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The Untouchables - a WiP project

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Hello all,


Some of you may know me from my Sons of Malice project (link in sig!) but if you don't, hello, and welcome, my name is Goose :D


I saw the Sisters of Silence for the first time in a White Dwarf where a couple had converted a Custodes/Sisters of Silence army for a doubles tournament. Now, while I thought the Custodes were kickbutt, the Sisters didn't really catch my eye so much, other than for the fact that were female warriors that weren't Sisters of Battle (OMG!)


None the less, they stuck in my mind, and during my time here on Bolter & Chainsword they've come up a few times so I eventually had a look at their Lexicanum page where I found the coolest artwork evar.





I mean, seriously.


So eventually one fateful, sleepless night (which this is turning out to be actually..) I thought of maybe, possibly making some of these kickbutt chicks. They just look a lot more scary and powerful than the Sisters of Battle, who I do love aswell, but who none the less are Warrior Nuns more than anything else.


So I guess I should stop talking and start showing some cool pictures.. The Sisters of Silence from the White Dwarf at that time were made from Dark Eldar parts and I thought they looked pretty plain to be honest. But with the new Dark Eldars there are a lot more juicy details and gothic spikey bits which quite frankly work for the Great Crusade's most mysterious military organisation.


Anyway, I have two of the lovely ladies looking Imperial enough to not be confused with Dark Eldar and thus be banned from these hallowed halls:









And this one, my favourite so far:









Don't worry, she knows how to use it ;)


So! Any and all comments and criticism is very welcome!


Thank you for looking!

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Now THIS is good stuff. I really like it. I have the Horus Heresy Collected Visions, and the SoS are really cool in the few pics of them that are featured. In the HH-novels I also like them a lot. All things HH I like a lot :tu:


But keep up the great work. I think you have captured them really well with the oversized shoulderpads and the large facecovers.


- Natanael

Wow thanks guys! I'm flattered with this many comments! :P


@-Max- and Cardinal Virtue thanks for the comments chaps, I'm not really sure yet how many I'm gonna make but probably not much more than 5 or possibly 6, if even that, so this is just gonna be a modelling/painting project. Although you never know..


@Terminatorinhell thank you kindly! By all means, be my guest ;) I was also thinking of maybe making them into Death Cult Assassins who are also dope as hell, but settled on the Sisters.


@Vairocanum, Brother Masariel, Mr.Malevolent and Leardinal thank you guys so much for the support! Hopefully I can live up to these two with the others I'm making ;)


@Natanael and Brother Paen thanks gents, very nice of you to comment. As for the rules, I have not thought about it at all as I really don't intend to play them or even make them game legal, but the ones in the WD used the Witch Hunters Codex as you say.


@Inache thanks bro, I do very much intend to make the markings. Not sure if I'm gonna paint an Aquila like they're "supposed" to have or some of the markings the other artwork has.

Hello all!


@Wicced hah you could try man I dunno if the fanatical warrior chick with a giant sword would welcome it though :D Anyway man, thanks for the comment!


@Natanael, well it is just over the border.. but we'll see, maybe it will grow, it all depends on how inspired I feel; I still have a LOT of ideas for other stuff and I'm moving away around August so I wanna cram as many different projects in between now and then :woot:


@Dark Apostle Thirst I dunno what to tell you; I see what you mean, at least with the first one, though on the Sister with the claymore it looks like an okay size to me. I'll try to be less generous with the greenstuff next time.


@WingsOfTheFalcon thanks for the comment man! As for the shoulders I hadn't put the pauldrons on yet but have a look at my update and tell me what you think :woot: I dunno if you think they should be even more bulked out than this though..


@Brother 'Ussell thanks man!


I've made some - sadly not very exciting - progress on the Sisters:







I'm not sure if I'm gonna give all the Sisters capes like that though since:

1) they're missions to make

2) they make it hard to paint a large part of the Sister

3) I'm not confident enough of my GS Fur skills to make the capes not totally bring down the whole model.


Problem is I really like the fur scarf thing, it adds a lot of bulk and, I just really like the fur scarves.. :woot: So I might make either just make shorter poncho-esque fur things or leave it at a fur collar.


Anyway, on with the pictures, Miss Claymore has been given shoulder pads:







Finally I present to you my newest two designs, one will be an Oblivion Knight (the bawss) who I've equipped with a sort of official staff of office and an Excrutiatus Sister:

















How do the legs look? They're supposed to be sort of strap-things, like in the artwork:





Anyway! C&C very welcome! Thanks for looking!

Thank you guys!


@Aquilanus thanks man! Glad you like em :)


@smallvictory I am attempting the mask but I'm not quite getting it to look exactly like the mask. Hopefully it will still be acceptably cool though.


@Wicced yes, I shall be changing that as soon as I mix myself a batch of GS ;)


@WingsOfTheFalcon you rate the tabard? Highly then, I hope :P or you hate it? But yeah maybe I could, you think these'd be acceptable as count-as Grey Knights?

Perhaps I saw wrong, but now the faceplates aren't nearly as unbalancing. Nice to be wrong :)


The cloak/cape idea is nice. Maybe look at some of tutorials for fur here at the BnC? To make it less of a mission?


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