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Gluing clear cockpit canopies

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Hello all. I am doing a commission job to put together and paint a friend's Grey Knight Stormraven. You can see some of my work on my blog: Gone to Ground. I have heard that super glue can cause the clear canopy pieces of GW models to mist over. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I can use to glue in the canopies and still keep them clear? I currently use zap-a-gap for all of my gluing needs. Thanks in advance for you help.
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Superglue is the worst glue for plastics, in my opinion, and especially for clear parts (from any company) as it does indeed cause frosting, as well on any plastic.


This is the best stuff I know for doing clear plastics:




I've used it a lot and it's always perfect. The bond is weaker if there's paint on any parts, but that's the same for any glue.

Here is the best way for getting good looking clear canopies;


Items needed;

Future Floor Polish

Elmers Glue(regular old white glue)

2 Small cup

Paper towels





1. take one of your small cups and poor enough future floor polish in it to dip your clear canopy pieces.


2. Using the tweezers, "dip" the canopy in the future, let the excess drip off


3. Take the paper towel and fold it over to create a flat surface that you can set your freshly dipped canopy onto


4. Place dipped canopy on paper towel so that "excess" future will be absorbed into the paper towel, then cover the part with the 2nd cup that you have to prevent lint from falling and attaching onto the canopy.


5. Wait 24 hours


6. Once dry, use the elmers glue to attach your canopy.


This is the tutorial that I found this information on;




Good luck,



I use thin liquid poly cement (in the jar) and brush it ONLY onto the non clear part, then press the clear part on.

Has worked for me for the last 20-odd years I've been doing it.

No fogging.

Minimal contact melting.

Has kept the parts together since they were built, too (mostly aircraft and eggbeaters).


GW staff recommend pva glue (it doesn't hold at all well).

ZAP! makes a superglue for clear plastics now, too (Plasti-zap). No fogging.

PVA (wood) glue works well for clear parts, but is not as strong as plastic cement because it can't soak into the material like it can when you're glueing wood. Your best option is probably to buy any type of model cement that specifically states it is intended for clear parts: the already-mentioned MicroMark Watch Crystal Cement is one, Humbrol ClearFix is another, but there are more.
In an old white dwarf I've reread recently, they adviced to use PVA to do clear plastics like canopy or the clear green necron bits. I havent a clue how good that works, but PVA shouldnt react to plastic like poly-cement or superglue does, so at least that is good. Also, I dont think you need much structural support, so it doesnt need to be a heavy duty glue either ;)


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