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Night Hawks - Index Astartes Update


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The Night Hawks Chapter


Home World

The Chapter calls home to Korak Prime, a secluded system on the edge of the Maelstrom. The binary system of Korak is fraught with unpredictable, if short-lived, warp storms which periodically cut the region of space off from the rest of the Imperium. Korak Prime exhibits a unique orbit within the system and follows a figure-eight pattern around both stars. This unique orbit causes periods of harsh draught when the planet passes between the stars. The people of Korak Prime live simple lives with much time spent rationing their limited supplies as the arrival of inter-system supplies is less than regular. The annual dry period forces the populace to roam the surface in search of fresh surface water to bring back to their home villages.


This lifestyle has moulded the Night Hawks into the chapter as they are today. Following in the traditions of the White Scars, the Chapter focuses on rapid deployment and hit and run tactics. While the White Scars prefer to launch lightning fast strikes, the Night Hawks have perfected the art of hitting targets of opportunity before rapidly redeploying without the need to re-supply. A small contingent of Night Hawks cannot only change the tide of a battle but that of a war spanning an entire continent.



The people of Korak Prime are a spiritual people believing that the path of survival begins within oneself and practice an ancient form of numerology. Imperial anthropologists have traced the roots of these practices to the Gyptians of ancient Terra. The Night Hawks take portions of these beliefs with them through their transformation from tribesman to Space Marine. The number 9 has become sacred to the Chapter and shapes their organization. The ancient Gyptians believed that the planetary aspect of the number 9 was the moon; symbolic of the night. The Nine is the number of the unconscious and is seen as a regulator, resolving any discrepancies between the seven (experience) and the eight (instinct). Because of this, the Nine can be seen as the interface between the inner and outer self. Only by understanding the inner and outer self can one truly hold the corrupting taint of Chaos at bay.


Village elders routinely wear a simple tabard emblazoned with the heraldry of the village’s people. Upon recognition of veteran status, a Night Hawk dons a tabard bearing the Night Hawk crest.


The symbol of the Night Hawks is a winged talon wielding a sword. This symbolizes the Chapter’s doctrine of swiftly bringing might to bear.


Combat Doctrine

The Night Hawks are often tasked with undertaking prolonged missions behind enemy lines where abnormal weather systems or warp interference may prevent re-supply from orbit or even beyond system space. Preferring to operate at night, in contravention of the standard brightly armoured shock troop renowned across the Imperium, the Night Hawks prefer the subdued nature of their chapter colours. The fear induced on an unsuspecting enemy hit by a Night Hawks’ attack far surpasses that caused by a brightly coloured uniform.



At full strength, the Chapter is made up of 9 companies. The 1st company is comprised of ninety veterans of the Chapter who ride Mars-pattern hover bikes in contrast to the standard tactical dreadnaught armour worn by codex chapter’s first companies. Captains of the Chapter’s companies form their command squads from members of the 1st as opposed to members of their own companies. Veterans of the company can best prove their worth and learn first hand those skills which may someday be required if their station rises to that of captain. The 2nd through 6th companies are made up of bike and assault bike squadrons totalling 90 marines. These marines form 10 man groups dubbed ‘Murders’ reminiscent of the tactical squads of codex chapters. The 8th company, or the “Hand of Eden", consists of 50 versatile Argonaught Land Speeders and the 100 crew required to operate them. The 9th company consists of the initiates of the Chapter who sit at the crossroads of the journey to master their inner and outer selves.


Due to each marine being issued a Space Marine bike and the large component of Argonaughts which make up the 8th company, the Chapter has formed a strong bond with the Adepts of Mars. Over 30 techmarines are currently present within the Chapter and routinely accompany the Night Hawks to battle operating Argonaughts and performing field repairs during prolonged deployments.


Maintaining such a vast stock of equipment requires a vast portion of the chapters allotted wargear and as such tanks and drop pods are a rare commodity. Such ancient relics are held within the chapter armoury for all but the most dire of circumstances.



Imperial records indicate that the Night Hawks Chapter was founded during the ninth founding early on in M33 from the White Scars’ gene-seed. The gene-seed appears stable if not more-so than that of the White Scars. Any apparent uncontrollable ferocity periodically displayed by the White Scars has not translated to the Night Hawks. Whether this is attributable to the meditations of the Marines or the stock in which their initiates are chosen is unknown.



