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Rounding off the collection


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I am heading back to China now and staying for about a year, and this is the last chance to get any GW stuff at a decent price.


I am also going to put a mental cap on the blood angel/whitescars army now until it is all painted, so I wondered if there are any glaring omissions in your view.



Terminator reclusiarch

Jump pack librarian



Command squad with magnetised jump packs, champion, priest, flamer

Bike command squad with champion and power fist marine

Korsarro khan on bike



6 terminators with chain fists, one with a heavy flamer

Furioso dread with fragcannon and blood fist with heavy flamer



Tac squad, flamer, heavy bolter, power weapon, rhino.

Tac squad, flamer, heavy bolter, power weapon, rhino.

10 man RAS

10 man RAS

3 bikes, power weapon, MM attack bike (only troops in a vanilla list)

3 bikes, power weapon, MM attack bike (only troops in a vanilla list)

10 scouts, 4 shotguns, power fist



2 land speeders with multimeltas



Land raider redeemer, multimelta

Rifleman dread

Multimelta and heavy flamer AOBR dread

10 devastators, 3 missile launchers, lascannon

Predator with twin linked lascannon only

Storm raven with lascannons and multimelta




Drop pod

Razorback with TLLC

Couple of spare heavy weapon/special weapon marines to swap about in the tac or devastator squads. I think, 2 meltagun, multimelta, plasma gun, plasma cannon, 2 assault marines with flamers, 1 assault marine ith meltagun. Also a tac sergeant with a power fist and an assault sergeant with lightning claws.

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close combate termies to go in the sstorm raven. they make a deadly combination and i always think that close comat termies suit the blood angels.

OR you could get more DC. they are just so cool


Agreed! But that goes for Sanguinary Guard as well.. Those (and the DC) are probably the models I enjoyed painting the most :o

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I'd say definitely pick up a box or two of sanguinary guard - use them for characters, honour guard, veterans, squad sgts, or even as sanguinary guard...


You are quite light on the elite slots too - another dread? keep the bits and use it as DC (troops i know) or another furioso / libby? Close combat terminators? Sanguinary Priests? (use the SG box for those :o )


Hope this helps,



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Okay, maybe a squad of sanguinary guard - I'll have to figure out a way to deal with the wings though. To be honest I'm not a fan - they are way too impractical for 40k IMO.


Another apothecary on foot would be nice too. That way I have a terminator, bike, jump pack and foot priest.


Thanks guys.


Some of them are painted, but most are not. Usually I buy a year's worth of 40k (about 1,500 points usually) and then make it a project for the year. It's all made, and the link in my sig is to the project log.


The project log is currently waiting for updates on a finished crusader, tac squad and terminator reclusiarch.

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Assault Terminators, with a SP in TDA in a LRC.

While I usually use the regular squad with 5 chainfists, (15 chain fists on the charge with a reclusiarch re-roll is my standard way to hug skimmers and other fast-movers) I have 5 AoBR terminators left, so if I bought a close assault box and did some minor surgery, I could have 5 TH/SS and 5 LC terminators.


The crusader is a no-no I'm afraid - one land raider is enough and I do love the redeemer so :drool:


Baal predator - never liked them. I would much rather take a regular fast predator destructor for 100 points. I know everyone else is crazy about them, but I don't think they are good value for points.

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