulness. Aside from this, it was his inner passion that brought the Dragons of Oricalcos out of the conflict with the Great Devourer with even more devotion to their sacred cause than before, and it can only be said that his leadership, despite his flaws, has brought them back from the brink stronger than ever before.

Keeper of the Hidden Flame Xenethor Tur

“Your chainaxes and screams for blood and skulls would amuse me, if I found heresy entertaining. Behold, this is the true might of the Emperor made manifest!”

Xenethor was a detached warrior, even by the intentionally austere standards of the dragons, his eyes often on some far-away place during his training, giving all but a trained eye the impression that he was daydreaming. The Librarium knew far better, and he was taken into their fold early on. His training progressed by leaps and bounds, although it took some time for them to realize that he worked best when not wielding an actual weapon. His talents in precognition were not entirely outstanding, but his shear ability to manipulate his powers to affect the physical world around him astonished and concerned many. He mastered weaponless combat, and sheathed himself in his own psychic emanations, turning himself into a living weapon of unparalleled lethality within the Histories of the Chapter. This ability was further augmented by the re-forging of his armor to allow it to become a force weapon in itself. Naturally, he rose through the ranks rapidly, and found himself advising Dracorex Vael as Keeper of the Hidden Flame just as he reached his second century of service within the chapter.

Grand Drake Ancalgan Belar

“I have seen many things in my time, young Dracorex, in these near four centuries I have served the Emperor and Sanguinius. I have faced all manner of foe and come out of each conflict the victor. And there is one thing I have learned that will stay with me until I cough out my last hymn. Faith does all that flesh and steel cannot. Remember this, keep it in your heart, and no obstacle will amount to anything in the end.”-to the newly instated Dracorex Caradhras Vael

The stalwart and grizzled Drake of the Oldscales in First Company is famed across many systems for his razor wit and cutting tongue, which are matched only by his tactical acumen and skill at arms. His exploits are too numerous to list in any detail, and it suffices to say that he was easily experienced enough to take the reigns of Destiny and become Dracorex when the previous one died fighting Hive Fleet Adder. The ancient warrior declined the offer, and upheld Drake Caradhras Vael as the best possible candidate for the office. No one questioned his decision, and with his support, the decision was unanimous.

It was unsure what the old soldier saw in the younger man, whom many saw as a sort of upstart that was respected only for his martial prowess. However, under his wise direction and counsel, Vael came into his own, growing to fill the position by leaps and bounds, and it was his leadership that kept the spirit of the Chapter strong after the wrath of the Hive Mind. To this day, Ancalgan holds that his chief joy, and where he serves best, is atop his ancient and scarred dragon Barallach, their many scars a testament to their service and a symbol of the great knowledge they bestow upon the Dracorex they serve.

Drake Boros Kaledon, the “Foehammer”

“Rest easy, child, I have slain the monsters sent to devour you. Rest, and know the Emperor’s peace.”-to a dying girl on the field of battle

Boros Kaledon originally began his career in the Shadow Wyrms along with a few other promising boys from the Noble House of Kaledon, just another face in a sea of hopefuls who were trying to make their way to the title of Battle Brother. Initially, he did not prove exceptional, at least compared to the others inducted into the scout company, and did not outdo anyone else on the field of battle. He followed orders and was a solid recruit, no more and no less.

It was only after he became a Battle Brother that he distinguished himself. Shortly before being assigned as the heavy weapons specialist in his squad, he was working in the Chapter Forge, sharpening his combat knife. While he went about his task, he saw a three bondsmen carrying the largest hammer available towards one of the Weaponsmiths. The Astartes had to use both arms to raise the gargantuan tool, even in his power armor. With great crashing blows he brought the hammer down, slowly bringing a new shield into being. When the Weaponsmith was finished, Boros asked if the hammer was easily replaced, and to his delight, found that it was.

