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iron warriors deamon prince...

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todays progresses

mounted the gun on the torso


the hammer with the flamer thing attached(not sure if im gonna use it but i can make it removeable...)


though theother hand i hadnt a clue with, then thought lightening claw thing...


and a little of my greenstuff work i did earlier on... only the start tuff though so bear with it( also tips on it would probably help...)


and then the more important part the extra limb(probably gonna leave it at one...)



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  • 2 weeks later...
dont worry he wil be, though has to get all his rims and stuf yet, nevermind deciding weither or not hes getting another arm or not... and then hell get a bit of spikey(nottoo much though as i do like to safely pick my minis up...) :wallbash:
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You should stick with the two arms, unless it's a servo arm on the back your putting on. in my eyes Iron Warriors arn't ones to be heavily mutated (except the ones with the obliterator virus) and tend just to become ones with their machines / armour


looking good so far.

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Looking good so far! I also saw the Nemesis Dreadknight and thought "Daemon Prince", except I went straight to Perturabo himself. He's finished except putting some interesting stuff on the base, so I'll post a couple of pics soon...if I remember :devil:


If you're not doing a second servo-arm, what's happening with the second... um... sticky outy bit fromt he shoudler?

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Blamb, look closely, it currently has 2 arms and an extra servo arm. there will be no mutations on my iron warriors, even my obliterators have pumped up weapons straped on rather than the obliterator virus...

Warsmith iv, i look forward to your pics. im not sure weither the other joint should be another servo arm or just used to reinforce the hammer and flamer arm as it does look very heavy and in need of reinforcing.

thanks guys!

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Heres what I did for my Daemon Prince I used the Top Part of the DK Harness combined with the Daemon Prince Plastic Kit using it as a massive set of Bionic Arms one Carrying a the Hammer of coarse, the other I'm using was going to represent the Kai Gun(Doombolt). Its still a WIP pic




I'll try and get another pic of the harness

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  • 1 month later...

The little guy in the back really makes the peice awesome. It's like something just stepped out of a story, because that little man helps make the whole thing weave a story of it's own -_-


The fact that the poses are completely natural and it's beautifully made help, of course :ph34r:

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