“You are your own undoing!”



The Night Hawks Chapter utilizes equipment not common to the Adeptus Astartes. Included among this list is the Mars-pattern hover bike. This STC was recovered from the 3rd moon of Korak Secundus late in M40. Following centuries of review by the Adepts of Mars, production on these bikes began and preliminary shipments were directed to the Night Hawks’ for use among the 1st company. The hover bike is not a true jet bike and is not capable of attaining heights of more than 1 metre above the ground's surface. What the hover bike does achieve is the ability to traverse uneven terrain with greater ease than a standard bike. The hover bike is also incapable of traversing bodies of water with a depth greater than 1 m as the gravimetric displacement field employed by the bike does not work with fluids.


The Argonaught-varient land speeder was created in M38.657 on the forge world of Aritek. The adept Primalus had a shortfall of the materials required to create the anti-grav plating which provides the land speeder with it’s low altitude flight abilities. The A ground-based land speeder variant was thereby created in an attempt to fulfill the battlefield role of a light assault vehicle. It was quickly realized that the lack of anti-grav plating and the systems required for it greatly increased the available cargo capacity of the vehicle. Though falling out of favour in the eyes of many of the Astartes, the Night Hawks found this new variant to compliment their combat doctrine almost perfectly. The drawback of being ground-based was of little concern as the Chapter utilized them as a long-range support vehicle capable of carrying their much needed supplies; the benefits far outweighing the costs. The reduction in materials required to construct the variant also weighed heavily in its favour as the Chapter already devoted much of its resources to bikes.

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Few problems:


Mystery: High Lords and AdMech keep pretty good records ... they'll know when and why the chapter was created and from what Geneseed.


Organization: Dark Angels use a very different organization. Much of their time is spent chasing the Fallen ... if you're using their geneseed you must deal with this in some way.


Dump the mystery and choose another geneseed is my suggestion.

About the techmarines: If there are 50 speeders in each company that is 100 crew per company. If 1/4 are techmarines that's 25 per company or 50 total. Not sure where 133 came from. Maybe I worded it poorly?


Ecritter: Thanks for the advice, I just thought foundings were always a mystery aside from the 2nd! I can change that easily enough. As for the Dark Angels, I've made some of the models and I used the dark angel sprue because the models look awesome so the ravenwing iconography is everywhere. I thought it would be stupid to pick a different proginator. I mean really the white scars would probably be more appropriate but I don't want to make mongolians or name my characters after Ghengis.


Does Dark Angel geneseed force those marines even from subsequent foundings to always hunt fallen? If it is too problematic does anyone have a suggestion of a founding chapter that would allow ravenwing (from the sprue) iconography and cloaks while permitting me to change my force org up this way? The other issue is I don't want to paint them black so they will NOT be ravenwing.


I'm new to writing fluff so I want it to be somewhat believable but also explain why the army is nothing but bikes and converted speeders.


If I went with a White Scars offshoot wouldn't I have to deal with the mongolian as much as the fallen were I DA?


Thanks so far.

It doesn't foce the hunt for the Fallen, but it does push in that direction. You would need to explain why they don't hunt them like every other successor of the Dark Angels is all.


As for White Scars .. you don't have to use Mongolian theme use whatever background their homeworld pushes. That would work.

That's the worst thing about the DAs, like I said you can always use a different Geneseed. Just set up the iconology to fit, robes is the least of the problems, anyone can wear those.


EDIT: And do you really need that many Techies or just want them?

Well the techies will just be driving every second land speeder. I assumed in a small force (since not every excursion needs 100 marines) there would always be 1-2 speeders and therefor 1 techmarine. The DA tech marine helmet is also really sweet.


With 100 speeders for a full strength chapter and 700 bikes spread over 7 companies (well lets say 650 since attack bikes take 2 crew) that would be 1 tech marine per 12 bikes. If they are typically deploying for long term hauls 12 bikes and 2 supply speeders (with 1 tech marine) doesn't seem too far fetched. The only way I could see lowering this would be to reduce the speeder companies to one company making 1 tech marine per 25-30 bikes (as an effective fighting wing).


Just seems like 2 speeders, 1 tech marine and 12 bikes would make a balanced attack wing (as evidenced by a DA ravenwing minus the techie).


Does that sound right?

