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More Angels Sanguine


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Just some quick shots of stuff that I’ve finished recently. For those who know about Adepticon (http://www.adepticon.org) I’m working feverishly to complete everything in readiness for the blessed event.








Forgive the poor pics, it was late (really late) and I wasn’t in the mood to setup the proper lighting. All excuses aside, comments always welcome.


Cheers, -OMG

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@James – very much looking forward to meeting you & seeing your army as well. This will be an Adepticon to remember (as most all of them are).


I didn’t have much time to take these pics and I did so around 1:00 AM. I’ll take some better ones including close-ups as expressed.


Thanks as always gents. -OMG

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Thanks for the comments - they are appreciated. Here are some better pics as requested.


Drop Pod w/the FW Dread Pod for comparison




With doors open




Deploying 8th Squad Assault, (reserves; i.e. the "13th squad")




The Hero Chaplain Arrassmus (on foot)






The Hero Chaplain Arrassmus leading the Death Company




Melta gunner from 6th squad Tactical (just because I like him)




Cheers, -OMG

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I can’t take any credit for free hand. The banner is a custom decal – as many of the other things like shoulder pad & knee pad markings, chapter badges, etc.


Thanks for the comments.



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That leg bit is from Forgeworld’s Space Marine Character Conversion Set. That also include some robo-cop types arms as well.


Can’t say that I care for the combi-flamers too much but a nice assortment of bits otherwise.


Cheers, -OMG

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What can I say... I love your work :HQ:

No, seriously, back in 2008 when I registered here I was astonished by your Angels Sanguine, and from then I enjoy every mini you post! Great work, no less! :tu:

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  • 1 month later...

Borderline theadromancy but, admittedly, I can't help but appreciate the comment. And as such, here's a sneak preview of some army wide pics I took recently.




More to come in short order.


Cheers, -OMG

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Again, beautiful work.


I've recently bought a big ol' lot of BAs, and I am not sure whether to bild them as Flesh Tearers or A

ngels Sanguine.


These threads - and a test model that proved that painting a split color scheme was doable - have probably pushed me to start painting them as Angels Sanguine.

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