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iron warriors deamon prince...

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As long as you can get over the whole "Momma Dreadnought with baby harness"-issue, can rework the boredom of the static pose then mayhap you can wrangle something out of it. Whilst that is the way I feel about the Dreadknight model, I am sure an accomplished modeller with a good concept could use it as a base and turn it into something wonderful :blink:.
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Oh. My. God. :rolleyes:


I have to have one of those...


I think with the Daemon Prince plastic kit and one of these and some GS you could do a really crazy Iron Warrior HQ.


But... it's a man in a suit that is also wearing a suit, which is kind of strange if you think about it too long...

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I to had the same logical thought of "Hey Iron Warriors DP" but I would be curious to see the kit before making any set plans. I have to imagine the guy in the harnass is one piece which means it will take a considerable amount of G-Stuff to chaos-iffy him up. Doesn't look like a easy bitz swap sadly. then all the scripture engraved in the legs, maybe some G-Stuffing chaos arros around/over those. that or drill/g-stuff it to appear warped and twisted.


All in all. Dude go for it! And post pics of course

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One problem though is this thing Is Huge its on the Oval baseand stands WELL taller than a Landraider.


Does this look like a correct scale comparison? I eyeballed it based on the Berserker figure and the oval base:




EDIT: Another comparison in a zeroed in picture from the website:



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seems fine to me. also base wise, well gws standing is you use the base suplied, dosent mention what happens if you convert from another model with a differently sized base ;) although i think it probably works aginst the princes favour to have an even bigger base...
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Just fill/defile the inquisition script, swap out the termie for our awesome(and totally freaking useless!) termie lord and...BAM, LOOTED UBER DREAD KNIGHT WALKER THINGY OF DEATH, FEAR ME!

Or, of course the aforementioned defiler kitbash would work wonders. With an adjusted posture you could well fit it on a standard 60mm base and make it less tall as well(not that that really matters, we may as well hang "shoot me" signs on daemon princes anyways).

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The terminator "baby" is near enough in bits. Back and front torso, legs, head, arms, shoulder pads, and then the "harness" that fits over him. The thing is, it seems like the torso armour is similar to Power Armour?


Still, I'd say rip him out, stick a dreadnought sarcophagus in there instead, and bingo, DreadKnight Prince

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im thinking siply replace him with a chaosmarine but with more chaos armour plates protecting him and gliphs and stuff and lots and lots of wires... and im sure heres plenty of that stuf i could use on my angels...can also trade partsfor the likes of the soul grinder weapons. though i dont like it i may take that thunderhammer and mod it to look like a deamon possesed version. with a soul grinder/deamonprince sword in the other hand, in a low ready stance(marines dont stand to full height anyway so may aswell us my martial art stances) damm now i need the kit to visualise further how to impose the piolets evilnesses...

Oh and i aree fully with the iron warriors hating mutations so it will not be mutant like it has the obliterator virus thou tha could be nice looking to...

as for wings, mechanical jumppack of someform, or hydrolic jacks in the legs allowing ito jump... dosent worry me... maby raptor feet....hmm

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I think the premise is a great start! I never even thought of using that thing... BUT....here's what bugs me about that model.... If you were an ork, how on earth could you get hit by that hammer?! It's too short.


Anyway I think it might be some work, and I don't know how you'd do it, but the potential is definitely there!

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I think it is a neat idea. Would be cool to see how someone would pull it off.


I am thinking I will use the Dreadknight, with great amounts of defilement, and then construct a walker more deserving of an IW techmarine. Just imagine a son of Perturabo, more machine than man, stretching out his arms as hundreds of mechandrites descend from a giant, behemoths frame and lifts him from the ground and into its armored formed to make war. *i think I could use that as a very interesting dreadnaught or daemon prince.

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I've been thinking about this for a while, and what I think I'm going to do is get out the greenstuff and make it look like the guy on the front is an Obliterator, who has managed to spawn the whole contraption (as well as some other super fun bits and bobs).
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If the dreadknight is that tall though, can it actually be used as a Daemon prince, or a dreadnought for that matter? And if so, would you want to, cool ideas aside, it can't hide behind any tank or most terrain either.
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