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Obliterators:Terminators or not?


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Oblits are awesome with the large range of weapons they have at their disposal, but a something i'm just not sure of is are they in terminator armour (giving them the relentless rule) or do they have just no classification of armour?


The codex has an irritating box where the wargear does not say terminator armour even though they have a 2+ armour save and a 5+ invulnerable save. This might seem like a stupid question but i just need some assurance about the Oblit rules. Please help!

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There is no need to define what armour they have, if you are wanting to know if they have Relentless. It clearly states that they have Slow and Purposefull, which also gives them Relentless.
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Strictly speaking, Obliterators do not have terminator armor, however they have all the benefits of wearing terminator armor without actually wearing it if that makes sense. They have the 2+/5++, as well as Slow and Purposeful which grants Relentless(though chaos termies don't have Relentless, they have a similar rule), and they can deep strike.


For what it's worth, in the old 3.5 codex they had Daemon armor(2+sv, basically arti armor) and Daemon Aura(5+ invuln), as well as Daemon Resiliance(+1T as current MoN).


So...no they don't strictly have terminator armor, and though the current range models(horrible as they are IMO) indicate that they are indeed wearing heavily mutated termie armor(though they have every benefit it grants ingame builtin to their profile), in game terms they don't have it in their wargear profile.


I have a question though: Upon reading the Obliterator entry in my codex, I see nothing in their unit list entry or fluff entry stating they cannot ride in a transport or count as two models as termies, and being relentless they can fire upon moving...so in theory would it not be possible to purchase a rhino(say for a squad of havocs), load up two oblits and have it move up 6" a turn(negating slow and purposeful) firing two heavy weapons from the top hatch every turn? If their rhino asplodes they have cover either way right?

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I have a question though: Upon reading the Obliterator entry in my codex, I see nothing in their unit list entry or fluff entry stating they cannot ride in a transport or count as two models as termies, and being relentless they can fire upon moving...so in theory would it not be possible to purchase a rhino(say for a squad of havocs), load up two oblits and have it move up 6" a turn(negating slow and purposeful) firing two heavy weapons from the top hatch every turn? If their rhino asplodes they have cover either way right?


I suggest you read the transport-section for Rhinos/Land Raiders.

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I suggest you read the transport-section for Rhinos/Land Raiders.

Wow, missed that(obvious) one. I'll just have to stick to putting them in a super heavy transport in apocalypse games. :lol:

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They're I4, not 1.


"Always count the Initiative value from the model's profile without any modifiers."

I thought Slow and Purposeful meant you counted as I1 for everything? I'll check the BRB when I get back from college.

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Units with Slow and Purposeful always "count as moving through difficult terrain(including in assaults)." P76, BRB


"...To represent this, if an assaulting unit had to take a difficult or dangerous terrain test during their assault move, all of the models have their Initiative value lowered to 1 when attacking, regardless of other Initiative modifiers..." P36, BRB


We roll up to P40 on sweeping advance and get back to the same quote above: "Always count the Initiative value from the model's profile without any modifiers"


Oblits are I1 during assault due to their difficult terrain test. This doesn't really matter because they have a powerfist as their primary CCW. Sweeping uses the I4 from the unit's profile unmodified as stated in the sweeping advance rules, not the powerfist modified I value of I1, nor the difficult terrain *assault only* modified value of I1.

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Oblits are I1 during assault due to their difficult terrain test. This doesn't really matter because they have a powerfist as their primary CCW. Sweeping uses the I4 from the unit's profile unmodified as stated in the sweeping advance rules, not the powerfist modified I value of I1, nor the difficult terrain *assault only* modified value of I1.

So Obliterators GET FASTER running away from/after enemies?


Sense made = None.

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Oblits are I1 during assault due to their difficult terrain test. This doesn't really matter because they have a powerfist as their primary CCW. Sweeping uses the I4 from the unit's profile unmodified as stated in the sweeping advance rules, not the powerfist modified I value of I1, nor the difficult terrain *assault only* modified value of I1.

So Obliterators GET FASTER running away from/after enemies?


Sense made = None.

Aim the plasma canon behind you and let her rip?

Having mass bulk like that peg you in the back of the cranium is sure to kill something.



thanks for the earlier replies but just one more question:


and models in terminator armour can't sweeping advance so ... ? Can oblits?


Read some post's up my man, the question has been answered.


Yes they can sweep because they are NOT in terminator armor




They sweep at I4 because it uses the unmodified characters Initiative.

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Aim the plasma canon behind you and let her rip?

Having mass bulk like that peg you in the back of the cranium is sure to kill something.

This made me laugh out loud in the middle of my college class. Whoops.

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