When his squad was sent to a nearby system to replace their current garrison, he carried it slung across his back. It so happened that the system suffered a raid by the Dark Eldar at that time, and with PDF forces completely scattered by lightning strikes, it was up to the Dragons to defeat this threat. The ten-man squad was forced to respond in twos to several areas across the system, and there was little time for planning. All of his brothers perished in that sudden and desperate fight, taken down with a combination of underhanded tactics and overwhelming numbers. Posterity would do well to note that Imperial citizens were often used as bait and that attacks often came directly from the Webway.

Boros, despite all this, persevered, and carrying as much as possible of his squad’s weaponry, took the fight to the enemy. Without warning, he would descend from the skies just as more innocents were penned up for transport to Comorragh, unleashing a torrent of fire with two meltaguns before landing amongst the terrified elder and laying waste with his hammer. Behind him came the PDF and Adeptus Arbites, inspired by his valor and almost foolhardy bravery. One by one, the temporary slaver camps were destroyed, and thousands upon thousands of civilians were saved. In the end, not only had he recovered the corpses of all his brothers, but he had single handedly lead the locals in breaking the xenos threat. For this, he was accepted into the Drakkenwatch, where his hammer was made into a proper weapon, and where he continued to perform remarkably, eventually becoming the Drake of the Third Company, which took on the moniker Dracorex Vael gave him, “Foehammer”.

So noble and pure are his heart and will, that even those of the Penitents will listen to him, and fight with a semblance of the men they once were, giving tongue and praise in a clear, but yet subdued, voice. Not even the Chaplains of the Chapter can bring such a boon to those lost souls.

Recommended Listening

Dragon Rider-Two Steps From Hell

Hell March 3-Frank Klepacki

Het Gelders Volkslied-Heidevolk

Back to Back-Hammerfall

Through the Fire and the Flames-Dragonforce

Awakening-Nocturnal Rites


Dies Irae-Roman Catholic Church

Thanks for reading, everyone!
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Okay, a couple of things;


-I added a bit to the Homeworld section, around the second to last paragraph, I believe. It has to do with their physical appearance.


-I've included some music that I feel fits the Dragons very well. Considering they're a very musical force in their own right.


-For some reason, the image I keep posting of the color scheme does not work. Apparently imageshack is not a viable site for here. Any better suggestions?


Again, thanks for reading, all. And if you like what you've seen here, thanks to those who commented before, especially Nightrawen. His critique was especially helpful in getting rid of the lamer chunks of this IA.


Edit: Wow, nice timing. The moment I ask the question, I stumble across how to submit articles to the Librarium. That was special.

I originally thought geneseed was pretty much self-explanatory, but I've added some stuff so it isn't just a red line. As far as the Abbess is concerned, not all Sororitas are fighters, and the area is supposed to have many members of the Ecclesiarchy due to it being a holy place for devotees of Sanguinius, which I mention in the origins. Her order is titled to reflect that as well.


Also, hahah! I got a picture to work. Now to figure out one to use for the planets/homeworld and a few other nice things, just to make it look cooler.

I originally thought geneseed was pretty much self-explanatory, but I've added some stuff so it isn't just a red line. As far as the Abbess is concerned, not all Sororitas are fighters, and the area is supposed to have many members of the Ecclesiarchy due to it being a holy place for devotees of Sanguinius, which I mention in the origins. Her order is titled to reflect that as well.


Also, hahah! I got a picture to work. Now to figure out one to use for the planets/homeworld and a few other nice things, just to make it look cooler.

Sounds good, I knew there was a heavy Ecclesiarchy presence, just wasn't sure on the convent specifically. Geneseed looks better, it was pretty self-explanatory, but it just looked weird to have a section and then leave it blank. I wanted to find homeworld pics too, not too sure on where folks get theirs.

Hello, time to critique.


The local legends told of how Sanguinius had come to the planet, stopped for a few days after admiring the landscape from space, and walked among the people with no trace of hubris, doing all sorts of miracles. The most famous deed of the Angelic Primarch involved a “dragon” that had once ravaged the countryside of the majestic capital, Avalon. Sanguinius had reportedly walked alone and unarmed to this castle-sized behemoth and raised one hand. The dragon instantly calmed, and bowed his head low. The primarch then commanded him to guard the people of this planet until he returned at the end of the Great Crusade.


