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My take on Skyrar and the Dark Wolves

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First of all greetings oh dark and terrible heralds of chaotic doom, this is a combination of several posts i have scattered in other threads about Skyrar fluff.Heres my version of the ever controversial Skyrar's Dark Wolves.




He is called Skyrar Twice-Born, the Shadow between Stars, Butcher of Ulkarius, the Reborn and Chosen of Khorne.


After writing a rather complicated backstory for Skyrar, ive recently decided to scrap what i had written and instead continue with what was written in the Dornian Heresy IA articles for Khornate SW and Loyalist 1ksons.A truly excellant read.


If you havent read that yet, please take teh time to go to Amicus Aedes and download it.The relevant sections are pg.63, middle paragraph towards teh end and again on pg.70 under teh description "Skyrars Rift". Or just click here.


Personally i feel this answers background material concerns much better then trying to fit Skyrar within "our" universe and also resonates with my love for alternate history (ie; Kim Newmans description of a Superman who landed in Nazi Germany instead of Cold War America).It also neatly solves the "No True Space Wolf" argument (you know, the nature of there inner wulfen is non-human and therefore immune to chaos manipulation, so any Chaos SW is no tru SW).


So, to add to the scant information contained within, Skyrar is a devoted Khornate champion and true son of Fenris, willing to sacrifice himself and his crew to strike hard at his enemies heart as a matter of martial pride and honour (from the Skyrars Rift piece).When his ship (Lament of Angels) emerged on the Rifts otherside (this rift i believe is the main location for Skyrars sightings) Skyrars Blood Priests (sort of Apothocary/Chaplain cross) are delighted to inform him that Khornes will has guided them to a reality where Fenris still exists, the SW are loyalists (providing the most sport for there butchering raids and purest source of wolfhelix gene-seed) and teh 1k sons were traitors (o the beautiul irony).This is taken as both a blessing to continue the butchery and a martial challenge - this realities Imperium is weaker and ripe for the kill - and Skyrar has been blessed with the chance to do so.


In my mind, Skyrar is not a raving bezerker, but an old gaurd Khorne devotee, cunning and able to use tactical genius to increase teh skulls his Lord will recieve.He uses Jumppack infantry in small numbers, has no TW cav (being that he crossed through on board what we can assume was a cruiser class vessel) and is willing to ally himself with "our" chaos and renegade faactions in order to continue the existance of his (now unique) band of WolfBrothers.He is a raider a butcher and a pirate,and while he may have access to some heavier equipment, he is moslty constrained to using infantry and support tanks.I see veterans (chosen) playng a big part in his force.



Thhis is IMHO the easiest, best and strongest background for Skyrar.It is unfortunatly probably not what most players are looking for - as there is no SW 'dex , just teh last stand of a proud Khorneate champion whos martial honour and prowess is said to be rewarded in the form of a "rebirth" (which incedentally will propel my Skyrar even further into realms of the megalomaniac and empire builder).Just imagine a Madman who believes an entire reality is a gift from his patron God.And he has fanatical devotees.And lots of big guns.



The beauty of this is of course, that in this reality, there could possibly be 2 Skyrars - the one crossed over and the one in this reality.Though in my background Skyrar did not exist here until he crossed over.



Lastly, because of his method of arrival, i call him the "Shadow between Stars" (in a nod to;


The Stalker Between Stars

-This Wolf was the totem of Leman Russ and is still the icon born by every Great Wolf. The Stalker Between the Stars teaches the Sons of Russ that wherever they walk no matter how distant they bring the glory of Fenris with them.


Ranek, the Hidden Wolf

-Ranek is the Wolf who stalks the shadows, and teaches the young Wolves the virtues of stealth and hunting, that the fang from the dark is sometimes doubly as wounding as any other.


Being that he does believe in the glory of Fenris, whos bones the mountains sing to his bones and that he is a raider and pirate using guile and stealth to exist in a hostile universe.His continued existance is seen as a religious blessing and proof of Khornes might rather then a horrible accident.)





Any c+c is welcome, please keep in mind im NOT doing a SW goes Evil warband, but a warband from an alternate history.


Lastly, his fleet has grown and is kept scattered in the Fenris sector to avoid the SW sweeps - all his warband are genetic spaceWolves and created from both his own original stock of geneseed and the raided geneseed of this realities spacewolves.

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