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iron warriors deamon prince...

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true, but since when can you hide deamon princes...?thought they were taller than a landraider... plus height wouldnt be the thing that would put me off. its the price. my angels will never get a landraider if i do... <_<
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If the dreadknight is that tall though, can it actually be used as a Daemon prince, or a dreadnought for that matter? And if so, would you want to, cool ideas aside, it can't hide behind any tank or most terrain either.


For one, I think you could model it to be shorter so you can use cover more efficiently for games (it looks like it stands around 2in taller than an LR). You could always trim away some of the legs to shorten it as well. I personally want to pose it with a HULK rage look with knees bent, chest out, head back, and arms to the side. This way he has an aggressive look and he should stand a bit shorter too. Hopefully the joints are positional (like the IG sentinel) otherwise...that'll be a lot of work.


I'd see no problem with using anything from the DK as a DP or Dread. It's no different in my opinion than someone making their own chapter master with tactical/assualt/dev marines instead of using the blisters of a CM. You made something that represents a character/vehicle/etc and it utilizes the proper rules then its fine.

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i believe it has ball and socket joints so it should be fairly easy to pose in funky ways. yea i wouldnt be bothered to shorten it but would pose it as best i can. and checked the sprues and does indeed seem that the pilot has nothing that would make it hard to just replace the legs and torso with a chaos one... so im sure something can work that way ^_^
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Yeah, I just looked back at some of the GW updates. If there are Ball and socket joints for the hips and ankles then that's ace...but the knees look static so that might require surgery. And the GK in TDA can easily be replaced for sure.


Looking more and more at the DK, I hope to make one like the APU from the 3rd matrix movie (although it looks like one kind of already). I'd like to give it a 'rifleman' configuration but I need to look at the CSM Dex.


*these are just ideas that will take years to come to fruition for me...I haven't finished building termies or a LR for my SoM because I haven't been bothered to buy glue. :mellow:

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Pretty sure I will buy one of these to tinker around with, as I said above, make it shorter (crouching or something) and remove the grey knight and add a Jugger head to it (got a few of these spare), for a cyber mechanical deamon thingy yay!
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  • 3 weeks later...

just put one of these babys together so a little feedback -


the ball and socket joints are the ankles and shoulders, the hips are actually a "tongue and groove" type setup which would make conversion a little harder


the pilot is in 2 pieces but joins to the centre of the base of the main dreadknight hull, the gage over the top is a sepparate piece


the torso and legs of the model join via a flat plate - good for lateral movement and posing, not so good for forwards/back


I think it would make a very good "daemon engine" type model - with a mutated in/possessed pilot, would be harder to make it a daemon prince


it is a pretty big model and stands head and shoulders over a landraider in comparison

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I am currently working on a daemon prince made out of the dreadknight... its a tough cookie for sure, but I think I will get it together... As soon as I have made good progress in getting it together, greenstuffing and all.. I will post some pictures then...


any more people giving it serious tries?

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The driver of that thing is seriously bow-legged. Much worse than even the usual GW model.


He does sort of look like he's been crucified into the machine rather than he's comfortably operating it. The rest of the conversion is nice, and I'm wondering where those jet engines came from.

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The driver of that thing is seriously bow-legged. Much worse than even the usual GW model.


He does sort of look like he's been crucified into the machine rather than he's comfortably operating it. The rest of the conversion is nice, and I'm wondering where those jet engines came from.


That indeed is the idea... the guy is currently finding himself chained to the machine, just a wee bit more patient and his armor+flesh will be warped into the machine!


Concerning your question, I made the turbines from the barrels of a vindicator hullmounted cannon. For the turbines I used the back upper part of the same vindicator sprues and cut them out, the end of the turbines are acctually missiles from a Baneblade! (expansive bits :P) Hope that helps mate... they are going to be more connected to the model through wirring and greenstuff probably today or tomorow! ;)

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Well here is my attempt so far, it can be found in my own Blog... sorry for the Iron Warriors loyal to Perturabo.... but mine is fallen to Nurgle... (not yet though! :D)


Brother's of Dust



The driver of that thing is seriously bow-legged. Much worse than even the usual GW model.


He does sort of look like he's been crucified into the machine rather than he's comfortably operating it. The rest of the conversion is nice, and I'm wondering where those jet engines came from.


That indeed is the idea... the guy is currently finding himself chained to the machine, just a wee bit more patient and his armor+flesh will be warped into the machine!


Concerning your question, I made the turbines from the barrels of a vindicator hullmounted cannon. For the turbines I used the back upper part of the same vindicator sprues and cut them out, the end of the turbines are acctually missiles from a Baneblade! (expansive bits :D) Hope that helps mate... they are going to be more connected to the model through wirring and greenstuff probably today or tomorow! :o



And another update! Brother's of Dust

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  • 1 month later...
looks good. Just finally ordered my knight so hopefully soon i can get some progression on this progress oon this rather than looking at the model and thinking i could do so much with that... :P now come on gw i need to feed my plasticraic habbit... :HQ:
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im not sure but i think i saw them n some sanguary guard but might be wrong there...

Anyway dreadknight arrived this morning. wont get touching it today but hopefully i can get started on it soon and get some wip shots up if you want?

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look like a decent start?




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yea the brute is gonna be big no matter what i do with it but i really dont care anymore. cutting the legs up has really gave me no shortening but screwed the alignment for the legs of the driver. gonna take my time at it as i dont want to screw up the kit any futher. what do you think of the hammer, does it work?
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