The Techies, Chappies, Libbies etc: all have their own section, armoury reclusium and librarium etc: The MoTF is the head mof the Armoury. A quick question, do you have tanks in the chapter?? Dreads? Termies?


Personally, id keep the Techies seperate so that they are able to move freely from company to company etc: as needed.


Geneseed does not usually dictate names, its more where they (the marines) come from and traditions that dictate their names, Macragge is tied to roman names(Marneus Augustus, Cato, etc:), Chorgoris to more Mongolian style names, (like Jaghatai Khan). Using White Scar geneseed would explain the huge number of Bikes and you can keep the large number of techies, and the ties to Mars that being, potentially DA successors you cant, really. Well, easily.


If you use Jonson Geneseed, you should hunt the fallen as hard as any other Jonson Chapter, remember those traitors double crossed you and killed your Primarch, just after they killed the Emperor, really really bad news for the survivors, oh, yea, they also blew up the home world. Your marines will want to hide that shame, and get every one of those fallen angels that betrayed them, plus they dont want everyone knowing there shame.


So, my opinion on Geneseed is use White Scars, or one of their sucessor chapters, like the brazen claws??


And Ecritter, theres nothing bad about the DA, not even hunting the fallen, they are just awesome!! :P


Just my two cents, atm


Oh, and I quite like the fluff as far as it goes storywise, but, keep the techies seperate and probably go with WS geneseed, my two main gripes with it so far.

Hello and welcome in the Liber.

If you don't know, we have two helpful guides here, The Guide to DIYing and Octaguide 2.0. Now....


The origin of the <><><> Chapter is shrouded in mystery.

- Someone once said, "If every chapter was shrouded in mystery, we couldn't see in the Liber.". Please, no mystery. It smacks of lazy writing.


Inquisitorial databases postulate that the Chapter carries the Geneseed of Lion 'El Johnson;

- It is weird and questionable for Chapter to not know its genetic father.


however their diminished size and the close ties the Chapter holds with Mars have all but eliminated the Geneseed tithe or any hope of prying eyes analyzing the genetic code.

- Gene-seed tithe is must for any Chapter. Period. No excuses, no exceptions.


Traditional company strength and make up does not adhere to the Codex and instead focuses on the men and tools required to conduct operations as per their doctrine.

- Why? There must be some reason why they are not Codex-adherent.


The <><><> specialize in prolonged missions behind enemy lines where abnormal weather systems or warp interference may prevent resupply. Prefering to operate at night, in contravention of the standard brightly armoured shock troop renowned across the Imperium, the <><><> prefer the subdued nature of their chapter colours. While the White Scars and the Ravenwing of the Dark Angels specialize in lightning fast strikes, the <><><> are able to prioritize targets of opportunity and set the pace of entire wars through their ability to rapidly redeploy without the need to resupply in situations which prevent it.

- Space Marines are the Emperor's Finest, they are expected to fight in any environment, against any enemy. Most Chapters have prefered way of fighting but specialization means cherry-picking their missions.


The Chapter's companies function as heavily armoured scout companies with the equipment and firepower to match such a role. At full strength, the Chapter is made up of 10 companies. The 1st company, as per the Codex is comprised of one hundred veterans of the Chapter. The 2nd through 7th companies are made up of Space Marine bike squads and assault bike squadrons. The 8th company dubbed the "Matron of Death" and 9th company "the Hand of Eden" each consist of 50 of the versitile Argonaught Land Speeders and the 100 crew required to operate them. The 10th company consists of the initiates of the Chapter while they learn the traditions and tactics of the Chapter peroforming advanced recon and scout missions.

- Again, Your marines would be called to perform variety of mission against variety of enemies. What would happen if the mission specifics don't match your function "as heavily armoured scout companies"?

- Why is your Chapter organised this way?


Due to each marine being issued a Space Marine bike and the large component of Argonaughts which make up the 8th and 9th companies, the Chapter has formed a strong bond with the Adepts of Mars.

- In the most Chapters, the Techmarines are treated as outcasts, because of their dual loyality and because of their knowledge and mastery of Machine. Why is your Chapter different in their approach to Techmarines?


Fully one quarter of the 8th and 9th companies is made up of techmarines who typically function as operators when deployed.

- The Land Speeder crew typically comes from assault squad marines. Why is your Chapter different?


The Argonaught is a speeder conversion I'm doing that is ground based and used to carry supplies into battle and provide support.