It was rumored among the locals that the dragon had cried tears of blood the moment Sanguinius was slain.




Would you consider cutting down on your Origins? There is just so much, and not all of it is particularly meaningful or contributing to the overall IA.


The Oricalcos system contains five planets, the civilized world of Oricalcos from which the system derives its name, the Forgeworld Prosperity, the Dead Worlds Deco and Boco, and the agri-world Arkon. There are also large numbers of massive orbital space stations that used to be run mainly by pirates that have since been cleared out and used by the new Oricalcan Home Guard as orbital defense platforms.


Hmm, a home world, Forge world and agri world all in one place, quite convenient.


Understand that a Forge World is usually the hub of a self-contained empire with any nearby knight worlds and industrial worlds being dependent on it. I doubt the AdMech would let any SM Chapter settle so close to them.




Can you explain why these guys have some different titles? Or is it just for the sake of being different?


Drakkenwatch: This elite unit consists entirely of the Dracorex’s personal bodyguard. It is this unique division that causes the Chapter to be over ten companies of marines, as the number and strength of this “bodyguard” has grown from twelve men to one-hundred and twenty over the short time the Dragons have been in existence. This is supposedly so that the Drakkenwatch not only outclasses all the other companies, but outnumbers them as well, in the unlikely event of warring within the chapter due to Gauntlets being taken too far. All members are chosen personally by the Dracorex and are usually the most battle hardened or heroic warriors of the standard companies. While all of them are trained to use Terminator armor, it is very rare that they actually do, and that privilege is traditionally given to the Second Company. It is also to be noted that all members of the Drakkenwatch, if not rich enough to feed and house their own fully-grown dragons, are at least trained in the care and use of the beasts in combat. Largely, they ride juveniles, which are much smaller and by nature, easier to care for. The Dracorex himself is Overseer of the Roost, and decides who shall be given the honor of working with the Chapter’s dragons.


1st Company “Oldscales”: 10 Squads of Oldscales

All members of the 1st Company are those chosen by the Drakes of all the Companies for their tactical acumen and all around toughness. They serve in a powerful advisory role, and train the new recruits when not actively fighting. All members of the 1st Company are trained to ride dragons in combat, but only the Drake and a few of the most important warriors actually own one.


so you have one group of veterans... and you have another group of veterans. Why?


The Dragons have a fondness of penal legions, for the tale of Sanguinius and Raziel echoes in each of their hearts, and all who turn from the error of their ways, should it be possible, are treated with more respect by the Chapter than most. The most noteworthy example of this involves The Ix, who as best as anyone can ascertain, is the last of whatever native race that walked Oricalcos before the Great Crusade. He had once been a bane to livestock and livelihood, slaughtering animals for sustenance and damaging the buildings that held them. The Adeptus Arbites failed to stop him, as did the Home Guard, and finally, the Dragons themselves. Only when the current Dracorex Caradhras Vael hunted him upon the back of the Great Dragon Mang was he subdued. Though alien in appearance and initially violent, once the Dracorex bested him unarmed, he submitted and was sworn to serve the people as a member of the Drakkenwatch until his death. This proved especially valuable when the Tyranids came to the system, as The Ix could sense which beasts needed slaying to disrupt the influence of the Hive Mind, and could sense when a nearby attack was coming. He has served faithfully, never leaving the Dracorex for any amount of time unless ordered to do so.


Wait what?


You have an alien creature in service to your Chapter, am I understanding this right?


That's all for now



Would you consider cutting down on your Origins? There is just so much, and not all of it is particularly meaningful or contributing to the overall IA.


I'll go over it again and see, but mainly, this stuff goes into explaining the feel and mentality of the chapter and establishing them as an actual force. I mean, they have to have some history of serious combat (NID INVASION) beyond the norm of what Astartes deal with daily, or they just aren't legit as far as the universe is concerned.


Hmm, a home world, Forge world and agri world all in one place, quite convenient.


Understand that a Forge World is usually the hub of a self-contained empire with any nearby knight worlds and industrial worlds being dependent on it. I doubt the AdMech would let any SM Chapter settle so close to them.


