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Bad Luck/Good Luck


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Anyone else had some outstandingly bad luck or amazing good luck recently.


Last nite i played a 2k game with my blood angels against my own 2k orks at my local gaming club and the dice gods were definately not favouring me.


Bad luck 1, Assault squad in Drop Pod scatter off the table mishap and die doh!

Bad luck 2, rolled for reserves (another assault squad with priest and astorath, assault terminators and Baal predator) kept rolling 1ns baal predator was the first to arrive on turn 4!!!

Bad luck 3, when i did eventually get the other assault squad in (turn 5) it mishaped and my opponent placed them in the opposite corner away from everything thus rendering them useless.

Bad luck 4, rolled 4 1ns on terminator saves against 5 wounding shots from bikers proceeded to then miss all my fnp rolls.


Good luck 1, rolled 10 3+ saves on a tac squad that had been assaulted by ork boyz


I dont know what ive done to annoy the dice gods but it must of been something big.

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I know that it's hard to do sometimes, but I generally don't like to blame the dice for when I win or loose. I know that I really hate it when I feel like I won the game with good deployment, tactics or strategy, and then have my opponent complain that my/his dice were good/bad and that's the real reason he lost. It just smacks of poor sportsmanship.


Though sometimes, the dice stink so bad, it's pretty tough not to agree with your opponent that they were the real reason the game ended up like it did. That sounds like it was the case in your games. Just remember, no matter how frustrating it is, you can't fight bad luck. Just your opponent.


I know that if my dice are rolling particularly poorly, I tend to set them up in a circle around a dice that consistently rolls "1's". Then I smash the dice in the center with a hammer and yell "That's what happens!" Or, just eating the offending dice also shows them who's boss. I do get some strange looks from people in public when I do things like that though...

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I have horrible luck with rolls. On average half the dice i roll end up 1-2. And that's just a fact. That's why i try to go for as many threats as i can fit in a list instead of a big linebreaker unit or two. And almost never field termies.


Whereas my best friend hardly ever rolls under 5. He makes invul saves on lighning claw termies for crying out loud :D And for one game he hasn't rolled a single 1 on his termies saves/lord saves. Not a single roll of one.


Some gits are luckier than others. That's why i always make my list for the worst case scenario because i know i'm gonna roll like crap :woot:


Recent good luck?


First turn - one land raider shoots 2 rhinos, hits, pens, explodes both of them, both fail their cover save. Several marines die and i cripple the oponent's strategy. :woot:

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In a doubles tourney 2 months ago we played against some opponents fielding quite a few armored targets and despite getting a dozen or more penetrates we failed to get any result better then stunned until the last turn (managed to kill two vehicles that turn). Oddly enough we still won because despite surviving all their tanks were stunned most of the time resulting in minimal losses on our side.
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I just played a game where my 7 death company and a chaplain were charged by a squad of blood claws and a squad of 4 thunderwolf cavalry. I was sure my death company were done, but then neither of us killed much (fist fulls of dice showing up mostly 1s and 2s) and I managed to win by one! The thunderwolves failed their leadership test and fled off the board!

That probably swung the game for me.

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I have a dreadnaught that hasn't missed a shot with it's multimelta in 3 games. It's died, yes, but that's to be expected. But it never misses, and has killed a redeemer, a russ, 2 chimeras and a defiler plus a few squishy unimportant footmen.


It has a *lot* of purity seals on the multimelta arm now.


I think because it's my AoBR dread, they infused it with beginner's luck in the factory to make the Ritalin-munchers stay around longer.


The next game scheduled is against eldar. Gonna bag me a wraithlord.

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In tonights game against a friend playing his Daemons army (traitor!) He had absolutely horrid luck with the dice while I had the exact opposite. Right off the bat it went bad for him, first the wrong half of his army deploys. Second of that half 3/5 units mishap there deep strike all of which would be rolled for again. That left him with a squad of 12 Plague Bearers and a Great Unclean One against my entire army. This turn ended with Mephiston in combat with 3 remaining Plague Bearers and 5 dead marines my side (damn breath of chaos). Turn two rolls around he gets a squad of 10 Bloodletters down and 1 Daemon Prince of Khorne. Bloodletters lose 8 models in 1 blast from a Vindicator and the last two are take down by DC bolt pistol action. While the Deamon Prince got mowed down to 10 Sternguard vets firing at him not one miss or fail to wound, poor fellla didn't even get to attack. Finally Mephiston killed the last of the Plague Bearers and the game ended turn two.