- In what is this Argonaught version better than traditional Land Speeder or Predator tank? Don't forget, Admech hates modifications...

  TheAmbit said:
Ecritter: Thanks for the advice, I just thought foundings were always a mystery aside from the 2nd! I can change that easily enough. As for the Dark Angels, I've made some of the models and I used the dark angel sprue because the models look awesome so the ravenwing iconography is everywhere. I thought it would be stupid to pick a different proginator. I mean really the white scars would probably be more appropriate but I don't want to make mongolians or name my characters after Ghengis.


Does Dark Angel geneseed force those marines even from subsequent foundings to always hunt fallen? If it is too problematic does anyone have a suggestion of a founding chapter that would allow ravenwing (from the sprue) iconography and cloaks while permitting me to change my force org up this way? The other issue is I don't want to paint them black so they will NOT be ravenwing.


I'm new to writing fluff so I want it to be somewhat believable but also explain why the army is nothing but bikes and converted speeders.


If I went with a White Scars offshoot wouldn't I have to deal with the mongolian as much as the fallen were I DA?


Thanks so far.

This caught my attention.

My WS successors are based on generic-fantasy-Dwarvish, so I think I can vouch for not having to copy the culture of an existing chapter. ;)


And if you're not interested in having an actual Ravenwing, you could easily pass them off as 'Scars successors. Just give them a name that has something to do with birds of prey, and you don't even have to worry much about the iconography. <_<


As far as the Hunting the Fallen goes, on the other hand, a chapter that specialises in lurking out of sight and out of mind of the larger Imperium could be a useful tool for catching the Fallen unawares, so if you do want DA geneseed, you then have the beginnings of a reason for why they'd operate the way they do.

Thank you so much guys. You're really helping! I know big scheme of things I can do whatever I want but I'd really like some legitimate backstory. T hanks for the link, I definately went and read the hints/tips for DIY chapters and appologize for the mystery; I'll remove that. It definately appears that I'll be going with White Scars now. Perhaps a name like Nighthawks - google search only showed someone else's DIY chapter with that name so I should be ok to steal it.


I'll post a picture when I'm home of the land speeder to help explain the situation. I'm going to explain that it's essentially a speeder (same STC) but it has been modified to have increased storage capacity as the grav plating and energy required to operate it has been removed. It would also be a much more simple machine to repair in the field.


I realize the techmarines are typically seperate but I really want them driving around with my force in the speeders. Would it be more appropriate to say that the driver of every second speeder is a tech initiate? That way they wouldn't be full blown tech marines and not bring as much suspicion on themselves.


There will be no tanks or heavy support whatsoever in the chapter so there's not much need for the techies to detach and move around fixing tanks. Their role is with the bike wings.


I can flesh all this out more when I am not at work though.



As for why they fight as they do I'll explain that more too but I'll start with the idea that their homeworld is not reliably linked to Imperial supply lines and the inhabitants regularly ration their foodstores and supplies leading very spartan lives.


Sure marines get called on for all sorts of missions but the white scars would just get murdered in a seige so I think there is plenty of presedent to custom a chapter to being really specified (Ravenguard as well). Nothing says the chapter wouldn't be deployed to help destroy an outlying generator while the Imperial Guard complete the seige. Anyway that's my thought on that.


Thanks again guys and keep up the advice.


Another problem I'm going to have is I want my 1st company to all ride jetbikes (which no longer exist) so I am not sure how to explain it. I really like the conversions I did though . . .I was going to also explain that company captains ride the jetbikes as well; with their command squad being taken from the 1st company as opposed to their own. That way my command squad and captain can all have jetbikes. These are already built so it is happening, the problem is explaining why a 3rd+ founding chapter has them.

  TheAmbit said:
I realize the techmarines are typically seperate but I really want them driving around with my force in the speeders. Would it be more appropriate to say that the driver of every second speeder is a tech initiate? That way they wouldn't be full blown tech marines and not bring as much suspicion on themselves.


Interesting idea there, but techadepts are usually on Mars (I believe) learning the crafts of their trade. Keep the Techies independent is what I would do, they can still look after the Bikes/speeders, but I wouldnt have them on the speeders. Remember, you still need Rhinos to rescue those Marines weho have lost thier rides. Maybe they should use more Thunderhawks for supplies?? Or Drop Pods?? Rather than the advanced speeder?? (Which sounds a little like a storm)


  TheAmbit said:
As for why they fight as they do I'll explain that more too but I'll start with the idea that their homeworld is not reliably linked to Imperial supply lines and the inhabitants regularly ration their foodstores and supplies leading very spartan lives.


