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Washing Blood Red

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Well, I'm finally repainting my World Eaters I just stripped and was planning on using Blood red on white primer for my main color(for that shiny zerk look), but I was curious what washes work best on Blood Red? Will Baal Red do anything? Was thinking a thinned black wash on the joints etc...then touch up and hit it with a Baal Red wash. Any tips or hints painting a bright red would be helpful.
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baal works ok with a heavy wash, but I find badab makes them look very grimy...which is excellent for battle damaged look - for a cleaner look try sepia (which looks good on brass and gold too), a good halfway might be devlan mud... Which I use most of the time, will post some pics later. (When I get time).

Sorry to have to disagree with the other posters but I believe the shade of the Baal wash was specifically designed to be a complement to tried and true Blood Red. I normally shade with the Baal ink and then do the darker recesses with Delvan(sp?) Mud. If you wanted to start from a darker base a 1:1 Baal/Delvan mix might work as well.


Personally, I find WE red a shade darker than Blood Red but not quite as dark as Red Gore which is more like Word Bearer red. :D


You might want to play around with a 2:1 or 3:1 Blood Red and Dark Flesh or some other chestnut brown color. Then the brown wash will be even more ideal and you have plenty of room for Blood Red highlights.


Just a thought. Have fun with it. -OMG

baal works ok with a heavy wash, but I find badab makes them look very grimy...which is excellent for battle damaged look - for a cleaner look try sepia (which looks good on brass and gold too), a good halfway might be devlan mud... Which I use most of the time, will post some pics later. (When I get time).


What about Ogryn flesh, hows it look on Blood Red?

Im going to throw out a couple of weird Ideas :D I only use Baal red on the Darker Reds like Scab and Gore for my Flesh Tearers But I have been painting a few WE for a mate and using a base coat of army painter red *I think dragon red* and use a thinned wash of The Purple and then a wash of the Green once the Brass has been painted and it keeps the REDness but gives a good sense of depth. and the Green wash makes the Brass look cool HOWEVER I cannot upload photos due to my mate wishes me to not because he is like crazy.

Haha, well what a coincidence, was just practicing a couple red recipes for potential Brazen Claws! (->already got a blue recipe down courtesy of Tzetrik :) much thanks!)


I agree with whitefire on using green/purple (got some blue in it) to wash red. Go with a green or blue. They're on the opposite sides of the color wheel (blue's a more recent interpretation of the wheel). But if I had to choose between the two, I'd go with blue. The reason being is it's a cool color whereas green can be warm depending if it's got more yellow in it. I love Keith Robertson's recipe (plus this may be the shiny look you're looking for):


1: Basecoat Red Gore ('cause it's got some blue in it)

2: 50:50 RG to Blood Red

3: Blood Red

4: Shade to taste recesses with watered down Asurmen Blue (roughly 1:2 wash to water), let dry and add more layers until satisfied

5: HL 50:50 BR to Blazing Orange

6: Extreme HL Fiery Orange (or just 50:50 BR to Vomit Brown-> same color)


Can't post the pics here but here's some samples, not too convincing this close but @ three feet it looks good: Banshee Warrior Priest


Brown is also good. But note, since bown's got red in it, you won't get the same level of contrast. This Blood Angel was done using more or less Anja's recipe in the space hulk White Dwarf except skipping a wash of Baal Red to tie the colors and a final HL of Vomit Brown.


1: Basecoat 50:50 Dark Flesh to Blood Red

2: Shade/Blackling the recesses with 50:25:25 Chaos Black to DF to BR (honestly I think Devlan will work just as well)

3: 75:25 BR to DF

4: BR

5: HL Blazing Orange

6: EHL Vomit Brown... or if you don't like the look, 50:50 VB to BO




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