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Seth, this illustrious unknown


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I'm back after a period of abstinence from our beloved hobby, and I still have no time to test stuff as I'd like to. That said, I'm eager to know people's opinion about Seth. Here in the north-east part of Italy, the main (and often ONLY) rule for list making is this: "no-brain". 95% of BA lists field mephiston and perhaps a storm raven. General people's opinion about Seth is: "Meh, doesn't sound cheesy enough to try him out, field mephiston or change army, will ya?". Or some idiocy of the kind. I tend to give importance to the fluff-aesthetic part of the hobby as well, and i love Flesh -tearers (my army, actually). Ah and i forgot to mention i hate librarians and the kind :) So mephiston is really out of question for me.


Before testing Seth out on my own, I'd like to have some feedback from people who've actually fielded him: does he do his job right? It would be enough for me if he's not a total waste of points, and if there really is an effective way of playin' this amazing (fluff wise) character and get somethin' out of him.

Let's discuss of his role, tactics, experiences and so on. Of course I'll be listening :)

Thanks you all in advance!

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I've had him do some cool stuff.


The best thing I had him do was take a charge from 8 Bloodcrushers and live. Though, he did die the next turn.


I've only used him a couple of times though. He's pretty fun, but in no way competitive.

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I think he could be rather fun and effective in a BA drop pod list. Assault marines would get free drop pods basically, then you could trow in some Dreads, some Vanguards and some speeders and it could be a pretty fun drop pod lists.
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heh my Seth has had a very Valour fulled life survived a 29" Tv, 2 earth quakes and that is just in his time off. Other than that He Has a Very unusual job Hunting fast things for the fact you can choose to auto hit any pesky thing that has moved 12" instead of hitting on 6's so He Is great at taking on any of the skimmers and is also pretty good against certain Nids *warriors* other than that He is one of my Fav SC from the new Dex but then I am somewhat biased.
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He's pretty fun, but in no way competitive.



I disagree with this...he's cheap, far outshines a simple captain, good stats and strikes at str 8...*gasp* OMG no he doesn't ignore armor!??!! Waaa...big deal, he can still take out entire squads on his own. I think if he's used correctly, he could be very competitive.

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I love Seth, and am amazed not many other ppl take him.


Ill usually run him with a small pack of either RAS or DC, both from either SR or a Raider, and let him do as much damage as possible.


Hes kicked butt against Tyranids and DE for me, and hes held his own nicely against chaos marines a few times.


Remeber he is not EW, and just let him make hell.

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He is good in combination with a librarian with blood boil. If you snipe the power fist out of a squad, or they only have a power weapon to begin with, he will eat them.


Another good trick is to keep him in a lascannon land raider at the back of your army, and use him as a counter charge unit by himself. Most sneaky units just can't handle a charge from Seth.

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Uhm.. what about pairing him with a honor guard? Anybody tried that out/ think it could work?


The problem is in the delivery. If Seth could take a JP it would be a no brainer, but now you have to pad him with bodies and buy a transport for him since he's a bit slow and vulnerable on his own. HG is good and can be kitted to any specification, but they are a bit too costly to work as ablative wounds and not durable enough to shield him from that one round of shooting he's almost guaranteed to take. Unless of course you buy him a land raider, but then you are really starting to stack up points on what started out as a low cost HQ.


Razorbacks and rhinos are fragile, plus they are not assault vehicles. Drop pods could work I guess, but he'll need a lot of backup. Land raiders and Storm ravens are good, but costly.


Seth is good value, has nice stats and gear, but I have trouble finding a place for him in my force. Perhaps he is better suited to a gunline/countercharge army?


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Uhm.. what about pairing him with a honor guard? Anybody tried that out/ think it could work?


The problem is in the delivery. If Seth could take a JP it would be a no brainer, but now you have to pad him with bodies and buy a transport for him since he's a bit slow and vulnerable on his own. HG is good and can be kitted to any specification, but they are a bit too costly to work as ablative wounds and not durable enough to shield him from that one round of shooting he's almost guaranteed to take. Unless of course you buy him a land raider, but then you are really starting to stack up points on what started out as a low cost HQ.


Razorbacks and rhinos are fragile, plus they are not assault vehicles. Drop pods could work I guess, but he'll need a lot of backup. Land raiders and Storm ravens are good, but costly.


Seth is good value, has nice stats and gear, but I have trouble finding a place for him in my force. Perhaps he is better suited to a gunline/countercharge army?



Stormraven seems ideal. Load it up with a full RAS, Seth and a Priest plus a Dread then drop them all off in the middle of the enemy and watch the fireworks. :D

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Load him into a Death Company unit with a Chaplain attached. Then he can reroll those rare failed wounds and gives them a tank buster.


I don't think he can reroll wounds as he's not DC.

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Load him into a Death Company unit with a Chaplain attached. Then he can reroll those rare failed wounds and gives them a tank buster.


Attached to DC is a good idea if you want to keep the cost down, I would skip the chaplain though. DC makes for good padding and not too expensive without the packs. Plus you don't need a lot of expensive upgrades since you already have that S8 chainsword. You could pod this unit (in reserve) as there shouldn't be too many transports left unharmed with the majority of your army already on the table so the lack of ranged AT isn't a big deal.


Another option for podding would be sternguards.

