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Blood Angel RAS VII

I am Legion

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I have a habit of making each and every marine look important. As they should be depicted. The new Blood Angel bits allow for that quite easily. For some reason I can't get the photos to show off the blend in the red as well as I wanted too, but that's ok, I still need to work on it. As for the recipe:


Coats------ Red Scheme


1----------- Black Undercoat


1----------- Mechrite Red

1----------- Red Gore

1:1-------- Red Gore/Blood Red

2 Soft----- Blood Red Highlights

1----------- Blazing Orange Edging

1----------- Ogryn Wash

1----------- Baal Red Wash



It can take a while...that's why this army is so slow going. That and work...and life...

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I have a habit of making each and every marine look important. As they should be depicted.

But won't it be hard to make guys like veterans or the honour guard look even more important, since you even used the sanguinary guard torso on this regular marine?

; )

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Yes I believe it could be hard to make Veterans. Especially since some of the RAS have wings too. I guess I will just use the golden helmet approach, or maybe I'll add capes or something. I have a captain built and primed but I won't be painting him for a bit as I need to finish the last two guys for this squad. He does look a bit differant, but the more blended the army the easier it is for the opponent not to notice someone important. I think.... hahahaha
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You're right the base is simple. But this is just a RAS marine who will get killed turn one or two, you know what I mean. I added rocks to some of the other marines bases, but I want to keep it simple. I'm working on the last two guys to finally finish this squad off. In the next two weeks I will post them up along with the rest of the team. The next squad won't be as fancy as this one, simply cause I'm running out of parts.
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love it!


Personally I think the base is fine. I like simple bases for most minis. Never have really been able to wrap my brain around placing scenery on a base. (even though I have done it myself lol) Because during gameplay does that general/hero/hq standing on the toppled fountain or gutted enemy pick up the fountain or enemy with him while he moves so he has something cool to stand on/near whenever he stops moving?....or does he just carefully jump from one gutted enemy/toppled fountain to another :D

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love it!


Personally I think the base is fine. I like simple bases for most minis. Never have really been able to wrap my brain around placing scenery on a base. (even though I have done it myself lol) Because during gameplay does that general/hero/hq standing on the toppled fountain or gutted enemy pick up the fountain or enemy with him while he moves so he has something cool to stand on/near whenever he stops moving?....or does he just carefully jump from one gutted enemy/toppled fountain to another :lol:


^ This. I've never understood basing, and tourneys that require basing. Most of the games you play happen on terrain different than what you put onto the model's base, so it looks like they're carrying around their own sand/snow/rocks/etc while they're running around on a completely different kind of terrain.


That being said, this is an absolutely beautiful model, and I thank you VERY kindly for your painting steps! I haven't painted any of my BA's just yet, this'll help a lot.

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Hey thanks alot guys.


I'm still running out of bits because I overdid it on the first squad (surprisingly, because I got two of the DC boxes and one of the Sang Guard...). I really wanted them to be all artificiery (is that a real word?) as Blood Angels (and marines in general) are supposed to be. The next squad will have only one part from the vanilla marines boxes, and the rest should still be the BA bits.


Actually I havn't done too much basing as a whole. I started basing with my last salamanders, but they got ruined and I just didnt have the heart to keep going with them. So this time, I picked something basic. I just want them "complete".

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