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Sanguinary WIP


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So I'm going to enter the Dutch Golden Demon version (for fun though). This is the first Sanguinary Guard of the Squad I'm planning to enter... The picture is kinda blury but tell me what you think about it.



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This is the finished first member.. I think the light and quality on this picture are better anyway... LONG LIVE NATURAL LIGHT!! Please let me know what you guys think.. I'm not so fond of how I did the banner...

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Honestly, I think you have a fairly decent model here. I think you could add some highlights to the banner and it would really pop. The areas I see are the robes of the figure on the banner and the banner itself. By adding another highlight or two, you will have one sweet banner!
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i think youre off to a great start man keep it up. for some suggestions i would do some highlighting on the gold just som burnished gold and mithril silver mixes to make the edges pop a bit more. also i agree that the wings need to be whiter. if you use some watered down skull white you can gradually step up the whiteness withouth losing your color blending on the feathers. also some highlights on the banner parts would help out a lot. maybe even have the ribbon with the Blood Angels on i be a different color to add more contrast to the parts of the banner.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm really not a fan of this paintjob, it could be the camera but from what I can see it looks a little messy.


Well I can't blame you for your opinion. And as most of the time I get to hear stuff like "Nice work!" and such it's good to get a critical opinion sometimes.. I would just like to hear some advice. There's no point in being criticized without a chance to improve yourself is there?

And I agree that the Ork looked better. I guess I should start a WAAAAGH of my own ;) :)

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