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Predator 2


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It’s too late to take better pics so this is what I’ve got to show ATM:






I’ll take better ones presently.


Adepticon is only 18 days away.


Ahem, :) -OMG

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In the words of another poster, I shoehorned a baneblade engine into the Rhino chasis to help illustrate the over-charged engines.


Like so:




Cheers, -OMG

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how does the fast predator play with an autocannon/lascannons setup?

Pretty well. It can move 6 and fire everything. The auto/las pred is probably the best pred in the codex (after the Baal depending on need)

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Even though the the tile stated "without Danny Glover" I was still expecting some Ruben Blades love :cuss



As always great job. Love the engine conversion. Be nice to see a GW/FW produced bit similar to that without having to buy the baneblade.

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personally i prefer the twin linked las over the auto cannon. you have a better chance of hitting and you have three strength 9 instead of 2 strength 9 and 2 strength 7 shots, i find that better but that is only my $0.02.


A bit too costly for my taste. I'd rather spend those points on upgrading a razorback, help spread things out a bit.

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As always great job. Love the engine conversion. Be nice to see a GW/FW produced bit similar to that without having to buy the baneblade.

When you buy the forgeworld upgrade kits for the Baneblade you get a much cooler rear panel bit with much larger exhausts. So thankfully in my case, these were leftovers. Never pitch leftover model bits.


personally i prefer the twin linked las over the auto cannon.

The classic Pred Destructor vs. Annihilator variants. BA are already hard pressed for points in many areas. The twin-las turret is an expensive choice for what amounts to be one extra LC. I find the autocannon has it uses, especially for taking out squadrons of lighter vehicles.


This is somehow both disappointing and awsome.

You really wanted Danny Glover? I’ll see what I can do for next time.


Cheers gents, -OMG

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But I liked Predator 2 more than the first one...the urban environment was much cooler. Plus, it's like the only action movie Danny Glover was ever in by himself. Poor guy.


But getting back to the model at hand, it is, as is typical with you OwlandMoonGuy, awesome. I really like the Baneblade bits added to make the engine look more ornate. It's something every Blood Angel (and successors!) should aspire too. Pimp my pred!

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personally i prefer the twin linked las over the auto cannon. you have a better chance of hitting and you have three strength 9 instead of 2 strength 9 and 2 strength 7 shots, i find that better but that is only my $0.02.


A bit too costly for my taste. I'd rather spend those points on upgrading a razorback, help spread things out a bit.

Agree tottaly agree. :)

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My favorite part is the awesome freehanded chapter badge on the front of the 1st Pred pic.

I always feel obligated to admit that the chapter badge wasn’t freehand – it was a custom decal. The same one I used on my Baal’s dozer blade below. But thanks all the same.




did you have problems with every thing fitting together?

I’ve gotten so use to GW models not fitting together right I don’t really think about it any more. On a side note, I was shocked at how the Drop Pod kit came together. It was nothing short of a struggle to get everything to line up! I figured with all the new CAD designed model kits that this would be a thing of the past. Oh well.


The basic box of the Rhino hull never quite comes together evenly. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t glue everything down until I can get the model to dry fit together. This may require some filing down of the rough spots & green stuff to fill in the gaps. So before I go off any more I’ll just give you the short answer – yes.


I haven’t been able to take any more pics- too much actual modeling getting in the way. I’ll have more to post here in a bit.


Cheers, -OMG

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