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This first post to be used for the various incarnations that appear until (hopefully) I get it right :tongue:

Amber Dragons: Defenders of Cuyahoga[/skullheaderhalf]



The origins of the Amber Dragons date back to when a small survey team of Amber Dragons Space Marines rediscovered a small world relatively untouched by the Imperium. A death world covered in flora and fauna of all shapes and sizes, the natives were the remnants of an advance colony from millennia ago. The colonists' ship had fallen foul of the Planets unusual gravity well and they fell from the sky, crashing in a region that was relatively safe from predators. It was soon established that there was little in the way of food or water sources, meaning that to survive they had to venture further and further afield.

In time, the technology they could salvage from the ruins of their ship broke down permanently, meaning that they had to be more and more resourceful and make the best use of more primitive weapons. Swords, axes and bows and arrows became essential tools to hunt. Most of the knowledge that they had brought with them was lost, but smithing and working iron were skills that were kept through dint of continued use. Over the millennia, even these skills were mainly lost due to the natives inability to mine and process the ores needed to make such weapons.

Eventually, the tribes resorted to weapons made with flint, axes, spears and bows and arrows, as the remaining metals were too rare and precious to squander needlessly.

By the time the world was discovered again, there were over twenty clans of varying sizes, scattered across the planet's surface, each distinct from each other. Whilst most were fairly diplomatic with each other, inevitable disputes led to conflict.

It was upon one of those times that the Amber Dragons made contact.

The arrival of the Amber Dragons

The Amber Dragons were originally a fleet based Chapter, recruiting from worlds they encountered along their way. The world of Cuyahoga was one world that they visited. Initial contact was strained due to the natives unable to understand what they were saying. Once this barrier was overcome, the Cuyahogans told the Marines that they were beset upon by people who looked like daemons, who attacked regularly and stole people off into the night. According to rumour they were unnaturally tall, with thin faces. Intrigued, a squad was sent out to investigate. The squad never returned alive. Their bodies had had their progenoids removed, their corpses piled unceremoniously in a heap. It took three months, but finally the Marines found a Xeno artefact. An Eldar webway gate. Whilst such devices were rare in Imperial space, this one looked nothing like ones previously seen. It was twisted, and evil. Sickly runes glowed along its surfaces, slowly at first, but over time the gems glowed brighter and brighter.

The Marines steeled themselves for what was to come, but they were not prepared for the onslaught.

Dark Eldar emerged from the gateway, hunting for prey met the Marines with grim determination. But the full force of the Amber Dragons was mustered, and the Cabal was wiped out. The device was sent away for study by those who would sully their eyes with such evil constructions in service of the Emperor. There are still some occasions of raids committed by Dark Eldar, although thus far every attempt to locate further Gateways have been met with no success.

The Chapter Master petitioned the High Lords of Terra for the right to settle on this worlds moon and use it as a recruitment world. After many years of waiting, permission was finally granted.

Once they had established themselves amongst the tribes, representatives of the Chapter taught them about the Emperor, of his sovereignty, the Imperium. They alsoshowed them how to find and process metal far more successfully than they had previously. The Amber Dragons were mindful that giving them too much knowledge would change their civilisation too fast and would make their customs and ways redundant. But a fair balance was eventually found, and for some time, all of the tribes prospered like never before.

However, tensions amongst the tribes, largely unknown to the Chapter had grown. The tribes had grown substantially over those years and territories started encroaching upon on another. Disputes over territory boarders became rife. In desperation and avarice, many resorted to using metal to forge weapons specifically to attack their neighbours. Within months, four tribes were exterminated or had become the slaves of others as the spoils of war.

When the Chapter realised what was happening on the world below, they summoned the leaders of all tribes, ordering hostilities to cease, that all slaves should be released. A few refused, and were shown the error of their defiance. Chapter Master Percutias then gave an impassioned speech to the representatives, that should they combine their efforts they would never starve again, their boarders would be safe. And that they would be better able to serve the Emperor.

Reluctantly, the Leaders acquiesced, but even so, the feuds occurred. A solution was made, that would allow tribes to air their disputes, garner neighbourly competition and most importantly, allow the Chapter to recruit.

The [insert cool name] was formed to air any disputes that might arise. Whilst it is traditional to be held once a year, if a dispute is of great significance or when the need to recruit is a high priority, it can be called more often.

This is an opportunity for warriors of the various tribes to show their Astartes protectors their mettle, the young especially as the honour of being chosen is one too great to pass up.


Due to their relatively low numbers, Amber Dragons are best suited to a support role. Whilst they lack many bikes and Land speeders, they are still able use swift attacks against the enemy. Meltas and Flamers are favoured by squads, as they are with Dreadnoughts. Amber Dragons are readily able to take an objective and hold it against any foe they encounter. As is the want of any Son of Vulkan, the ability to create and maintain weapons to a good standard. Because resources on the Planet are at a premium, the indiginous population are able to make crude, but reliable weapons with the most basic of materials. This ability is lauded by the Amber Dragons as a way of following the example of their honoured Primarch Vulkan.


