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The Brothers Grim


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Hi guys!

I'm working on finishing my lloooooooooooooooooooooooong work in progress Death Guard for an 1850 pt tourny this weekend. I've loved reading this forum for hours on end and figure I'd finally post all of my progress to maybe give some ideas and inspire some other Nurgle lover.

Here they are!


The Land Raider nearly done.


View 2 of the Land Raider. I have a second that just has the base coat and dry brushing done.


Brother Flad


Brother Vrox


Plague Reaper, WIP


Squad Rico, with Rhino


Squad Omega


Squad Gamma


Squad Bravo


I have lots of other models that are in various stages of completion. I hope you enjoy!

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Yeah, I think it adds a lot to each of the Deamon Prince models. Until the new plastic kit came out, I thought BOTH of the metal Princes availible needed a lot of work in order to make them look good on the table top. I hated both of the faces, so in turn, I beat up some Defiler masks and slapped them on.

Some people don't like the masks (at least from pictures on the internet), but in person, they look the right size. Most people comment that they look too big in pictures. The camera must add 10 pounds.

I think the only time I've seen those masks look silly on models is when they are on Terminators or *gasp* regular Marine sized models.

Thanks for the feedback!

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I also put that skull mask on my plastic DP. Their faces look a bit stupid, IMO, and masks and helmets are awesome (I blame Darth Vader and Boba Fett and the effect they had in my childhood).


I'd like to see pics of that defiler- Nurgle painted/converted defilers are great fun. I also like the scaberous fleshy bits on the vehicles- very gross.

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Just played my Pure Nurgle list this past weekend and finished 8th of 32 people. I played Mechanized Orks (DRAW), Slaanesh Chaos Marines (wiped him out on turn 4), then finally a different Mek Ork list with Gazgkull (LOSS, but scored quite a few battle points).


Overall, turns out Orks is a bad match up for me. I don't have enough long range power to knock down all of the trucks and battlewagons before they reach me. Too many hidden claws to knock down my Princes. As expected, I wrecked the only power armor list I played.


I got second in painting. Some guy from out of town brought a wicked Eldar force that he has placed at a Golden Daemon with. Always stinks to walk in to the store and have everyone snapping pictures around some other guys' display board! :P


Overall, great day. There's nothing like playing with a fully painted themed army.

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Looks Beautiful dude :) I really like the conversion on the pewter DP with the Greater Daemon wings. The defiler mask on the DP's looks really good too, my plastic DP is sporting the same mask! Your vehicles look great as well, the drybrushing looks really crusty and with a coat or two of laquer it will look runny and :cuss :)


Fantastic work



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