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Chapter Master Sentikan


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A quick history about this WIP first then the pictures. Since the release of the codex I've been trying to field a character using the rules of Astorath because I really like them. However I really dislike his model (That armor is for the Lord of Death only in my mind), and his fluff is terrible to put it nicely. So after deciding to go with an Angels Sanguine army and wanting to use there Chapter Master this seemed perfect.


Seeing how Astorath's rules are for him using a large two handed Axe, another suitably large 2 handed weapon was made to replace his axe, in this case a Glaive came to mind.

pardon the low quality lighting, and less then amazing painting im better at modeling then painting and my army is only tabletop quality anyway. Still need to do some highlighting and touch up work and finish on the glaive, purity seals and rope work. Not sure what ill do for glaive, the blue lightning down the side is only a test.


This is the WIP so far:











And Him next to a Thunder Hammer marine to compare the size of the Glaive


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That's one big glaive:P... Though kinda explains it why he's running around with S6

Also it kinda reminds me of when my friend put a jagged wraithlord sword on his terminator lonewolf... : >


But I mist say... at first glance I was thinking "Seth!" and not "Astorath!"...Nice model though:)

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I like the model, well done on the glaive.


So, how many of us use Astorath's rules to represent our chapter master? Seems like he's a common choice (I do the same thing)


I use him as himself. His role is assisting my Knights of Blood to win back the love and respect of the High Lords of Terra. NOT!!! ;) I actually use him as he was dreamed up - to allow multiple DC units as well as performing MC & Tank Hunting with his PF/TH posse.

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Picked up another box of Sanguinary Guard yesterday and I'm already thinking of changing him around abit to make him more chapter master like. Winged Jump pack + SG torso maybe I think he needs an iron halo as well. In the pics its pretty clear i need to do more touch up work with the green stuff on the glaive its messy around the blade.


thankfully there is no glue holding him together in the pictures its just pins so he is easy to change about.

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Maybe try adding some of those BA wings I've seen.


http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod680007a - Wings and/or Torso (Face on the bottom right guard would look nice on him.

http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod550016a - Wings

http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1100005 - Torso


I reckon that would make him look more chapter mastery :huh:

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