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Sin's Angels


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a couple DW guys I built up ..


Hunter with Mark of Vengence (Wolfen) ... as they will be a counts as Space Wolves..





Alas poor Yorick,. holding the skull.. and rocking FW bolter and chainsword.




And a flamer guy with a GK flamer, I covered up the Fort with some GS and filed off the I on the canister.




@ bio - thanks man .. I really wanted him to look like he was going full bore at the enemy.. I still have a bunch of guys to build to finish out the squads haha.. as for the flamer guy I was actually going to make it look singed haha.. so you read my mind ^_^


@ Yogi - Thanks .. glad you are liking them.. next should be a LR or Contemptor Dread in the same style ..

@ Bio - Thanks B) I want them to have that nitty gritty look .. and with the white is seems the less is more. The more I added on the test models make it just look worse.

@ Oli - Thanks man .. posing that Contemptor is a pain. All the bits and Super Glue seems to dry slower on resin to me ..8) took me a week of putting him together slowly. It's a secret weapon urban base.


The Arms are Magnetized so I can swap them out or removed them as they get blasted off. The way his arms go together really works well for magnets.





  • 2 weeks later...

Tons of great work here. The Dusk Wolves are very interesting, love the scheme you've chosen.


With you battle damage on the vehicles I'd use a blister sponge to put the first patches before you use a brush. It makes it a tad more varied, and less obvious. Just an idea, feel free to ignore :cuss


Looking forward to more.

@ Biohazard - Thanks man .. sure I'll post a few more .. I was playing around with making a different look on the blade and this is what I have so far haha ..


@ DarkMark - Thanks .. I hear ya and I've tried the sponge method before but never really liked the outcome.. might have been my technique though 8) .. I'm actually playing around with undercoating the tanks in boltgun, clearing and then going over with the base color .. then using a Q Tip to rub away the paint.. so far I'm liking the tests I've done but since I already have the look I have I don't want it to start something new and look out of place .. thanks for the CC its always helpful!


@ The Son - Yup yup .. they are going to be the loyalists from the traitor legions and figured that would be a cool idea .. plus who can't like "The Red Right Hand of the Emprorer" .. 8) Thanks






A little of both but most is by hand .. I blended black to white (with the airbrush to keep it smooth, but it could also be done by hand) then applied the bright green (I forget what the Vallejo Color is called, but I can look when I get home if you like) and used green wash and inks to blend over the black/white transition. Also dry brushed some white, yellows and greens in as well.. I've honestly been screwing around with it so much I don't remember the exact step by step on it though haha.. ;) I can sit down and retrace my steps when I get home and give you the colors if you like.


I find using inks on the blade really gives it a stand out look as they are usually more vibrant and contain a lot of pigment. But that's just me .. :D


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