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Carmine the Wolf's painting table

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1. Sons of the Apocrypha Space Hulk Librarian

2. Sons of the Apocrypha Terminator Librarian Kitbash

3. Sons of the Apocrypha Rogue Trader Era Librarians

4. Sons of the Apocrypha 90s Era Lexicarnum, Epilostery and Codicier Librarians

5. Sons of the Apocrypha 90s Era Terminator Librarian

6. Sons of the Apocrypha 90s Era Terminator Conversion (based on Grey Knight Terminator)

7. Sons of the Apocrypha 00s Era Terminator Chaplain

8. Sons of the Apocrypha Rogue Trader Era Chaplains

9. Sons of the Apocrypha 90s Era Chaplains

10. Sons of the Apocrypha Chaplain Conversion

11. Sons of the Apocrypha Contempory Chaplain

12. Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn

13. Sons of the Apocrypha Hearthguard

14. Sons of the Apocrypha Techmarines

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i like him, he looks good, in my opinion though i think the parchment on his leg you did up silver should look more like the other paper on him and maybe you should add some 'swiggles/writing' to the purity seals, as well as some highlights to pop out the detail on him a bit, but hey apart from that looks very good. keep it up man *smiles*
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i like him, he looks good, in my opinion though i think the parchment on his leg you did up silver should look more like the other paper on him and maybe you should add some 'swiggles/writing' to the purity seals, as well as some highlights to pop out the detail on him a bit, but hey apart from that looks very good. keep it up man *smiles*


Thanks for the positive feedback.


I kept the detail on this guy down to a bare minimum for fear that my lack of skill would show up. I was hoping that a subdued job would contrast well with the level of detail on the mini and when I had something that I was pleased with I was not keen on playing around with it.


The leg parchment is something that other people have commented on as well, and I chose to paint it as a piece of metal rather than a parchment due to the fact that I felt the model was already heavy in that area and I didn't feel confident to freehand anything on the scroll - which would have looked strange without something written on it.

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Your model would look ace with highlights on the armour plates dude... would definitely give a 'finished' look to it. I wouldnt worry about making a mistake either as a lot of the time you can wipe it off with your finger. As for writing on the parchment, just cheat and use a super fine tipped graphic design pen. :D
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ah i understand fully on the writing on the legs and parchment. it can be annoying but ihave found a way to make em look good for what i enjoy and its simple too. basically it works like this.


1. paint over the parchment using Dennub(sp) Stone Foundation paint.

2. do a edge highlight of the left side of the parchment and bottom of it using Iyanden Yellow foundation.

3. using chaos black if you feel safe with a thin brush or as cockroach's idea using a black graphic pen make some squiggles on the paper you feel safe to look like decent level of writing on it.

4. wash the whole thing with devlan mud.


thats what i use to make it work. does the needed job and haven't gotten a complaint so far from anyone in my gaming group they love em :P maybe that can help.


p.s. the new librarian is nice good conversion i just don't think the head you have there really fits for a librarian... its a little bland maybe if ya added some glowing eyes or something *nods* that would for sure give the idea his a librarian, that and some color on that axe instead of just silver.

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Rogue Trader Era Sons of the Apocrypha Librarians.

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Lexicarnum with Force Sword and Plasma Pistol.




Lexicarnum with Force Axe and Bolt Pistol.




Epilostery with Force Axe and Bolt Pistol.




Codicier with Force Sword and Bolt Pistol.




Codicier with Force Staff and Plasma Pistol.

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Librarian in Terminator armour with Force Axe and Stormbolter.


This is still the mini that I think of when I remember the first time I came across the Terminator armoured marines in the old catalogues, the solid poses, levelled weapons and sense of terrible momentum.

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Sons of the Apocrypha Librarian in Terminator Armour with Force Sword and Stormbolter conversion.


This was obviously converted from one of the original Grey Knight range.

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looking good, i love to see these old guys again :D


though i would've drilled the weapon muzzles


I just don't have the tiem to do that at the moment, what with real life demanding my time and all that.


Good to see that some people are happy to see the older stuff around here; I have far more of it to post as soon as I can.

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looking good, i love to see these old guys again ;)


though i would've drilled the weapon muzzles


I just don't have the tiem to do that at the moment, what with real life demanding my time and all that.


Good to see that some people are happy to see the older stuff around here; I have far more of it to post as soon as I can.


personally i prefer the modern kits, since plastic is much easier to convert in my opinion, but seeing those old school marines, takes me back to my first days of WH 40k ;) ...ah good times :D


can't wait to see more, keep it up!

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i understand completely on the collector part. and looking at some of those older models brings back memories... that and also makes me look at my unpainted 1st/2nd edition squad of space marines. as well as my same time frame Rhino's and 2 predators *chuckles* in the near future i plan to add a mk1 Land Raider. found one up for sale for a decent price in my home city. about 60 bucks and as far as i last saw has all the pieces.
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Sons of the Apocrypha 90s era Chaplains

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Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn Chaplain (conversion)




Sons of the Apocrypha Jump Pack Chaplain (conversion)




Sons of the Apocrypha Chaplain (conversion)




Sons of the Apocrypha Chaplain (conversion)

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Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn Company Champion




Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn with Powersword and Bolt Pistol




Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn with Poweraxe and Bolt Pistol




Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol




Sons of the Apocrypha Bladesworn with Powermaul and Bolt Pistol

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Sons of the Apocrypha Hearthguard Company Champion




Sons of the Apocrypha Hearthguard with Bolter

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