Actually, the main reason it's a Forge World is because it seems like those are mainly the places where lots of weapons get manufactured, along with other things. If what GW had written seemed like I could legitimately say "Adeptus Mechanicus Mining and Manufacturing Planet", I would have. It just didn't seem like there was a middle ground that would fit what the planet actually is: a place the AM mines for its excellent rare or valuable ores and builds stuff with what they don't ship off. As for the Chapter being nearby, the ores weren't exactly in a safe area, the Chapter made it safe while at the same time neutralizing other threats and bringing stability to a pretty dastardly area. As I also explained, it wasn't like the AM couldn't defend itself, it just wasn't cost efficient. The Dragons of Oricalcos make it cost efficient.


Can you explain why these guys have some different titles? Or is it just for the sake of being different?


Mainly due to their Knightly heritage, as stated. Their recruits mainly come from Noble Houses which functioned like Knights to a large extent. So they like heraldry and being artistic and aesthetically inclined about it, as demonstrated by their Primarch and other Sanguinary chapters.


so you have one group of veterans... and you have another group of veterans. Why?


It goes back to the Dracorex's Men at Arms being able to take on anyone else's Men at Arms should it come to that. Remember, they weren't always that large. They started out as the twelve best fighters in the chapter. The "Veterans" are chosen purely by tactical acumen, as opposed to fighting skill. Even if several marines band together because they feel they've been dishonourably treated, nobody is going to be able to mess with 120 hardcore warriors that ride juvenile dragons(some are fully grown, like the Dracorex's and a few others), no matter how many normal humans you have under your command with excellent equipment and training. Again, note that we're not usually talking about loss of Astartes life, those duels aren't about killing the other guy. But still, it's a matter of tradition and rank.


You have an alien creature in service to your Chapter, am I understanding this right?


To be truly technical, they have hundreds of them. If by alien you mean "not something like a cow/sheep/horse/anything we'd see on Earth". "Dragons" per se do not exist as normal creatures. And, like most groups of people in the Imperium, they don't really have too much of an issue with local wildlife, which they either eat or use for labor. In this case, hoighty-toighty people ride them to war, as was explained. With all that and the general high value of repentance and redemption(brought about by their Primarch, and a theme central to that GW character) taken into account, the Ix itself, while unique and one of a kind, isn't nearly as much of a stretch as, say, that horrible business about Dante parlaying with millenia-old soul-devouring robots.


The Ix:

A) Is from their Homeworld and does not even consider himself an alien. He also cannot remember a time when there have no been humans on the planet, which, in many eyes, cements him as less "threat from the stars" as "pest who kills our reptilian cow equivalent and is damn sneaky about it".

:( Never really did more than cause property damage.

C) Has saved many, many lives and appears to be utterly dedicated to fighting their fight.

D) Plays into the legend that a huge chunk of their Chapter Cult Ideology is based upon.


I do admit that I should do some clean up work and explain that he's not heralded as "just like the rest of us, only green and suspiciously like an Uber-Broodlord if you've ever seen one", and more along the lines of "Like the dragon we take our name from, this beast has turned from evil and sworn to serve the Emperor in exchange for its life" To put it simply, The Ix is not something you cold take with you to public ceremonies or feasts, unless perhaps there were a couple of guns (or in this case, the Dracorex and his bodyguards, which is much better) right there to put it six feet under. He's not something they advertise, he's just sort of there when they fight and acts like a sentient weapon. Point and unleash. Unless they're fighting the Nids, in which case they listen when he tells them which ones they need to kill first.


Edit: There we go, I fixed up some of the stuff relating to your last point. It should be much more palatable now. Thank you for your time!

I'll go over it again and see, but mainly, this stuff goes into explaining the feel and mentality of the chapter and establishing them as an actual force. I mean, they have to have some history of serious combat (NID INVASION) beyond the norm of what Astartes deal with daily, or they just aren't legit as far as the universe is concerned.


The actual portrait of the Dragons in battle = zero.

