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BA guidance


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As a gift to start off I got AoBR and Space Marine battleforce along with codex. I'm assembling them and trying to figure out what is the best.

Librarian or Chaplian (Not purchased) I'm thinking of getting one of these guys are pretty cool with psker ablities or easier to hit. Probaly get a jumpack

Vanilla Terminator Squad (assembled) I wish these dudes had lightning claws but sadly they do not. I guess I'm stuck with these dudes

Full Tactical Squad (Assembled) with ,Missile Launcher, Sarge: Chainsword, Storm Bolter

I can make one more tactical squad but I'm unsure if I'm doing a good load out.

I think I will take advantage of Blood Angel's fast transport and make two rhinos. I dont think I should give it any weapons but I'm not sure what they should get

Full Assault Squad (Assembled) with Melta Bombs

I also have some unassembled Scouts, not sure if they should go sniper or melee

I have no idea what I should do with the Dreads

I'm trying to build a decent BA army, I'm I doing it right? Advice would be nice

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Indeed xD But anyway,


I'd purchase a Chaplain and use Mephiston as Librarian (he is also a monster in close combat).

Assault Marines are always good in a Blood Angels army so don't worry about that. (Or worry about the numbers. I'd choose 2 full squads at least.)

Rhino's are also a good idea. I'd also take a Baal Predator or Storm Raven to cover those. You can also use the Storm Raven to deploy your troop straight into the heart of the enemies.. (That's a good thing when you use a Death Company)

Tactical Marines are most useful with Missile Launchers and Meltaguns IMHO.

I'm not a big fan of Terminators. I prefer Sanguinary Guard with a Sanguinary Priest.


Good Luck Battle-Brother


The Emperor Protects :whistling:

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You will probably start (you should start) with smaller games, 500-1000 points in size. A Reclusiarch will kick butt more easily in smaller games. Librarians are fun too, but can't go toe to toe with other HQs.


Where are all your special weapons? For the TAC Assault and Termie squads? If you don't have the bits you could easily just add melta guns all around by buying the 5 pack from GW, good deal too http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1400031

You can't put the melta on the Termie, but you know what I mean...I hope.


Is the vanilla termie squad just armed with storm bolters? You can get a ass-cannon for 8bucks from GWs bits site too. Or you can buy an assault termie box, they come with 5 pairs of both lightning claws and th/ss, enough to equip 10 termies. You may not get too much use out of termies in a BA army though so you might just keep them as-is and expect to rarely use them.


Pick up a Death company box. Even if you don't make DC out of it you will have all sorts of cool bits to spice up the rest of your army.


I'd start by making a 1000 point list and then making your models match that. Once that is done, then add another 500 points... and then another.

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