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BA Honor Guard

Red Fury

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So what happened to the Honor Guard? I though for sure we would be getting a new kit with the second wave releases, I mean they are even pictured in the codex! Looking at them they are clearly unique and not some sort of kit bash, so what gives? Has anybody heard of a third wave? I doubt that's going to happen. So did GW forget or pull the plug on this kit?
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if youre talking about the ones that im thinking of (gold painted like Dante) then are are just the old kit painted differently. there is nothing new about them other then trying to be painted to show more details which really arent there.


besides all the bits exist to create any combo of the squad. If you wanted them special looking just use the SG kit. there is no need to make a new kit

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Do you mean the Gold painted Honor Guard that usually show up with Dante? With the Sanguinary Guard lookin' armor? I was under the impression that was all green stuff (and a staff member's creativity). I have seen that Honor Guard unit around since the 4th ed. pdf came out.


To be honest though, do you REALLY need a seperate honor guard box to make yours? The most you will probably need are the apothecary bits, so all you need to do is go to ebay or bitzbox or something and get those.

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I'm not aware of the third BA wave. TBH, I haven't seen old HG at my LGS long before the 5th ed dex was released. And maybe the ones in Dex are those old models, are they? I think GW though that SG and DC bits would be enough for us to make unique HG models.

Fluff-wise, I think they should not differ from regular PA, as HG are seconded from certain Company's members. I personally use mostly regular PA bits with BA-themed shoulder pads. If you want ornate armor go with SG.

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I have not seen new honor guard since the third edition one I still have but cannot feild thanks to options it had like techmarines and such. I doubt they are going to release a new one any time soon. The ideas for using SG and DC bits is a really good idea. You could make some great HG out of them, combine with an regular space marine command squad would give you some great unique HG.
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They are kitbashed



I don't think so. They've been around since the "How to Paint Space Marines" book. I think they might have ben a prototype sculpt (like the single engine Eldar jetbike) that never got released. Those models are several years old now... which means we will probably never see them released.


They look like their armor was based off Tycho's and they eventually evolved into the current SG armor.

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The four from How to paint space marines are tactical chests on assault legs, with Dante's left arm and jump-pack. The muscle details are all painted on. the BA Honour guard have proper assault torsos apart from the priest, who is used as the basis of the dante honour guard priest extra bits. the only new guy is the blood champion, never before seen. He is made just the same except for the addition of the DC power sword to make him look new.
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I think people are confusing the 2 different sets of models. In the PDF Codex and even in the new one I think there is a fully golden honour squad pictured with Dante. These ARE kitbashed and painted quite cleverly to give the appearance of artificier armour.


There was also an honour guard box, which was basically an assault sprue with a few metal pieces including the model that is now the sanguiniary priest, a techmarine upper body, a champion helm and power sword and a banner. This has been out of production for a while, but really the only thing you cant still get hold of is the techmarine piece...But it wasn't that good anyway compared to the new Techmarine model.

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With all this talk about them being the old discontinued set, I had to go home and double check mine. No, the discontinued HG set is definitely not the HG pictured. I was suprised to see that this same mysterious HG were actually pictured on the cover of the PDF codex, I never noticed that before.

Those models are several years old now... which means we will probably never see them released.
I think that's right. These are clearly not a kitbash, they have unique torsos and shoulder pads, although the legs might just be cleverly painted RAS legs.


So I wanted to strip and repaint my very dated Honor Guard, the old set with the techadept and the thin banner. Not only are they not tooled up well, they are not painted to my current standard either. I started thinking about just shelving them instead and building an all new HG and I'm looking for models too use. I just finished 2 full 10 man RAS squads using a DC/SG/and 2xRAS kits to make 20 kitbashed marines and think the HG should somehow look different than these guys other than a flashy paint job.

Maybe I'll just go with a mainly SG setup with some DC jump packs instead of the chicken wings...that could work.

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Im 100% Sure though of being in WH World and seeing the metal torso's that these guys's have got as bits parts, like the Iron Warrior parts it was just the upper body.


In the new codex it just looks like they have used these but added the new parts, and painted the legs to look like the new SG legs.


This is realy bugging me now :sick: if I didnt have to get ready for my night shift I would trawl through all my many years of book collection as I know somewhere Ive got a pic of these.


If I am wrong then Ile get the Mrs to give me 50 lashes ;)

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wait which hounour guard are we talking about?the one on page 67 was the old squad remodded again. old metal baal gunner shoulderpads greenstuff abs and additional painted designs and dantes jumppacks all round though i think that priest is a newly done up one to match in. it uses the plastic command squads weapons shoulder pad etc. that squad is conversion. it has not been available to buy. there was a mixed metal and plastic command of which all you can buy now is the metal apothecary. but really all you need is a command squad and an assault marines box, or death co if you want ornate.
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wait which hounour guard are we talking about?the one on page 67 was the old squad remodded again. old metal baal gunner shoulderpads greenstuff abs and additional painted designs and dantes jumppacks all round though i think that priest is a newly done up one to match in. it uses the plastic command squads weapons shoulder pad etc. that squad is conversion. it has not been available to buy. there was a mixed metal and plastic command of which all you can buy now is the metal apothecary. but really all you need is a command squad and an assault marines box, or death co if you want ornate.