The consequences of the battle with Tyranids = zero.

Summary: this battle is pointless.


If what GW had written seemed like I could legitimately say "Adeptus Mechanicus Mining and Manufacturing Planet", I would have. It just didn't seem like there was a middle ground that would fit what the planet actually is: a place the AM mines for its excellent rare or valuable ores and builds stuff with what they don't ship off.


Learn more should you, young padawan.


Vostroya technically is neither a hiveworld nor a forgeworld. Instead, it falls somewhere in between (labelled an Industrial World).

~ Lexicanum


The Ix:

A) Is from their Homeworld and does not even consider himself an alien. He also cannot remember a time when there have no been humans on the planet, which, in many eyes, cements him as less "threat from the stars" as "pest who kills our reptilian cow equivalent and is damn sneaky about it".

:tu: Never really did more than cause property damage.

C) Has saved many, many lives and appears to be utterly dedicated to fighting their fight.

D) Plays into the legend that a huge chunk of their Chapter Cult Ideology is based upon.


I do admit that I should do some clean up work and explain that he's not heralded as "just like the rest of us, only green and suspiciously like an Uber-Broodlord if you've ever seen one", and more along the lines of "Like the dragon we take our name from, this beast has turned from evil and sworn to serve the Emperor in exchange for its life" To put it simply, The Ix is not something you cold take with you to public ceremonies or feasts, unless perhaps there were a couple of guns (or in this case, the Dracorex and his bodyguards, which is much better) right there to put it six feet under. He's not something they advertise, he's just sort of there when they fight and acts like a sentient weapon. Point and unleash. Unless they're fighting the Nids, in which case they listen when he tells them which ones they need to kill first.


To be Unclean That is the Mark of the Xenos

To be Impure That is the Mark of the Xenos

To be Abhorred That is the Mark of the Xenos

To be Reviled That is the Mark of the Xenos

To be Hunted That is the Mark of the Xenos

To be Purged That is the fate of the Xenos

To be Cleansed For that is the fate of all Xenos

~ Extract from the Third Book of Indoctrinations.


Repeat until remembered.

Well, fixed up origins and cut away some of the fat there.


Fixed the Industrial World/Forge World confusion, so that silliness has been dealt with.


@Nightrawen: I know, I know. For shame, I tried to sneak a character in that really shouldn't have existed but had a severe case of I'M AWESOME, LOOPHOLE ME IN, PLEASE?. Can't blame a guy for trying. I removed that business. On the upside, I'm going to be fielding a counts-as-Mephiston that looks like what I described.


The only problem is, how do I explain it? Familiar? Psychic construct? I'm adding a Heroes of the Chapter section soon, so I'll probably write in whatever The Ix will actually be there. As opposed to hinting that he's a genestealer who evolved too much like the Ymgarl and wound up getting split off from the Hive Mind so...you know what, I'll stop there, while I'm ahead and don't sound like I've been been inhaling resin and eating primer.



Have not yet read any changes, so I will simply respond.


I'll go over it again and see, but mainly, this stuff goes into explaining the feel and mentality of the chapter and establishing them as an actual force. I mean, they have to have some history of serious combat (NID INVASION) beyond the norm of what Astartes deal with daily, or they just aren't legit as far as the universe is concerned.


Only write a battle if it is important to the character of the Chapter or shapes the character of the Chapter. Otherwise it is kind of pointless.


You can include the business with the Nids in a Recent History section. But, If yours are 20th Founding, they have already been around for a while, and will have proven themselves a thousand times over before the Nids ever show up.


Actually, the main reason it's a Forge World is because it seems like those are mainly the places where lots of weapons get manufactured, along with other things. If what GW had written seemed like I could legitimately say "Adeptus Mechanicus Mining and Manufacturing Planet", I would have. It just didn't seem like there was a middle ground that would fit what the planet actually is: a place the AM mines for its excellent rare or valuable ores and builds stuff with what they don't ship off. As for the Chapter being nearby, the ores weren't exactly in a safe area, the Chapter made it safe while at the same time neutralizing other threats and bringing stability to a pretty dastardly area. As I also explained, it wasn't like the AM couldn't defend itself, it just wasn't cost efficient. The Dragons of Oricalcos make it cost efficient.


