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My Black Templars


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Hey, new to this forum and just thought i would post what small progress i have made on my current 40k project:


Firstly we have an Emperor's Champion:






Then we have my First Crusade Squad (which happens to be my only one at the moment n :mellow:)










And the Razorback/Rhino






That's all for now. On my desk at the moment i have a Marshal, Chaplain with jump pack, and 5 Sword Brethren Termies.


Also! Could anyone tell me the best thing to use to get paint off of plastic models (With somethin I can get in the UK). As soon as i have worked out how to do that i will have another 15 marines!

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Well i don't have any photos atm (Camera ran out of batery :tu:) but i do have a question...Wil this army list work? I am going to a wargaming club for the first time tomorro night and I have managed to borrow some of my Dad's models to make up a 1000 point army:


Marshal with stormbolter and power weapon: 100


Reclusiarch with bolt pistol: 96


Emperor's Champion (Abhor the witch): 110


Crusader squad 1, 5 initiates, 5 neophytes power weapon: 140


Crusader squad 2, 5 initiates, 5 neophytes power weapon, melta gun: 150


Crusader squad 3, 5 initiates, missile launcher: 90


5 Assault marines, power weapon, plasma pistol: 125


Dreadnought: 105


Razor back with hunter killer missile: 85


TOTAL: 1001


I'm playing them as a black templar army btw!


Please any c&c will be welcomed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's been a little while since i last posted. Without further ado, here are my termies...






Here is a close up of the power effect i tried on the fists. Do you think it works? I wasn't sure about it because it was blue and red together but it seemed to work on the EC...




And a quick wip shot of the two new commanders of my army:



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Well, I have finished the Chaplain and Marshall






And just to prove i have based the other guys:





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Well i got bored tonight and decided to try and do a bit of free hand on the top doors of my rhino. This is only the second time i have tried free hand like this and am reasonably happy with the result (although the paint is a little bobbly). I'm also posting my first attempt at free hand. This was on the back of my chaos rhino, it was for some khorne bezerkers, hence the symbol.


The BT rhino:




The Chaos rhino:




Both together:




Any c&c, ANY AT ALL, I would love to hear it. ;)


**EDIT** Just noiced how TERRIBLE the writing on the scroll is... ;) *runs away, grabs paintbrush and frantically trys to make it better*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's been quite a while since i updated this and big things have happened! I have decided that i really hate painting black so i changed my colour scheme to this:








Close up of the power fist




Assault Marines (Currently with out jump packs):






Close up of power sword





Really happy with these guys. Especially so with the power weapons. They are a lot easier to paint this way and, imo, look better.

Also, never realised how relaxing painting wiggly white lines onto your models can be (It's meant to look like script and what not...)

One problem I have them is what to call the chapter. I was going to say they are red templars, but when i read some of the fluff for them

they weren't quite what i thought they were. Any one have any ideas as to what to name a chapter that are like the black templars, but

aren't black, they're red, but not red templars?


Still any c&c will be appreciated.



Just so you know, the templar crosses are hand painted onto the shoulder pads of the AM which is why they aren't very uniform, hoping that i get better at that as i paint more marines.

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I have to say I preferred the black and white scheme, you had it down, and there was definite improvement in your skills model on model [chaplain and marshall looked sick]. Having said that the new scheme is fine, and your painting is really good, more than solid tabletop quality. I like the powerfists on the termies, but I'm afraid I'm not a fan of the powerswords. I like the eyes on your new minis. Keep it up and keep posting B)
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The painting looks solid and clean but (and here it comes) please scrape away any mold lines and drill out barrels (or at least paint it) before painting. I know it tedious and boring to get rid of mold lines but it improves the overall look of your army by a 100%, and honestly when I see mold lines all I can think of is how lazy you were. Other than that, really nice models!



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Thanks all for the compliment and encouragement. I should have some more things to post soon...Should...


I like Crimson Tempalrs, that might be a possibilty (Unless it's a joke that i am missing :P)


The red is really simple:


Chaos black spray undercoat

Mechrite Red Basecoat

Badab Black Wash

Drybrush of Blood Red.


And then just some white squiggly lines to represent script!

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Well quick semi-update! I have been thinking about the history of the newly named "CRIMSON TEMPLARS" (Thank you Reyner! ;) )


The Crimson Templars are a fleet based, second found chapter, decended from the Imperial Fists. They are similar to the black templars in fighting style. They are one of the few space marine chapters to revere the Emperor of Mankind as a God that watches over all in his imperium. For that reason i designed this to go on top of my rhinos (If i can get good at free hand :)):




It's based off of what i see as the Lectitio Divinitatus emblem and the classic, templar, Maltese Cross thing.


Let me know what you think about it. And any ideas fluff wise would be greatly appreciated! :HQ:


I am currently painting a 9 man squad + Rhino and will also be painting a helbrecht once i have fixed him (His sword snapped off :( ) and an EC

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First crusade squad (9 initiates, meltagun, power weapon and rhino):






Working on the rhino at the moment so that will be uploaded in the next couple of days hopefully.

Sorry that the pics aren't the best but took them really quickly :)

Thanks for looking

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Thanks guys. This has got to be the best reaction to my painting i have had on any forum so they're making me feel pretty good so thank you very much ^_^


I have finished the rhino to go with the 9 men i already posted. Here it is:






And with the squad:




I don't really know what to paint next though, it's either repaint the terminators or some characters (Chaplain with jump pack, chaplain/marshal on bike, high marshal helbrecht, marshal and, finally, an Emperor's champion) What do you think i should paint next?

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