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Steel Brethren


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I am not a great painter. My love for the hobby is more for the game play and converting minis. However, I did manage to get the core of my Steel Brethren painted. I'll warn you, I am no Heavy Metal painter... not even close. Still, it felt good to get some color on them.


Steel Brethren--Group Shot



Iron Warriors Squad



Steel Brethren Squad



Daemon Prince



Looking forward to getting more painted, including my Obliterator conversions.


EDIT: Re-sized photos.

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I did do some black washing on the armor, but not so much as to lose the brightness of the armor. The flash bleached out some of wash effect. But I agree, some additional black wash in the creases would help. As soon as the whole army is tabletop ready, I will go back and touch up.


Overall I am happy with my first real attempt with painting a 40K army. My only major painting experience thus far has been individual minis and a Blood Bowl team.

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