Like Rawen said... there are Forge Worlds, and there are lesser Industrial planets.


It is ALWAYS cost efficient to defend a Forge World, because it constitutes part of the AdMech's domain. Every Forge World is guarded by a skitarii army and a Titan Legion. It does not make sense to outsource security to a SM Chapter, because the AdMech don't really need help defending their territory.


It goes back to the Dracorex's Men at Arms being able to take on anyone else's Men at Arms should it come to that. Remember, they weren't always that large. They started out as the twelve best fighters in the chapter. The "Veterans" are chosen purely by tactical acumen, as opposed to fighting skill. Even if several marines band together because they feel they've been dishonourably treated, nobody is going to be able to mess with 120 hardcore warriors that ride juvenile dragons(some are fully grown, like the Dracorex's and a few others), no matter how many normal humans you have under your command with excellent equipment and training. Again, note that we're not usually talking about loss of Astartes life, those duels aren't about killing the other guy. But still, it's a matter of tradition and rank.


Over a hundred guys is a lot for just a dedicated bodyguard unit.


Also... If you need a dedicated Company to head off dissent and keep other Astartes in line, you probably have some underlying problems that should have been addressed long before a bodyguard unit was necessary. You are basically talking about inter-Chapter strife.


To be truly technical, they have hundreds of them. If by alien you mean "not something like a cow/sheep/horse/anything we'd see on Earth". "Dragons" per se do not exist as normal creatures. And, like most groups of people in the Imperium, they don't really have too much of an issue with local wildlife, which they either eat or use for labor. In this case, hoighty-toighty people ride them to war, as was explained. With all that and the general high value of repentance and redemption(brought about by their Primarch, and a theme central to that GW character) taken into account, the Ix itself, while unique and one of a kind, isn't nearly as much of a stretch as, say, that horrible business about Dante parlaying with millenia-old soul-devouring robots.


Have I mentioned how much I despise the concept of Space Wolves riding around on Thunder Wolves? Whatever. It's your call, as the dragon thing is obviously a major part of your Chapter.


The Ix:

A) Is from their Homeworld and does not even consider himself an alien. He also cannot remember a time when there have no been humans on the planet, which, in many eyes, cements him as less "threat from the stars" as "pest who kills our reptilian cow equivalent and is damn sneaky about it".

cool.gif Never really did more than cause property damage.

C) Has saved many, many lives and appears to be utterly dedicated to fighting their fight.

D) Plays into the legend that a huge chunk of their Chapter Cult Ideology is based upon.


I do admit that I should do some clean up work and explain that he's not heralded as "just like the rest of us, only green and suspiciously like an Uber-Broodlord if you've ever seen one", and more along the lines of "Like the dragon we take our name from, this beast has turned from evil and sworn to serve the Emperor in exchange for its life" To put it simply, The Ix is not something you cold take with you to public ceremonies or feasts, unless perhaps there were a couple of guns (or in this case, the Dracorex and his bodyguards, which is much better) right there to put it six feet under. He's not something they advertise, he's just sort of there when they fight and acts like a sentient weapon. Point and unleash. Unless they're fighting the Nids, in which case they listen when he tells them which ones they need to kill first.


Alright look... this thing is obviously not human. It apparently has human level intelligence and a strong capacity for combat. The Imperium is... not a tolerant or pleasant place, obviously. The average Astartes would just put a bullet in its head and move on.


Lastly, not to rag on you, but the Astartes are the pinnacle of human potential, physically and mentally. They should be able to work out on their own that shooting the big Tyranids is a good idea.



Canton, everything except the bit about dragons and the Drakkenwatch(large bodyguard) has been fixed. I'm aware of how Astartes function in relation to aliens, I just felt like trying to loophole something I found cool in. It didn't work, and I've already found a better excuse that doesn't involve something totally improbable. Entirely by accident, to boot. Gotta love them psychic constructs.


Thank you for responding regardless.


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