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Using Power fists


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So, my first approach versus lots of vehicles was adding melta guns to my units. While this helps, it isn't helping me win games. (sure, winning isn't everything, but it's a perk)

So now, I'm thinking Power fists aren't as expensive as I first thought....but how many do I need in a unit to be effective?

We're stuck with just the Sgt. upgrade with most units (tactical, assault), but what about specialized units? (Vanguard, DC)

Or maybe I should use melta bombs?

Keep in mind that I don't run just one list. I have a decent collection and can run vehicle heavy as well a JP heavy. (I often run a mish-mash of the two)


Any help is appreciated

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Any squad with 7 or more men in my army gets a power fist.

Helpful for vehicles, MCs and insta-glibbing ICs.

No need to go off on them in specialised units, one will do just fine. For a big veteran squad, max of two. But, as said-no real need.

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PFs are handy in most squads just for all-comers deadliness. I run 2 in my DC but more than that is wasted points IMO. As far as fighting vehicles I don't usually leave that for H2H... I'm partial to MM/Typhoon speeders-- they kill transports like it's cool and can kill LRs or AV13s with the meltas. Plus they are handy against MCs, etc. Other alternatives include attack bikes (cheap for what they do) and AC/LC preds (so-so against LRs but great vs anything else).
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i always put a fist or hammer in every squad i can choose them in. even if that squad never uses it. the value of being able to smash most stuff to junk metal or a twiching mound of flesh is just one part of taking them. the threat factor that affects the way an opponent goes about attacking your units is just as valuable


no one wants to rush a dread, ICs or MCs into a unit that has a fist and especially a hammer. they are normally going to be your most reliable source of kills since your sgt usually has an extra attack and hes got a buffer of marines to help him deliver the hard hits.

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Yes, don't be afraid to spend those extra 5 points on a thunder hammer. It can be a lifesaver against walkers, nasty MC and ICs, or just to keep a vehicle from running away.


Lightning claws are better than regular power weapons in most situations. Specially if you want to take a combi weapon since we now replace a cc weapon or pistol instead of just taking them as additional wargear.

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Yes, don't be afraid to spend those extra 5 points on a thunder hammer. It can be a lifesaver against walkers, nasty MC and ICs, or just to keep a vehicle from running away.

I like hammers but how would one prevent the vehicle from getting away? It causes a crew shaken result, not crew stunned. It also does nothing against walkers that a fist wouldn't do as well.




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Dosn't the walker drop to 1 initiative just as a MC from a hammer?
Walkers go to int 1 and loss an attack I believe

Afraid not, as a walker neither suffers a wound nor is a vehicle without an Initiative value, the thunder hammer does not have any additional effect on it (and being shaken would not have any effect on it in close combat anyway).




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taking both is good if say if any vehicle not a land raider is stationary its likely to die to that one bomb. reason being i think all vehicles but the land raider and monolith are all rear armor 11 or 10. ill take 1 hit with 2d6+8 penetration rather than 3x 1d6+8. but thats a personal preference of mine. and if the vehicle has moved of course its better to try and roll off using the fist since you have more tries.
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Even specialized squads don't need more than a single powerfist. I run 1 in my vanguard vets and sanguinary guard. This gives you an edge in being able to pop armor, but both units have enough power weapons that they can kill most threats letting the powerfist live to wipe out the remenants.
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