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Dark Apostle query...

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I've thought about the modelling of the Dark Apostle for a while, and although my current findings mean that my current model could be incorrect from a helmet stance, I'm worndering how familiar they would look compared to the current version of the Loyalist Chaplains?


I seem to remember reading that Erebus had a skull faced helmet (or other such words from those wordy wordsmith author types...) but i'm wondering if this was common of all the pre-heresy Chaplains, more particularly to those that went on to turn to Chaos and ended up as the DA's we know and love and in this particular Chaos Lord's case, didn't read anything on except for in the HH series? I am aware of the accursed acrosius, but their general appearance is somewhat vague to me as i'm not that well up on my WB knowledge


Basically, I was wondering the following...


1) did/do they all have the skull masked helmets?

2) did they keep the original colours of their legion or did they go for black paint, the way modern Chaplains do?

3) should a DA be entombed in a Dreadnaught (lets just say, hypothetically, without getting into the usual BS wizzing contest of how bad Dreads are), would he also go for the same colour/ situational set up as he had in his hey day as a normal (ish), wise (kinda), noble (in their own way) and zany ways?


Answers on a post card to -


Chaos Lord Shamrockius,

The big green tower,

The funny greeny-black planet on the left,

The Eye of Terror

Outside reality and the dull normo universe,

EV1 LN355


Or post below like normal forum-dwellers.

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1. No, if I recall Jarulek didn't wear one, but it's probable that the majority had a skull helmet, considering the First Heretic.


2. Again, the First Heretic suggests that most did. I'm assuming they would keep it to stand out from the rank and file and even other important members of the Host.


3. Depends entirely on the Dark Apostle in question.

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I agree with DIT. But also keep in Mind that though the Dark Apostles were/are Chaplains-sorta-kinda they are (alot of them anyway) 10000 years old give or take. So alot could change in that time. So do what you want. Hes your apostle, and its your warhost. And until GW re-dex's us hes a "counts-as" model anyway.
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2. Again, the First Heretic suggests that most did. I'm assuming they would keep it to stand out from the rank and file and even other important members of the Host.


If memory serves the Chaplains only started wearing black after the move towards Chaos started to get underway though. What that says of loyalists Chapters is another matter.



But its your guy and your rules. You don't have to conform to anything unless you want to and it can still be fluffy as a cloud as long as you make the effort to fluff it up.

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is there not something about loyalist chaplins painted their armour black in mourning for the emperor and to show its him that they answers. i can see dark apostles having more black in their armour but not being all black...
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OK, thanks for your responses there guys... bit of a mixed bag but I appreciate it all the same.


To clarify, it is a post heresy/40k universe model, not pre/mid heresy if this makes any difference. I have got some pretty cool (I think so anyway) modelling ideas to make it clear he is a DA entombed and not just another fallen veteran/poor unfortunate to become a crazy walking toaster. In terms of my army fluff, he's ala Bjorn the Fellhanded as he is important to the overall build and dynamic of Abaddon's retinue and is a senior Lord of a large and high ranking WB warband that joined with Abby's/my larger BL force. I'm just trying to model it in this manner, hence my wish for this to be accurate/dynamic in it's showing. I doubt my painting/highlighting etc will do it justice but I'll give it a go. I just want to get the vision right in my head before I go much further.


If anyone has anything to add that would help , please feel free to post. I think it may become more helpful to myself if I hold off on finishing this till I have got to (and read) the First Heretic.


Thanks to everyone so far.

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If they kept the pre-heresy colour, it'd still be black, as Word Bearers were black then.


First Heretic had them as grey pre-Heresy (ie the Legion was grey). I do seem to remember them being more blackish back in their Index Astartes article though.


Shamrock maybe do your Dark Apostle Dreadnought on a variant like GW have done the Blood Angels Librarian Dred. Ie paint the casket holding the remains in black, paint the rest in Word Bearer red, put a skull helm in there and have one (or the only) close combat weapon be an Accursed Crozius. Might be that the colours wouldn't look all that good together but in that case go all black. Even though that might not seperate him all that much from your Black Legion.

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it is my assumption that the bulk of dark apostles have skull helms, as the first heretic was a bit explicet to this fact. aslo the dark apostle books with marduk had marduk inheriting the warmongers ancient chaplian helm adding to the number of skull helms.


as for colors? my dark apostle is the termie chaplian model with a black and red gore paint job. basically he's a chaplian by paint except that his shoulder guards and shins are red.


as for a dark angels dread? do what thou will i always say. if it looks good, and is a nice addition to abby's pets, go for it.

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Though I'm by no means an expert on the WB or their Apostles, thought I might add my points:


I believe, as others have said, that the Dark Apostles do wear skull helmets, if not to look different from their comrades, then to intimidate their enemies (much like Chaplains).

Honestly, I've never heard of a Dark Apostle wearing black (other than First Heretic I think). Every example I've seen has them wearing ornate armour coloured the usual red and silver. But maybe thats just me.

Dark Apostles are worshipped by their followers. If there was any way to keep such a revered being alive (preferrably with as much of the brain intact as possible), then I'm sure the WB would do it. They'd likely toss him in a dreadnought if it was necessary, and make it as ornate and finely crafted as possible, as befits a being of his station.

As I said, just my 2 cents, hope it helps. :)

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The reason Imperial Chaplains have black armor is to show that they are devoted to the Corpse-Emperor before their own Chapter.


I personally doubt that the rest of my fellow Apostles would mimic such a poor show of faith.



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Thanks guys, great help.


I think something got lost in initials somewhere... Sykosis, when i said DA Dread, i meant Dark Apostle... Although I'm wondering if Abby would have some of The Fallen in the bigger picture of his Warband... New idea... To be continued...


I am loving some of the ideas though guys, thanks. I already have a Skull helmet ready and waiting for this guy, and I am loving the black armour look for him in the centre of the Dread's sarcophagus, which would work either as a reminder he's been like this since Pre-Heresy days or to show his devotion as a DA when he was walking... Either way, it sounds like it would work.


Kaos Raptor - I am liking the idea of ornate Dread... that's why I chose the Venerable model to convert. The description of "walking cathederal" really fits here.


I just have to try and name the poor guy before my fiance decides to call him something stupid... My BL and KB dreads were named Ike and Tina...

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