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Seth, this illustrious unknown


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I think using an assault squad to get a discount on a redeemer, then putting seth and a priest inside as well would be a good combo.


Seth - 160

priest, power weapon - 65

RAS, power weapon, Landraider redeemer (multimelta) - 420


645 points total.


Its expensive, but its really going to hurt when it hits home. Sure, you are not maximising the ability of Seth's spinning attack, but he is getting s9 on the charge at initiative 5 - more than enough to kill most vehicles. The power weapons on the priest and the sarge make this a real terror to troops, and the Redeemer is just.... well, you know what they do.

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Just a small pointer: Seth doesn't strike at S9 when he FCs. His weapon "strikes at S8", therefore it is not affected by FC.


Doesn't make a lick of sense, but that's the rule. I believe this is mentionned in the FAQ as well.

It is mentioned in the FAQ, and it does make sense.


FC takes Seth's strength from 4 to 5. But his weapon strikes at 8. Seth's strength is irrelevant in determining the strength of his weapon. The same is true of Corbulo and Astorath.

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Lets be honest 90% of the stuff in this thread is rather crap. He isn't competitive which is blatently obvious from the fact he is never taken in any competeitve tournaments. Now in saying that the first poster who suggested using him to hunt fast vehicles has got the right idea for him, this and killing weak infantry who have no str 8 weapons are his bread and butter.


In all fairness he is a little over costed for what he does however he is a bucket load of fun and you should play him for that reason alone and make him as competitive as possible by using him for what he is good at. No running him in honour guards or in raiders or ravens, almost every other character in the BA dex would be better for that. Using him with a lib with blood boild as was suggested to 'snipe' a power fist is a great way to combine one of the BA's least most powerful characters with the BA's worst psychic power for a bargain 260pts plus squad they are attached too, I won't even get into the math of the chances of you pulling off that blood boil snipe.


I think people need to start being realistic. Use him for what he is good for and he won't be a waste he just won't be your MVP, but don't go crashing into the middle of armies with his honour guard or AS with priest out of a raven with a dread and telling people he is good because he along with 500 points worth of other units performed for you.



Sorry for being harsh, but these forums are full of people making rediculous statements as advice to palyers who have been out of the game for a while. I know I am an :D, please send the hate mail.





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Lets be honest 90% of the stuff in this thread is rather crap. He isn't competitive which is blatently obvious from the fact he is never taken in any competeitve tournaments. Now in saying that the first poster who suggested using him to hunt fast vehicles has got the right idea for him, this and killing weak infantry who have no str 8 weapons are his bread and butter.


In all fairness he is a little over costed for what he does however he is a bucket load of fun and you should play him for that reason alone and make him as competitive as possible by using him for what he is good at. No running him in honour guards or in raiders or ravens, almost every other character in the BA dex would be better for that. Using him with a lib with blood boild as was suggested to 'snipe' a power fist is a great way to combine one of the BA's least most powerful characters with the BA's worst psychic power for a bargain 260pts plus squad they are attached too, I won't even get into the math of the chances of you pulling off that blood boil snipe.


I think people need to start being realistic. Use him for what he is good for and he won't be a waste he just won't be your MVP, but don't go crashing into the middle of armies with his honour guard or AS with priest out of a raven with a dread and telling people he is good because he along with 500 points worth of other units performed for you.


Think of it as a brainstorming session. Not everybody cares about tournament play, but it's still interesting to make the most of the options we have in the codex. Seth might not be "competitive" now but things like that often change along with the meta game.


I'm not sure why you would use him to hunt fast vehicles? No jump pack and no fleet means you have to be lucky or catch your opponent napping to get a shot in the first place. I've tried him once, in a razorback with an honor guard. Didn't work out so well since the transport got blown out under them and then he spent the game trying to catch up. If you want to get him somewhere without spending a ton of points, podding him in is the way to go.

It's waste trying to build death star units with him, because others do it better. He's a mini wrecking ball, but not on the same level as Mephiston. Just drop him somewhere where he can do a lot of damage and your opponent has to deal with him, like you would with a DC dread.


