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IF Terminator Test Mini

Kastellan Kong

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Ok, so this is the first miniature I've ever posted on the board (after 7 years is it? :P) and only the 2nd picture of my painted miniatures I've ever posted anywhere.


So be nice but honest.


This is the first test mini of my newest project. All terminator IF army. Fistwing? I've already noted what I will do differently for the next one but I'm interested in hearing what you guys think of him.




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Thanks for the replies!


Yeah, using the FW shoulder pads on a test mini is rather gutsy... but I figured if I couldn't make the yellow work the pads would be near useless anyway. And I've had those things laying around for years without doing anything with them. :P


Oh and about the joints, I agree 100%. I needed something to break up the model a bit. And I just changed it and it looks ace! Thanks :D

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I like the colour, the weathering is quite good and acheives a great "gritty" look. It is quite good and I like it, yellow is a pain in the neck to paint well and you are doing it justice!... and, long live FW bling :D.
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Yeah, the joints should be painted black, and if the pipes on the back of the arms were painted metal it'd look better as well. I'd also paint the lenses with a little brighter red.


Just my personal preference, do whatever floats yer boat. Very good painting overall, and the weathering looks really realistic!

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Looking good :)


Quick thoughts:


- drill the barrel... also on the sides!


- maybe a gryphone sephia would help mark the deepest parts... both the rear of the knee and the fits of the armour (as in the hunched back)


- the skull on the back of the wrist and the actual bolter seem too dark...monotone, so to say. An easy way to contrast might be to paing the bolter-magazine yellow: just a bit of colour to draw attention to a specific point.


- the wire in the ankle...either give it a highlight, paint it metal or blue or something, but don't leave it simply balck... it gives a feeling of "uncompleted"...and its a really easy detail to paint.


So... third posted picture is the winner? :lol:

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Wow! Thanks a ton for the feedback guys!


Absolutely right about the power cables as well. They could use some work so they pop a bit. And the same for the ankle cable. Good suggestions! In fact I've started fixing all of the areas that have been pointed out so far. The bolter will get either a checker pattern or warning stripes included somewhere to make it stand out a bit more.


Student_of_Dorn I actually like the old 3rd ed scheme (especially the power fist!). The white helmet was a conscious choice though. I just like the focus you get on the head as it stands out more... and it's supposedly a codex thing even if GW never actually cares about that stuff themselves B).


And here I thought I was done! Haha :D

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@KingKong: I really like how your IF TDA looks. I think you're off to a great start with him (heck of a lot better than I could ever do). Will you be uploading an image of this miniature after you've made some adjustments to him? I'd really like to see how this miniature and the army as a whole progresses.
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Nicely weathered and overall a very good effort, but as others have pointed out a little more atention to details will improve the figure even more.


Drill barrels from front and side vents looks much better and is easier than trying to paint on details later.


I'd use boltgun metal for the pipes, and the bolter magazine plus some detail parts on the bolter to give it a bit of life then wash with badab black - quick and easy. If you are going for a competition finish you could put more layer work into the metal parts but if it's for a tabletop army I'd just use the quick version. I think hazard stripes and other such spot colours may take the eye from the termie and make it look a bit fussy but up to you on that one.


The skulls on the bolter and the armour can be painted in dheneb with a quick wash of gryphone sepia to bring out the detail, if you want more of a highlight go over them with bleached bone and pick out the edges, etc - you could use a small drybrush to do a similar effect quickly but it can look too dusty and I don't think it would fit with the rest of your painting here.


Would be nice to see an update on this :D

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I agree with the others' suggestions on the details, would greatly improve your mini.

Regarding the helmet and aquila colour... just do it in the way you like it. It's still an Imperial Fist nevertheless!

My veterans also have white helmets, and I paint the aquila white too.


Paint your whole army in this quality and Dorn will be proud!


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Thanks for all the advice and encouragement guys!


So I fixed quite a few issues with the test mini, and painted a 2nd one. I would have done more but the weekend was dedicated to drinking and debauchery so 2 terminators is all I have to show you atm. The fixes to the test mini and a new TDA.



(yes the lens on the new TDA, Mr_RedandBlackFist isn't painted, but I took the pictures AND put the images together before I noticed... and I don't feel like taking the pictures again at the moment. You will get to see them painted once I take pictures of the finished squad)


So what do you guys think?

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I don't agree that the piping needs anything. Buttons on back... eh, not needed either, but that I could see one red and the other a different color, maybe black.


On a personal note, I do like the idea of IF having a black fist, ala the Crimson Fists. I have always been a sucker for black powerfists on IF, but that is just me. Your thoughts on it? Another personal choice like the helmets? Don't get me wrong, both fists look great!


Your figs are looking great, keep up the good job!

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I think your work is great but three points from my point of view....


Bolter magazine.....IMHO....should be metallic....


The White helmet: for me, dosent fit the IFs.... Along with red eye lenses, I think green suits IFs much better.


But these points I've said dosent make your minis or painting bad....your paintings great....just my constructive criticism.

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