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BA Honor Guard

Red Fury

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Those are kitbashed, greenstuffed and painted... the toes on the boots and the indents on the greaves are just painted on... no texture or relief whatsoever. The ab-cable area has been greenstuffed over, and the shoulderpads are indeed the Baal predator gunner shoulderpad.



Nope. The Baal predator shoulder pad doesn't overlap the rims of the pads like the ones in the honor guard picture do. Not to mention the fact that these models appear in the "How to Paint Space Marines" book years before the current Baal predator kit was released. it would be hard to kitbash them from models that didn't exist at the time.


try looking at the old metal baal pred gunner... also is the best ba shoulder pad ever. i wish gw had released packets of 10s of those. would hav got them... and my greenstuf copies are never the same as the original... <_<

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Those are kitbashed, greenstuffed and painted... the toes on the boots and the indents on the greaves are just painted on... no texture or relief whatsoever. The ab-cable area has been greenstuffed over, and the shoulderpads are indeed the Baal predator gunner shoulderpad.



Nope. The Baal predator shoulder pad doesn't overlap the rims of the pads like the ones in the honor guard picture do. Not to mention the fact that these models appear in the "How to Paint Space Marines" book years before the current Baal predator kit was released. it would be hard to kitbash them from models that didn't exist at the time.


try looking at the old metal baal pred gunner... also is the best ba shoulder pad ever. i wish gw had released packets of 10s of those. would hav got them... and my greenstuf copies are never the same as the original... -_-


The metal Baal predator gunner does have a Blood Angels icon on his shoulder pad. However, it's not the one used on the Honor Guard. It's smaller and doesn't overlap the rims. Here is a picture of the Baal Gunner pad in question. And here is a picture of the Honor Guard in question. You can get a good look at the shoulder pad on the banner carrier. The wing has way better coverage and is stylisticaly different than the one on the Baal Gunner.

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ahh, one of those pics is from an angle i havent seen before, and indeed it soes seem the shoulder pads are copies of dantes(who infact are quite similar to mephysons too) but again that dosnt prove they were released. they were just the personal conversion of some gw employee. possibly even dantes original sculptor. also if they had access to that many dantes backpacks then they had access to that many dantes and could either made a mould and made more or even hacked them up and made more too.
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ahh, one of those pics is from an angle i havent seen before, and indeed it soes seem the shoulder pads are copies of dantes(who infact are quite similar to mephysons too) but again that dosnt prove they were released. they were just the personal conversion of some gw employee. possibly even dantes original sculptor. also if they had access to that many dantes backpacks then they had access to that many dantes and could either made a mould and made more or even hacked them up and made more too.



No, they were never released. That's what the OP was asking about. The reason they weren't released is unknown... it's speculated that they were either prototype sculpts that GW decided not to release (much like the prototype single engine eldar jetbike) or they were a kitbash/ personal sculpt. I lean towards the first explantion, but there is no way to know for sure.

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really...wow... there personal sculpts one of the design studios guys made. and that is why you will never see them...there a personal unit green stuffed and painted just look at the bits like the sword arm from the old space wolf sprue.......its a personal unit one of the design studios guys made thats why its always in books thats all.
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really...wow... there personal sculpts one of the design studios guys made. and that is why you will never see them...there a personal unit green stuffed and painted just look at the bits like the sword arm from the old space wolf sprue.......its a personal unit one of the design studios guys made thats why its always in books thats all.



really... wow... and you know this how? Did you meet the guy who made them? Just because the weapons are from other sprues doesn't mean that the torsos or shoulderpads are greenstuff. It's completely possible that the torsos were prototype models that GW decided not to release. They've done it before...

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regardless of whether or not the minis in the codex are mystery kit, or green stuffed, or whatever. I for one do not see what was so fantastic about those particular marines that we would even want to purchase the kit. With the new DC and SG as well as the MANY other conversion opportunities out there we can easily make HG that look far superior to the ones seen in the codex. I personally used BA bits combined with Black Templar tabarded torsos and think they came out fine.
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actually ive seen them in person. used to work for GW made a LOT of trips to baltamore back in the day to pull our own bits when we got them 10c by the ounce. and they used to have a lot of the models that are in codex's and games day on display. and ya in person its very obvious to see there just green stuffed and painted nothing more.....wow ;)
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I Know what these guys are now,


The body part is the Apothecary from the old Blood Angels command box (He had the abbs )

The viles have then been removed and replaced with pouches on the other guy's


The jump packs are Dante's


And the arms are a mix of old and new Assault weapons


If GW still did there bits parts, which I loved (used to spend loads on bits at WHWorld) then you could have done this.


But like others have said you can use the new BA plastics to make so much better HG

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Well done Mr Chaos. Of course that's why they have the pouches. Also the left arms are Dante's. They actually seem to be in the same position as his, perhaps with different hands. The pauldron is definitely his though.


There are easily enough pieces to make these characters between the SG and DC boxes. All you need in addition is the narthecium arm from the command squad and the shield from the assault marines (get them from bitz stores) and you would be able to do a better squad than these ones. So I disagree with the OP that some-how we have been robbed of a possible set, What we got was a lot better and a lot more BA specific.

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You mean the same as the Dark Angel, Black Templar, and Space Wolf chapters? All who have chapter specific bits. I guess you are right, I should start hacking apart my Space hulk termies for bits. :lol:


Whatever, I didn't realize how old that honor guard pictured on P.67 really was, the same squad pictured on the cover of the pdfdex. They won't be, and never were, released. I think it is great that the DC come with all sorts of extra stuff and the SG have some too. I have put those bits to great use, but I think it would be nice to have more bits available (crazy, I know!), there is definitely room for a HG/VV kit.

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So what happened to the Honor Guard? I though for sure we would be getting a new kit with the second wave releases, I mean they are even pictured in the codex! Looking at them they are clearly unique and not some sort of kit bash, so what gives? Has anybody heard of a third wave? I doubt that's going to happen. So did GW forget or pull the plug on this kit?


Space Wolves are still waiting on their second wave with their special characters.

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Yeah, but nids are dirty aliens who all need to be destroyed, so we are not really concerned about them. Have you forgotten your litanies of hate? By the by, I am just happy we have as full of a line as we do, instead of the general apathy shown towards other lines such as the Necrons who still have a third edition codex. Sure we do not have a conversion sprue like the Dark Angels, or assault cannon turrets for our razorbacks, but you cannot have it all. Though I did just get in a whole bunch of assault cannons from the master of the raven wing DA kit, and they look far better than the new baal predator twin linked ones. They'll take some more work to make them fit sine they are meant to be under slung, but they should look awsome. But there is half the fun, the kitbashing. Whether its razorbacks or honor guards, little things that make your army look unique are always a good thing.
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one way or another i can get all available options in the ba dex. my poor nids dont... well didnt, they make do with greenstuff. and they were my first army and the only thing that could tear me away from them was the blood angels. also what are linates of hate? i think you have been reading the wrong codex yourself :yes:
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