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Dark Marines: Little known chapter

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The only reason I was asking was because I really like the word bearer. what if they were chosen to be test subjects to see if the tratior gene-seed could be used again? Or is that a cliche?


Is it ok if my chapter tends to follow their own path in terms of fighting, recruitment, weapons, tanks, and units?

  Chapter Master KarnageWolf said:
The only reason I was asking was because I really like the word bearer. what if they were chosen to be test subjects to see if the tratior gene-seed could be used again? Or is that a cliche?


No. The Imperium would never use Word Bearer geneseed, as it is considered impure and corruptible. You wouldn't want to spend the time and resources to create an entire chapter, only for it to turn on you and become yet another great danger.


  Chapter Master KarnageWolf said:
Is it ok if my chapter tends to follow their own path in terms of fighting, recruitment, weapons, tanks, and units?


Yes, but make sure you have reasons.

My personal suggestion is find out what qualities you like about the Word Bearers. Is it their faith, their devotion to the Emperor, their desire to convert?


You don't necessarily need to be descended from that geneseed to have those qualities - like everyone else has said there is no way the Imperium would ever found a chapter using a corrupt geneseed - but it doesn't mean that you can't invoke their qualities. The Ultramarines, for example, are the paragons of Duty and Obedience, but if you want to create a chapter that embodies those qualities you don't have to be descended from the Ultramarines; they don't have a copyright on those qualities.


Does that make sense?

Ah ok thanks for the tips I will stick with the Dark Angels gene-seed. I've had the idea for a unit I call space marine commandos, they act like infiltration unit, kinda like Navy SEALs, armed with suppressed bolters, combat knives, and pistols. Their armor is designed to be quieter then normal power armor and is able to blend in to different environment like Predator or a chameleon. Would that be bad to have?

I am new to this site so don't take my word for it but as a general rule I think inventing new types of technology to make your unit super awesome way cool is generally tricky. You have to explain a great deal of things.


Who made it.


Why they have it and other, more powerful, Chapters don't have it.


What does it provide that makes it necessary.


I don't think the idea of a stealth tactics Space Marine chapter is bad, but I don't think they need crazy new tech to get the job done. Focus on the chapter as a personality, not the tech.

  Chapter Master KarnageWolf said:
The only reason I was asking was because I really like the word bearer. what if they were chosen to be test subjects to see if the tratior gene-seed could be used again? Or is that a cliche?

The traitor's geneseed is in vault under time lock. So, even if the HLoT wanted, they could not.


Is it ok if my chapter tends to follow their own path in terms of fighting, recruitment, weapons, tanks, and units?

Yes, but you need veeery good reason, since the Codex Astartes is Alpha and Omega of Marines recruitment, tactic&strategy, units composition and organisation.


  Chapter Master KarnageWolf said:
Ah ok thanks for the tips I will stick with the Dark Angels gene-seed.

Gene-seed of Dark Angels brings the additional 'baggage' in the form of 'Hunt of the Fallen' and 'Circles within Circles'.


I've had the idea for a unit I call space marine commandos, they act like infiltration unit, kinda like Navy SEALs, armed with suppressed bolters, combat knives, and pistols. Their armor is designed to be quieter then normal power armor and is able to blend in to different environment like Predator or a chameleon. Would that be bad to have?

Raven Guard armour is said to be quiter than the normal PA.

The "blend in" idea is far-fetched since the Imperium doesn't posses such technology, or at least not in such quantities.


You know, the Marines *are* Navy SEALs, but generally they don't bother with stealth.

  Chapter Master KarnageWolf said:
Ah ok thanks for the tips I will stick with the Dark Angels gene-seed. I've had the idea for a unit I call space marine commandos, they act like infiltration unit, kinda like Navy SEALs, armed with suppressed bolters, combat knives, and pistols. Their armor is designed to be quieter then normal power armor and is able to blend in to different environment like Predator or a chameleon. Would that be bad to have?

The flashy tech would be bad to have, but the idea of using small squads to accomplish tasks quietly would work pretty well.


The major problem with having really awesome new armour and stuff is justifying why your chapter has them and none of the more famous and established chapters have it.

It'd be a major headache, so it's probably best to go without the stealth suits. :P


Supressed bolters would work fine, I think, but it might be worth getting a second opinion on that. -_-

  Ecritter said:
Really hard to get a nine foot tall marine in power armor to 'blend in' anywhere. Unless he's trying to 'blend in' with thousands of other marines in power armor.

This depends on the environment, distance and used technology.


But generally yeah.

While fine foot tall space marines are hard to camouflage there is something to be said for them removing any trace of their presence after a battle. Have shell catchers on the bolters so they don't leave any brass (no idea what bolter casings are made of) behind, and maybe have special trained tech marines or servitors for destroying prints, vaporizing dead enemies, etc. They could strike hard and fast with drop pod attacks and then leave just as quickly leaving no trace of themselves behind.


