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My Black Templars


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I have managed to get the terminators based! I doubt anything with bases smaller than this will get the extra bits so don't get used to it too much! :HQ:

Anyway here they are:




And a close up of one of them:




Very happy with how the armour-y parts of the bases turned out, happy enough to be intrigued to find out what it would look like on an actual plague marine or something, but i doubt that will happen anytime soon...

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First crusade squad (9 initiates, meltagun, power weapon and rhino):



Might be a bit late but there is little nick of blue on the center marines shouderguard, dunno if this intentional or accidental but I thought I'd point it out anyway :D


P.S. Well Done! -_- ;)

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  • 1 month later...


Long time no post but between exams and moving house i haven't had a lot of time for painting.


Anyway first of all I have finished a 5 man squad with a Hv Bolter and a Plasma gun. It's only 91 Points but still, it's progress.




Don't worry, i will paint the bases at some point!


And secondly, I have performed my first attempt at any real sort of green stuffing!






Yep! A true scale marshal! It's not as good as most of the true scale marines i have seen around here but I'm still pretty happy with it! ^_^

And the mandatory scale shot




Enjoy! (hopefully :huh: )

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Thank you Ryld


Because i have decided to enter my very first tourament for this weekend i have been trying to get my 1500 point army painted up and ready to go, so i should be updating this with a few more things after this pretty soon *fingers crossed*


Land speeder typhoon:




Emperor's Champion:




They are not the best photos but my camera was about to die so i had to take them quickly.

Left to paint before this saturday is 5 terminators, 9 marines, a rhino and half a marshal. OH and 4 objective markers ;). Should be done, hopefully...





EDIT: Just noticed the ECs right shoulder pad...Don't know what happened there but it isn't like that IRL, honestly :P

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@BrotherSargeantDaro: I see what you mean but IRL the red is quite dark so they don't look to much like blood angels...


@Marshal2 Crusaders: There is some black on them!


Aaaanyway, i have completed the Marshal. The paint looks a little thick in some places but I'm quite happy with how it turned out and he will do for the Tourney on saturday!






Also, the pics look a pinky and i'm not sure why...ah well :P

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