So in a full 1750 point game I lost 5 marines and half his army didn't even make it on the board. Tonight the Emperor clearly was watching over his favored sons.

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Most of the time I play Orks and in almost every game I fail 4/5 of my 3+ armour saves but my opponent makes 3/4 of his 5+ armour saves.


I also like to add that (unless in some extreme situations as the one of capnbeer) that I think that you don't start blaming the dices unless you fail something important... The dice-gods are fickle so I like to make several back-up plans instead of relying upon one or two dice rolls to win me the entire game...

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I had a near perfect game against dark eldar, out of 3 units of plague marines, 3 rhinos and 3 oblits i lost one marine in close combat.


My fried doesnt like me, on the other hand i wiped a deathwing termy unit out with a scatter shot from a vindicator, and it was funny.....

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When I picked up the new codex last year I instantly decided I wanted a mighty HQ ...So I went for the sanguinor...This is what happened:


game one:

saguinor fails 2 dangerous terrain tests(also inv save) and then get knocked out by an assault cannon


game two:

4 grey hunters kill 6 of my assault marines(my charge)... then kills the sanguinor during their shooting phase (deepstriked him close to assault marines for attack bonus)


game 3

5 slugga boys kills the sanguinor during their shooting phase.


<I traded him for mephiston>


lately I gave him another go... first game I play he stand 6 combat rounds against 3 necrons and then the night bringer killed him (1 of the necrons survived) Same game I jumped my honour guard into terrain close to him to provide feel no pain... 4 of the 4 I had to place in cover died from the dangerous terrain test...



The sanguinor is jinxed... I tell ya


Though lucky rolls:


Deathcompany dreadnought with talons wipes out a full size thunder wolf cavalry (2 storm shields) a thunderwolf wolf lord with shield and 2 fenrisanwolves without the squad getting a chance to strike back


Deathcompany talon dreadnought kills 77 orks in the same assault phase (charged multiply squads into my dread ... dread killed loads... power claws failed at wrecking it= many fearless wounds)

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My luck last night was appauling, I played against an old rival's Mech Eldar army and could only manage to the Stun or Shake Wave Serpents on the rear armour... with INFERNUS PISTOLS :)


When it came to roll's to hit though with my Glaive Encarmines I was rolling 6's but couldn't scratch the rear armour. :tu:

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Last week I managed to hit a cowardly squad of plague marines bunched up hiding behind a rhino. I couldn't see the plagues, so I aimed a plasma cannon at the rhino and prayed to Sanguinius for scatter in the right direction, and BOOM! Landed right in the middle of them killing them all lol feel no pain no likey the plasma :P


In the same game Mephiston survived the whole 1500pts worth of traitors firing at him after killing the Daemon Prince in one round. He went on to rampage the back lines taking out all the support befor eventually going down. That guy is hard in small games.

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I had a practice are boys game against a chaos player. We spent 3 rounds just shaking each others transports and in assault against some zerkers I had two assault squads with vanguard vets kill one csm in two rounds of combat and lose all my guys when a dp go into it. We didn't even make it to turn 4due to the bad rolling lol. Good times
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I've had an opponent's Swooping Hawks squad choose to shoot instead of running when they deep striked, did nothing, and then stayed on the board... My Thunderfire scored 4 direct hits and wiped out the squad.


In one shooting phase with 2 Vindicators and an Orbital Bombardment, I've destroyed a Land Raider (exploded) and 20/22 Black Templars (only the EC and Helbrecht survived).


Then there was the game that was a comedy of errors- it seemed that my opponent and I were in a competition to see how many 1's we could roll. He deep striked a unit of Chaos Terminators in the middle of my army... I fired literally everything at them (including all of Tigurius' psychic shooting attacks), and not one fell. The following turn, they shot at a Rhino's rear armor and assaulted it... and didn't even shake it. And on and on... it felt like both armies were using Nerf bats and dart guns against each other.

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Last night i was playing a friends new wolves list and in that game i charged 5 TH/SS Termies into 5 Grey hunters and a wolfguard. I lose 3 termies when he strikes. I attack back with 6 TH attacks and miss with all 6 of them. I fail Ld, he catches me and i lose 1 more Termie to combat res. In his combat phase he does 2 wounds.......and i roll double 1's. An absolute ridiculous combat and game overall.
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