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Novice BA player


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Hi !


Im thinking of starting a BA army, but Ive a few questions. I know there is a points debate, but Ill texture the army accordingly if Im on the right track, so here goes.


Firstly thinking about putting two tactical squads in Rhinos with Bolters, Missile launcher, plasma or melta?


Secondly Id like to have some deathcompany, but how to equip them? Jetpacks and close combat weapons or bolters in a rhino or close combat weapons in a rhino? Do I take a chaplain as well? If close combat weapons, what sort of loadout?


Is the Baal predator worth taking? Land raider with termies??


Sorry about the noob questions but help!!?



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It all depends on the army you're up against but in general:


I go for Tactical Marines with Missile Launchers and Melta's I rarely use Rhino's (only when we play using objectives). I lure the opponent in with a solid firebase and then I charge.

In this role I would use Death Company with Jump-packs to Deep Strike and Countercharge. The weapons depend on the enemy I face.

I'm not really a fan of Terminators.. I prefer Sanguinary Guard with a Sanguinary Priest.

I don't have one but if I had a Land Raider, I'd take a Crusader and fill him with 15 Death Company accompanied by either Tycho or a Chaplain.

Taking the Baal Predator depends on the opponent I face.. When I take him it is usually with Assault Cannon and heavy bolter sponsons.

Also I would like to add that Assault Marines are a definite must for any Blood Angels force.


For HQ's I'd avoid Captains. My personal favourties are Dante and Mephiston.

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