No it's not the old HG squad.

The old metal baal gunner shoulder pads are different, I have them to compare. The pictured HG have a BA symbol that overlaps the pads trim, just like Dante's, the Baal gunners doesn't.

The torsos are unique. Possibly a custom sculpt by some studio guy (greenstuff or sculpted and cast) and the product never made it to production, too bad.

The priest looks like the same one from the pdf cover, nothing new.

And yes, Dante's JP all around.

Sure you can bash a DC squad and a RAS to come up with a squad, just not that squad. I was just hoping for something different from my kitbashed RAS for the HG. Actually, I'm now thinking of trying to collect 4 new plastic Baal gunner torsos and 1 apothecary torso to go with some SG legs.


The HG from the free PDF cover: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...i&img=64070

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seriously did you look at the abdominals... those wernt on the hounour guard. and if they arnt the baal gunner one(which i also have one) then they must be greenstuff copies of dante. they are definately not the hounour guard boxed set.

infact this is a link to the hounour guard boxed set compared to dantes specific honour guard.


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They are kitbashed


Also, I don't think GW could picture kit bashed models on their site as "for sale." Oddly enough, a buddy of mine ran into the same issue. Ordered the BA honor guard, and ended up getting standard JP marines with an included JP Apoth. (the recently re-released sang priest.) As he was expecting what was pictured on the web site, he called GW, complained, as was promptly sent the pictured models. Now this was before or new dex was released, but evidentally they existed at some point.



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Those are kitbashed, greenstuffed and painted... the toes on the boots and the indents on the greaves are just painted on... no texture or relief whatsoever. The ab-cable area has been greenstuffed over, and the shoulderpads are indeed the Baal predator gunner shoulderpad.
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They are kitbashed


Also, I don't think GW could picture kit bashed models on their site as "for sale." Oddly enough, a buddy of mine ran into the same issue. Ordered the BA honor guard, and ended up getting standard JP marines with an included JP Apoth. (the recently re-released sang priest.) As he was expecting what was pictured on the web site, he called GW, complained, as was promptly sent the pictured models. Now this was before or new dex was released, but evidentally they existed at some point.



in 10 years ivenever once even heard of someone getting those specific models. any chance you could get pics? and the picturing thing is strange got. we used to be told no forgeworld in dexes, but look at the termys and death co rhino etc...

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Those are kitbashed, greenstuffed and painted... the toes on the boots and the indents on the greaves are just painted on... no texture or relief whatsoever. The ab-cable area has been greenstuffed over, and the shoulderpads are indeed the Baal predator gunner shoulderpad.



Nope. The Baal predator shoulder pad doesn't overlap the rims of the pads like the ones in the honor guard picture do. Not to mention the fact that these models appear in the "How to Paint Space Marines" book years before the current Baal predator kit was released. it would be hard to kitbash them from models that didn't exist at the time.


The legs may be just painted, but the torsos look like unreleased bits.


The original Honor Guard box, with all red marines, including the crappy banner and Jump techmarine are from 3rd edition... back when you could take a techmarine in the honor guard squad. That old metal boxset (from 3rd edition) is the only actual BA honor guard box set released. The honor guard that appears in the current BA codex first appeared in the "How to Paint Space Marines" book and also in the . PDF codex. Those models have never been released. I think these models were done as a possible release to coincide with the .PDF, but were scrapped for whatever reason.

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They are kitbashed


Also, I don't think GW could picture kit bashed models on their site as "for sale." Oddly enough, a buddy of mine ran into the same issue. Ordered the BA honor guard, and ended up getting standard JP marines with an included JP Apoth. (the recently re-released sang priest.) As he was expecting what was pictured on the web site, he called GW, complained, as was promptly sent the pictured models. Now this was before or new dex was released, but evidentally they existed at some point.



in 10 years ivenever once even heard of someone getting those specific models. any chance you could get pics? and the picturing thing is strange got. we used to be told no forgeworld in dexes, but look at the termys and death co rhino etc...



I think he is saying his friend was able to order the "Classic" 3rd edition HG, which is now listed as no longer available. As of today, the only Honor Gaurd listed on the GW site is the generic space marine command squad.

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wow ok...those are painted legs and feet. the torso's are greenstuffed abb covers the shoulder pads are green stuffed as well. the axe is from the old space wolf sprew and so is the sword it had the wolf head removed and the blood drop molded on the banner top is also green stuffed to have the blood drop. they all have dante's back back and the apoth is from the plastic command box...there a mix of models and parts. its a kit bash they were never for sell and never will be because all the parts are out there....
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