Would that still appeal to your idea of stealth?

  Dualhammers said:
While fine foot tall space marines are hard to camouflage there is something to be said for them removing any trace of their presence after a battle. Have shell catchers on the bolters so they don't leave any brass (no idea what bolter casings are made of) behind, and maybe have special trained tech marines or servitors for destroying prints, vaporizing dead enemies, etc. They could strike hard and fast with drop pod attacks and then leave just as quickly leaving no trace of themselves behind.


Would that still appeal to your idea of stealth?


Know like imagine a group of tratior guard sitting around a fire in a jungle and a commando quietly grabs a guy, slits his throat, and when the rest of the squad looks to see what happened the commandos ambush them with a blitz attack, after they slaughtered the group of traitor guard, secure the area, and move on. Oh! When I get some of the models done and painted you guys want to see 'um? Oh, what if their armor used a type of air compresser or air shock absorbers to keep their foot steps from being heard?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I enjoy pictures. :tu:


I like the imagery of a blitz attack but remember that Space Marines have a very specific purpose - to be tools of ultimate destruction. They go in to kill everything and then leave. Lots of groups like the Tanith First can deal with simple Traitor Guardsmen in a stealth commando fashion. Again, the idea of blitz and secrecy are not bad ideas for a Space Marine chapter, but when you begin to write your IA focus on how it would be utilized within the confines of the normal Operating Procedure for Space Marines.

I'm against the "slitting throat" thing, as space marines vs traitor guard is a straight up slaughter, no need for stealth to eliminate sentries etc as they are no real threat, you may as well just slaughter everybody.


That being said, chapters like the Raven Guard, Raptors and Carcharadons use Stealth to approach their target areas before attacking, to allow maximum surprise when they finally do rise and up and commence said slaughter.


You could incorporate scouts heavily into your fluff if you really are set on commando type ops, as being more vulnerable than their power armoured brethren, eliminating threats quietly would be high on their agenda (especially if operating far from their own lines).



I was just using that an example. That's just the elite of the elite( they also help teach scouts in the early phases of training), but mostly the majority of the tactic is long range. Heres a better example. Ok the majority of the force is fighting the battle, now the lets say the commander is with his other leaders in a command tent or something like that. Now the commandos ambushed the leaders, by opening fire with the suppressed bolters or by taking them down quietly with CQC, but if they do get found out their armor will give them a better survival rate then with scouts and on their home planet, that does tend to have a low population, scout survival is rather important! :RTBBB:

Firstly, that does not meet the definition of an ambush, its more of a DA (direct action) op, which Astartes are very well suited for.


Few problems though:


Power armour is not quiet, whirring servos and grinding plates do not make for good stealth gear, unless you are Raven Guard (or successor) chapter, who have access to modified armour.


CQC becomes pointless when you are a walking tank, armour is cumbersome and hand to hand moves like locks, joint manipulations and complex takedowns are unworkable, better off just hitting them with a chainsword.


Suppressed bolters are fine (raptors have been known to use them), though pointless as you can switch out your regular bolts for stalker rounds anyway.


I see where you are going with this, you obviously like games like MGS and enjoy the 'behind enemy lines' type covert warfare aspect, but astartes are not ideally suited for this.


I recommend using Raven guard or Raptors and working the fluff around Sternguard type units for your 'commandos' veterans that specialise with many types of bolter ammo and advanced tactics etc.

Your 1st company could work in conjunction with Scout squads, acting as mobile QRF to swiftly react to real time intel gathered on the ground to remove high profile targets (my own chapter do this).


Go nuts, but just dont use a Dark Angel successor because stealth is not their style.



  Chapter Master KarnageWolf said:
Ah ok thanks for the tips I will stick with the Dark Angels gene-seed. I've had the idea for a unit I call space marine commandos, they act like infiltration unit, kinda like Navy SEALs, armed with suppressed bolters, combat knives, and pistols. Their armor is designed to be quieter then normal power armor and is able to blend in to different environment like Predator or a chameleon. Would that be bad to have?

Suppressed bolters and stealth power armor really sounds like tranquility snipers from the mantis warriors. check the Bell of Lost Souls Badab war stuff. maybe model your chapter after that.

Most of the army is not stealth based, it is long range infantry with tank support. The commando unit is higher then the sternguard. My chapter tends to different tactics for each mission. Commandos dont tend to see much action as there aren't very many of them. Also most of the 'techmarines' are trained by our master of the forge, with is why we tend to have different tech then the other chapters along with the fact that we don't see much action. The reason I was going to use the dark angel seed is because thats our chapter symbol.


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