Sure marines get called on for all sorts of missions but the white scars would just get murdered in a seige so I think there is plenty of presedent to custom a chapter to being really specified (Ravenguard as well). Nothing says the chapter wouldn't be deployed to help destroy an outlying generator while the Imperial Guard complete the seige. Anyway that's my thought on that.


Fair enough point there, specialistaion to a degree, but maybe keep Rhinos so they can deploy in Tactical Squads where necessary (perhaps they have a single assault compnay for CC?)


As to the chapter planet, I would have thought that the Imperium would try to keep their finest supplied, but, hey, we all know the Administorium! So, could work. The homeworld could be in a system thats often closed by dangerous warp storms that only the chapter traverses?? Would that actually work??


  TheAmbit said:
Another problem I'm going to have is I want my 1st company to all ride jetbikes (which no longer exist) so I am not sure how to explain it. I really like the conversions I did though . . .I was going to also explain that company captains ride the jetbikes as well; with their command squad being taken from the 1st company as opposed to their own. That way my command squad and captain can all have jetbikes. These are already built so it is happening, the problem is explaining why a 3rd+ founding chapter has them.


I say no, because I think that the Master of the Ravenwing is the ONLY guy in the Imperium who has a Jetbike, from memory. It wouldnt make sense for your chapter to have 10-100 of them while the DA (the actual FIRST Legion, the Emperors personal until he rteached Caliban) only has One.


Just my thoughts.

Brother-sergeant: I totally understand where you're coming from about the jetbikes, but I modelled them, and the army doesn't look pre-heresy, so they MUST be justified somehow. I think they look awesome and I'm not throwing them out, so somehow we need to come up with something!


The techmarine looks sweet in the speeder - so at least 1 of the 4 I own will have one driving. This should be justified somehow. Perhaps the level of technical skill level isn't as high since there are no land raiders to perform rights on so the schooling isn't long but they're not as smart? I don't know...


If you all are certain I can't justify the speeder/techmarine/jetbikes then I guess I'll have to throw out the whole fluff idea and just play the game haha. Maybe the jetbikes aren't actually 'jetbikes' but only have a 6" ground clearance. Would that help?


They can't use drop pods/thunderhawks because of atmospheric conditions / fear of supplies falling into enemy hands / anti air cover or what have you.




I changed around the origin section. Let me know how that reads.




Imperial records indicate that the Night Hawks Chapter was founded early on in M34 from the White Scars gene-seed. The Chapter calls home to Korak Prime, a secluded system on the edge of the Maelstrom. The binary system of Korak is frought with unpredictable, if short-lived, warp storms which periodically cut the region of space off from the rest of the Imperium. Korak Prime exhibits a unique orbit within the system and follows a figure-eight pattern around both stars. This unique orbit causes periods of harsh draught when the planet passes between the stars. The people of Korak Prime live simple lives with mch time spent rationing their limited supplies as the arrival of inter-system supplies is less than regular and all but unreliable. The annual dry period forces the populace to roam the surface in search of fresh surface water to bring back to their home villages.


This lifestyle has molded the Night Hawks into the chapter as they are today. Following in the traditions of the White Scars, the Chapter focuses on rapid deployment and hit and run tactics. While the White Scars prefer to launch lightning fast strikes, the Night Hawks have perfected teh art of hitting targets of opportunity before rapidly redeploying without the need to resupply. A small contingent of Night Hawks cannot only change the tide of a battle but that of a war spanning an entire continent.


The Night Hawks are often tasked with undertaking prolonged missions behind enemy lines where abnormal weather systems or warp interference may prevent resupply from orbit or even beyond system space. Prefering to operate at night, in contravention of the standard brightly armoured shock troop renowned across the Imperium, the Night Hawks prefer the subdued nature of their chapter colours. The fear induced on an unsuspecting enemy hit by an Night Hawks attack far surpasses that caused by a brightly coloured uniform.



===I hope this is better than the lass attempt. I feel it still gives the same end result I'm looking for but with a more reliable back story. Also I took out the mystery of the gene-seed and made it White Scars. Critique away and if you can, help out with the jet bikes.