So what would we want him to do when he arrives? Seth himself is pretty unique in that he's a threat to just about everything (that he can catch) his weakness is being a bit squishy, he'll need bodies to back him up. Since he doesn't have heroic intervention or a big gun, you probably want to make an impact on the turn you arrive, that means guns of some sort in the supporting squad.



Let's take a quick look at few possible load outs that don't go overboard on the points.


Seth, RAS (LC, melta), priest (LC) , drop pod

345 pts


FC and FNP for everyone, yay! Can pop a transport but doesn't hit that hard on arrival.



Seth, 6*DC (5*bolters, PW + IP) , drop pod

340 pts


No FC or FNP for seth, but on the other hand no way for the rest of the squad to lose it. Can't reliably pop armor on arrival but bolters can make a dent in infantry.



Seth, honor guard (LC, flamer, melta), drop pod

340 pts


FC and FNP for everyone. Melta + flamer combo is flexible.



Seth, sternguard (LC, Hvy Flamer, melta), drop pod

350 pts


No FC or FNP but lots of shooty goodness on arrival.



Are any of the above better use of your points than let's say dropping a dread or teleporting in a squad of terminators? I'd say that's impossible to tell unless you take the rest of your force, your opposition and your tactics into consideration.

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I've been running him with this unit:


Honor Guard w/ 3 Meltas, Chapter Banner, Blood Champ, Pod


The +1 Attack makes up for the lack of CCW, and the Blood Champ is nice w/ WS5. Plus, FnP and it's got meltas to do something before I get shot at.


I also like his ability to single out squad champs when doing his whirlwind of gore attacks.

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I've been running him with this unit:


Honor Guard w/ 3 Meltas, Chapter Banner, Blood Champ, Pod


The +1 Attack makes up for the lack of CCW, and the Blood Champ is nice w/ WS5. Plus, FnP and it's got meltas to do something before I get shot at.


I also like his ability to single out squad champs when doing his whirlwind of gore attacks.


Yeah, this is good.

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I've always thought Seth is a bit underpriced, if anything. He does have 4 wounds, and that pig-sticker of his is rending. He will instagibb any marine with t4 and no EW, looking at you Dante, and costs what? 45 points more than a Captain with a powerweapon? Bargain. That is not counting all his other rules.
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I run him in a terminator assault squad 3 th/ss and 2 LC gives him alot of power weapon support and has similar defenses. Delivered by storm raven. Since you have a storm raven I throw in a dreadnought. I prefer standard furioso will blood talons. Last game I had he split off from termies and assaulted hive guard, killing them. Then got back in raven to be delivered into combat with biovores. hit all three automatically, three failed armor saves 3 instant deathed biovores.
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Seth doesn't have to be end all be all Mephy killy to be competitive. He doesn't have to army buff Like Astorth/Sang. And he doesn't have to be uber damage sponge to be competitive.

He IS however, a threat to everything, high wounds with FNP REALLY easy to accomodate, and works well with about any squad you want him to run with. What most people are missing is, he "technically" isn't a specialist. So he isn't "THE BEST" in 1 catagory. What he is however, is a tough guy, that threatens everything period, that can be applied just about anywhere on the maelstorm of every changing battle to do what is needed. Thump this, counter attack that.....scare those the hell away. And for his point cost, one of the most "flexible" and survivable HQ's kinda screams good and competitive to me.

And if that isn't a sale, he PERSONALLY for me has chopped Baneblades in half, makes Khârn cry, stopped the new Asbrudial Vects antics, decapitated "The Great Deceiver" whirlwinded 2 rhino's in 1 shot, which killed 4 plague marines with explosions, countercharged some Nob bikers and made them wet their honda's, blocked an entire Tau armies guns with his face and won, gave 2 Carnifexs 'the bronco buster', and showwed an IG power-blob of models that Gabriel Seth is INDEED scarier than the cowering Commissar in back of them.


And if his hyjinks aren't enough, my service record exclusively using him EVERY game and rarely if ever losing speaks well of his competitiveness.