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Uhm.. what about pairing him with a honor guard? Anybody tried that out/ think it could work?



Yes, i am guilty.Ive run a JP HG CC (thats a lot of shorthand right there) as a support unit for him, i did include one plasma thoguh.That gave him FnP and FC as well as a nice ranged support unit.

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Seth + HG + Chaplain + Stormraven.


Kit the HG with 2 storm shields. Add a Furioso to the Stormraven and have it move with Seth/HG/Chappy and get the bonus of the Sang Novitiate.


I've seen this exact build completely tear up 3x its point cost.

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Seth + HG + Chaplain + Stormraven.


Kit the HG with 2 storm shields. Add a Furioso to the Stormraven and have it move with Seth/HG/Chappy and get the bonus of the Sang Novitiate.


I've seen this exact build completely tear up 3x its point cost.


Erm...bare bones that little lot comes to 740 points, so it must have been a pretty big game for them to deal with 3x their cost.

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I use him all the time in my Flesh Tearers list. I run him with a 7 man assault squad with a libby and a Sang priest. Stick them in a drop pod, drop them in first turn and get right in your opponents face. Even if they don't kill much it will distract from the 10 man DC unit running up in a rhino.


Seth is cheap as chips and will scare most people due to him hitting at I6 (I7 on the charge with the priest) with str 8. I have however had very mixed games with him. I've had games where it's taken him 3 round to do over a dreadnought but in one game he took out 15 genestealers, 4 tooled up nid warriors and a warrior prime all by himself after his squad got eaten. He even headbutted 4 of the stealers to death.


If you chose to use to go for it get him stuck in and just enjoy the fun.

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He's pretty fun, but in no way competitive.



I disagree with this...he's cheap, far outshines a simple captain, good stats and strikes at str 8...*gasp* OMG no he doesn't ignore armor!??!! Waaa...big deal, he can still take out entire squads on his own. I think if he's used correctly, he could be very competitive.


Not ignoring armor saves IS a big deal. Especially for 160 pts. For that many points, I can take a librarian, and 60% of a chaplain. Or take a speeder. He's just a little expensive for what he does, and don't have any squad-boosting abilities.


Also, the 3+ armor save doesn't do him any favors. I'd be a lot more happy with the rules if he had arti armor.

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I think Seth is best taken for the fun factor. Who would disagree with a giant roaring chainsword that can chop tanks into halves and entire groups of normal infantry into small pieces? Pity about the fact that it does not ignore armor saves, but the look on your opponent's face when his fancy multi-wound IC fails one armor save only to get instant-killed, is beyond priceless.
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Not ignoring armor saves IS a big deal. Especially for 160 pts. For that many points, I can take a librarian, and 60% of a chaplain. Or take a speeder. He's just a little expensive for what he does, and don't have any squad-boosting abilities.


Also, the 3+ armor save doesn't do him any favors. I'd be a lot more happy with the rules if he had arti armor.


Wounding at 2+ against just about anything, ID against the majority of units in the game, rending, counter attack, being able to auto hit everything, 5 attacks (on the charge) and 4 wounds is a pretty big deal too. Since he's going to be stuck in a unit not having arti armor isn't really that big of deal since most attacks coming his way are going to be of the power variety anyway. He lacks EW too, so it's not like you would want to risk allocating krack missile wounds or other nasty stuff that might come your way in the shooting phase.

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Not ignoring armor saves IS a big deal. Especially for 160 pts. For that many points, I can take a librarian, and 60% of a chaplain. Or take a speeder. He's just a little expensive for what he does, and don't have any squad-boosting abilities.


Also, the 3+ armor save doesn't do him any favors. I'd be a lot more happy with the rules if he had arti armor.


Wounding at 2+ against just about anything, ID against the majority of units in the game, rending, counter attack, being able to auto hit everything, 5 attacks (on the charge) and 4 wounds is a pretty big deal too. Since he's going to be stuck in a unit not having arti armor isn't really that big of deal since most attacks coming his way are going to be of the power variety anyway. He lacks EW too, so it's not like you would want to risk allocating krack missile wounds or other nasty stuff that might come your way in the shooting phase.


I'm not saying he's bad (especially now that I have him painted up, he'll be participating in most all my games with my FT), just that he costs more than he should. I really like the character, his background and even his rules. I just wish that he was a little more survivable (artificer armor would take care of that) and had a reliable anti-MEQ weapon. That's all.


It'd be nice to be able to run him into huge mobs of the enemy and watch him reap a real whirlwind of gore. <_<

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Seth + HG + Chaplain + Stormraven.


Kit the HG with 2 storm shields. Add a Furioso to the Stormraven and have it move with Seth/HG/Chappy and get the bonus of the Sang Novitiate.


I've seen this exact build completely tear up 3x its point cost.


Clarification: Seth + HG + Chappy was 475pts. I wasn't including the SR or Dread in the points. The dread was a suggestion and I was counting the SR as a non-dedicated transport. And yes, Seth + HG + Chappy did kill over 1450pts before Seth was finally killed in turn 4.

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I think seth is very cool, model wise and rule wise. I would paint him up and use him in my games but i am a blood angels player, so I will have to make my own. I once saw a battle where seth assulted Khârn the betrayers unit of 8 terminators, Kahrn rolled all ones in his attackes and he killed halve his squad and seth destroyed the other half.
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