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New to spreading the Plague(pic heavy)

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Hey all, thought I would finally drop a line to say Hi! Ive been hiding in the dark corners of the forums here for the last few weeks checking things out and I finally decided to take some pics of my nurgle WIP and load them up to show off. So here we go, just to mention on the theme of it all, I wanted to do something different than the normal green/brown colors of the nurgle lists but really wanted to tie it in with the nurgle's rot thing so I went with a Bog/swamp look on all the conversions with lots of mossy effects. Some of my troops are converted plastics, and most of them are the GW metals. I did pick up the FW upgrades for the Termis and the Rhinos. Add in some cool resin bases and were really starting to take off. Here are the pic's! Also please keep in mind, these are taken with a terrible camera and better pic's will come along when I get my new one in a few weeks.

My Display board...












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Awesome models without a doubt, Nurgle would be pleased..if he could look at the models without being sick (definate compliment there if the Grandfather himself feels his stomach churn at the sight) ;)


Shamelessly stealing that Vindicator dozer-of-skulls idea mate, possibly having slime oozing from the eye sockets of all of them, sorry for the idea-theft :D


Couple of questions though if you don't mind;


The bases, could you tell me where you got them from please? I like having the idea of my Lord and Terminators being so blessed by Nurgle that their very presence corrupts the ground they tread, the Lord causing all perishable items within several feet of him to rot as if seconds were weeks (having Maggots spilling from beneath the robe of my Nightbringer-based DP would be awesome too!)


OH! One last thing...that large Nurgle Icon..where'd you get the skulls? :D Making a detachment of the Legio Mortis to go with my Deathguard, and I'd love to have that sort of icon beneath the Reaver's feet. (Its mere presence enough to desecrate the earth in the name of Nurgle, and cause the dirt itself to warp into shrines to the Plaguefather).


Sorry if i sound like I'm nabbing all your ideas though, they're just so good... >.> <,< >.>

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I realise this is WIP so please take what I say with two spoons of mintsauce.


I like the colour scheme it works pretty well ;), I also like all the gubbins you put on your tanks although the 'teeth' on the raider look a bit cartooney... but hay hoo as they say. The daemon prince also looks a bit cartooney but that is entirely the models fault rather than yours ;)! Maybe you like cartooney ;)


So no major issues with the above... the one thing I don't really like is that the grey seems pretty clean (I know it is WIP and the photos might not be the best) and personally I think the armour would look better if it was bit more dirty... Be it weathering, battle damage or just oozing stain marks from the joints. But that is just me.


It is good work and I look forward to seeing more.

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thanks much for the kind words gents...


As far as the skulls go, they are the plastic fun pieces that you can find in party stores around Halloween cut in half and then placed into the circles. the board is made of styrofoam which you can purchase from Lowes Home Improvement store in 4x8 foot sheets, great for making display boards and small hills and things.


@ Hellios As far as the models looking a little clean, that was intentional. Just my style when it comes to painting army's. This was actually something I wanted to see if I could do while still pulling off the Nurgle look. Also why I went with the Grey armor and a swamp/bog theme. However on that note.... Ive never tried to play with the pigments for weathering, and ive also never done stain marks either, im actually fairly new at the whole painting thing in detail. My last army was a black templars army that was sprayed with black on the bodies and shoulders sprayed seperate with white and then glued on after that was done. almost no highlighting at all. How would you suggest the stain marks? As for the cartoony look, yeah, thats kinda my thing to. The Land Raider was given teeth so that should I want to make it Possessed I have an excuse.


Any other suggestions would be more than helpful, and if anyone has any good descriptions on how to "Stain" these guys, let me know


Thank you guys again for the kind words/C&C


EDIT: Also, on the question from the basing, this place is wonderful, extremely well priced and very fast on the shipping as well


Dark Art Miniatures: http://www.darkartstore.darkartminiatures....ASING/Infested/


They have tons of other themed bases as well, just hit up the online store.

Edited by TheBogBringer
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Thanks for the answers, I'll definately be looking into those themed bases...guess I'll have to rebase my entire army now xD As for those skulls, shame I'll have to wait until Halloween...but oh well, suitable time of year for the Legio Mortis to walk the battlefield no?
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Any other suggestions would be more than helpful, and if anyone has any good descriptions on how to "Stain" these guys, let me know


There are so many ways to get a stained appearance from using powders, inks/washes or painting on marks that it would be hard to say what to do. If you know anyone who has it I would suggest having a look at Imperial armour painting masterclass. It might not have the techniques you will want to use but it is great for inspiration and with a bit of imagination you might be able to use one of their techniques, modify it and makie it your own (swamp juice instead of oil for example :lol:). Remember however is clean is your style and you like it that way do things how YOU want! However I've never seen skulls as clean the ones on your vindicator in a swamp, never seen human skulls in a swamp for that matter ;).

Edited by Hellios
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