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Hey man i lived in Italy for 4 years when i was younger. (even though im only 17 which is still young to most of you) <----(makes you feel old dont it :ermm: )


But i took Seth consistantly for a longtime until switching to pure DoA, but while useing him i came to really love him, id usally use him in a 10man RAS + a Priest in a Stormraven, which is quite the boat-load of attacks and worked well :P


But by far my favorite thing to do with seth while useing him in this combo was to drop seth off and have the storm raven fly towards somthing else, whilst i had seth assault some large squad of somthing such as gaunts, guardians, horromaguants, or Guardsmen, and basically it turned into a super frusturating combat for my apponent because seth would get his 5-6 (whirlwind of gore) attacks vs. this swarm, and the swarm would get like only 7-10 attacks vs seth which would fail to his save, then any 1's rolled would give me MORE! attacks (iknow im basically just restateing the rules) but then the kicker is that after the enemy got his *bleep* whopped in CC he had to pile in around me (COMPLETELY) therefore no other unit from his army could assault in to assist his dieing, scoreing!, squad as it died to a cheap 160pt IC which gained attacks from his own crappy dice, plus another effect seth had is that while this demoralizing CC (for the oppenent of course) was going on, my enemy would place a hammer unit of his (such as warriors or howling banshees) outside of seth's combat inorder to assault him after he was done shredding them, to which i had no objections because that meant my other units carried on taking objectives while his hammer unit sat and waited for a gap to strike in to, this of course worked out very well for me ofcourse because he wasted a 200ish point troop unit to seths *bleep*whooping, then basically wasted his hammer unit to kill a Cheap IC which just wrecked his Corner-hump ojective he was counting on holding :devil: :huh:

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I'm glad someone finally mentioned the fact that he has rending.


I've used Seth in most of my lists, except for DoA and a few of my lower point games where I use a libby to give SoS to my vehicles.


I run Seth with several different units. My favorite is with HG, 2 PW's, Champion, and Chapter Banner. I stick them in a razorback or LR depending on the points of the game. The LR, though expensive, is awesome with them.


I also think sticking him with a eight man RAS, with Priest, in a rhino or LR is also a great way to run him. Don't forget to give the Sgt. either a PW or a PF and a melta is a must.


In most of my games with him, my opponent tried to stay as far away from him as they could. He usually racks up more kills for his point than almost any other unit in my army. ( The Dakka Baal actually scores slightly higher, but only barely.)


I'm a very unlucky dice roller and usually get ones when I roll for my PF's. For some reason I roll lots of six's with Seth. Plus, hitting that hard at Initiative is incredible. He is my favorite choice for takng on enemy dreads. I've had games where two PF squads were unable to kill off a dread, then Seth steps in and just lays it flat.


Against hard to hit fast vehicles he is amazing, auto hitting is a most in some games.


Also, don't count out your opponent rolling one's to hit back. Even though it is only strength 4, he has racked several more kills for me that way. He has even claimed a few termies with an opponent going yahtzee with the one's. ( This resulted in a very upset Chaos player and several smashed up expensive pieces... He doesn't tolerate failures very well. Though he did glue them back together before the next game with them.)


Just be careful where you send him and don't leave him out in the open to take insta-kill hits. He is fun to play and your opponent won't think of you as just "that guy" who plays what everyone else does on the internet.


I haven't tried it yet, but I've thought of teaming him up with my libby for a future game. Lately we have been running a campaign and have capped our lists at 1250. We don't start until after work and don't need to stay up past 11 or 12 on a work night.


I might combo him with the DC in one of my future games. I don't usually run them in campaign games due to the lack of control and the need to hold objectives. But, I think it would be fun. If I do I'm going to try and stick him in with probably 15 DC. I'll have to run them cheap, probably only two PW's and a TH. Probably take the rest as either tacs or RAS with razorbacks.


All together I would probably consider Seth my favorite IC to use just for the fun factor. In most games he dies gloriously in battle, but leaving a trail of bodies behind him.

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