  TheAmbit said:
Brother-sergeant: I totally understand where you're coming from about the jetbikes, but I modelled them, and the army doesn't look pre-heresy, so they MUST be justified somehow. I think they look awesome and I'm not throwing them out, so somehow we need to come up with something!

Well, the fluff is pretty adamant about non-existence of Jetbikes in Imperium's arsenal. This is like trying to find excuse for Black Templar Librarian. Zero chance.


The other stuff looks good.



I think you have wrong idea of what is the purpose of IA. It's not justification of Tabletop rules or conversions. All these things are meanigless or subordinate in the DIY creation, it's all about capturing the nature and personality of Chapter.

NightrawenII: Thanks for the eye opener. I think I'll try my best to have a solid background that isn't too conflicting and then add in a few non-cannon things (like jetbikes) with a caveat before people read that part.


I'm thinking that my marines can 'find' STC varient jetbikes and landspeeder varients in the same way the Blood Angels found a Baal predator and didn't share. A precedent exists there and I don't see why I can't exploit that too. It might bother some but oh well. The other thing I was thinking is I read that the antigrav plating on a speeder is quite hard to aquire so maybe that has forced my marines into using the less mobile version as their resource allotment goes toward procuring parts for the hoverbikes.


I think I'll explain the bikes as more of a hover system (6-12 inches above ground) not capable of flight. This just gives them a better all-terrain useage but still prevents them from getting to high ground. Might not be canon but I'll do the best I can.


I know you say the point of the background isn't to justify conversions but there's not point in writing chapter specific fluff that doesn't even come close to identifying the army at all.

Just thought I'd chip in with the Techmarine stuff, why not let the marines have a very good relationship with the Techmarines/Mars and so are taught basic repair procdure and the prayers (I think that's what they are) that go with.


Also STCs are very (very) rare, and so it's unlikely (But not impossible) for you chapter to find loads (Which is what i got from your mention of Jetbike/Landspeeder varients.)

Yeah I suppose that techmarine thing would work (I'm fine with it) and then maybe it would be ok to paint up the driver in the chapter colours and have a techmarine shoulder pad (as homage) or something. That would be in contrast to the fully red techmarine standard.


Yeah I wouldn't want to say I found two STC's; but if I identified the landspeeder as a simple varient (actually less tech involved) then that shouldn't even need an STC should it? Chapters come up with varient load outs all of the time and this is essentially just a more bare bones version? I could also say that the speeder design is actually a crappy one all chapters have access to but has fallen out of favour; that way it isn't my chapter being the sole holder etc.


Hoverbikes would need to be STC though...

  TheAmbit said:
Yeah I wouldn't want to say I found two STC's; but if I identified the landspeeder as a simple varient (actually less tech involved) then that shouldn't even need an STC should it? Chapters come up with varient load outs all of the time and this is essentially just a more bare bones version? I could also say that the speeder design is actually a crappy one all chapters have access to but has fallen out of favour; that way it isn't my chapter being the sole holder etc.


Hoverbikes would need to be STC though...

Simple varient is fine, and probably wouldn't need an STC. Hoverbikes' STC could only have been found recently, and doesn't need to be unique to your chapter, maybe that since they discovered it they were given the privilage of some models early, or something along those lines, meaning that they are like the beta testers for them.

Before I start to rework the chapter organization I have a few questions. First off, I plan to only have bikes, attack bikes and landspeeders in the chapter as far as gear so:


1) Should the attack bikes make up a company?


I'd like to have some marines assigned to landspeeders (not the norm)

2) Should the speeders make up an entire company or be split up to 5 per company (or something similar) meaning that if 5 speeders are in the company there are now only 90 marines left on bikes (I don't want them swapping roles too much and envision them assigned to the speeder squadron or bikes in the same way a marine is in tactical or devestator).

3) If the speeders make up an entire company, should I stick to 100 marines (therefore 50 speeders) or do a smaller number?


I also think I can satisfy other's and my thoughts on the techmarines if the techmarines are assigned to the chapter instead of making up x of a company, and then just go into battle as a passenger/driver of a landspeeder. They are marines afterall and have to have combat training. That way my fluff could support the model yet not have the techmarines too entwined with the company.


Thoughts on the above?


I assume the biggest problem with my original concept was the techmarines and that chapter organization of the actual marines and equipment should be a lot more forgiving based on the other chapters that exists today.


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