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defiler load out


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i play a Nurgle army, now for those of you that play w/ defilers do most of you use 2 xtra ccw or do you use the guns? im just curious before i start to convert my new toy. i've gotta save some money and try to make 2 defilers out of one kit and some odds and ends. thanks
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2ccw . shoting weapons are bad. defilers are safest in hth. they cant fire the battle canon and other weapons . the chance that somehow a defiler get immobilised and weapon destroyed is smaller then the chance of the same fire power blowing it up.
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4 legs, 2 big crab arms and 2 flail CCWs. now with some sculpting and and extra sentinal canopy (or plastic card) i think i can weasel 2 defilers out of this stuff. 2 legs for each, 1 claw, 1 flail CCW, then all i'd need to make would be some tentacles for the other CCWs.
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