They were founded in the 12th Founding and follow the teachings of Vulkan and the tenets of the Promethean Cult especially.


They have the Geneseed of Vulkan. As true sons of Vulkan, they have shared traits with that of their Older brethren, the Salamanders. Whilst their eyes do not glow as fiery a red and their skin as not as dark, they are still untypical of the native Cuyahogans.


"For Vulkan!"

"Ad incudem bellum!" - Unto the anvil of war!

Edited by Aquilanus
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Having thought about it, I think I may have these guys as a Salamander successor Chapter. Besides there being few and far between, I was thinking of having the Orange colouration to represent an aspect of fire, which would suit a Successor of the Salamanders to a tee. I realise that I might have to change the hue of the Orange somewhat, but I don't want it to be very bright. A shade of Orange you'd see when a Forge is starting to cool down, is what I'm aiming for I suppose <_<


However, I could do with some clarification on a few things. The Salamanders themselves have very dark Skin and red eyes, due to Vulkan and their home planets' high radiation. Would this be carried over to any descendants? If not, would it be because they don't live/aren't recruited from Nocturne? I kinda like the Red eyes/dark skin idea to follow through :cuss


Any thoughts?

  Aquilanus said:
However, I could do with some clarification on a few things. The Salamanders themselves have very dark Skin and red eyes, due to Vulkan and their home planets' high radiation. Would this be carried over to any descendants? If not, would it be because they don't live/aren't recruited from Nocturne? I kinda like the Red eyes/dark skin idea to follow through <_<


Any thoughts?


I always thought that was pretty much due to homeworld-related-radiation.


I guess you could always just invent a world with similar conditions to the Salamanders' homeworld - that seems like the obvious solution.

Edited by Ace Debonair
  Ace Debonair said:
  Aquilanus said:
However, I could do with some clarification on a few things. The Salamanders themselves have very dark Skin and red eyes, due to Vulkan and their home planets' high radiation. Would this be carried over to any descendants? If not, would it be because they don't live/aren't recruited from Nocturne? I kinda like the Red eyes/dark skin idea to follow through :lol:


Any thoughts?


I always thought that was pretty much due to homeworld-related-radiation.


I guess you could always just invent a world with similar conditions to the Salamanders' homeworld - that seems like the obvious solution.



  Captain Juan Juarez said:
I blieve it's actually a faulty organ combined with the radiation on Nocturne.


So, the general consensus is, that both Radiation and a (stable?) Mutation is the underlying cause. I can work with that :P


Thank you both ^_^


I've changed the name to "Amber Dragons" for now. As far as I know there isn't another with the same/similar name, so I'll roll with it. Also changed the Chapter Master's name to something more "Heroic".

Seems awfully Blood Angelesque in terms of the "once lush planet turned to wasteland through nuclear war" and them being on one of the moons with mutants on the planet's surface, but the story explains it better.


-Why did they not beat the ever loving *&^#$ out of each other at the caves? What made them say, "hey dude, I just wiped out everyone and everything you know and vice versa, but be my friend so we can both live!


-What led the Chapter to actually choosing these people as good recruiting source, especially if they had fought against them and were resistant to the thought of the Imperium?


Figure out a founding, because this will help set the tone for why they were formed and when. It also helps so that you know what kind of extra history they could have in terms of majors wars that they participated in, etc.

  exetus said:
Seems awfully Blood Angelesque in terms of the "once lush planet turned to wasteland through nuclear war" and them being on one of the moons with mutants on the planet's surface, but the story explains it better.


-Why did they not beat the ever loving *&^#$ out of each other at the caves? What made them say, "hey dude, I just wiped out everyone and everything you know and vice versa, but be my friend so we can both live!


-What led the Chapter to actually choosing these people as good recruiting source, especially if they had fought against them and were resistant to the thought of the Imperium?


Figure out a founding, because this will help set the tone for why they were formed and when. It also helps so that you know what kind of extra history they could have in terms of majors wars that they participated in, etc.


It does seem rather BA'esque I suppose. When I put all this down, it was late and I was mainly getting ideas down. Ordinarily, I'd actually write stuff down, but I have a lot of work related stuff all over the place (on paper and on Laptop) , so I'd end up losing them :pinch: At least on here, I'd know where they are. My main objective is to have the recruiting world to be extremely harsh (and an excuse via Radiation etc to have the dark skin/red eyes that the Sallies have, although this isn't THAT essential - just cool :D ), that every scrap of the few pieces of tech they have was built by them by hand (to fit in with the Salamander ethos). But I wanted the natives to be hostile to each other, barely restraining the urge to finish the others off, that each side had things the other needed, but lacked the skills/resources to take it from them. The disaster could have brought them together, but years of fighting and mutual distrust resulted in the exact opposite - it's a stalemate, and I wanted to write in that having to share everything, having to be so close to each other, and that distrust would build up and build up until, just as it couldn't get any worse the Amber Dragons turn up, tell them of the Emperor and for the first time, unite against a common enemy (even if it is out of necessity than anything else) Despite the fact that the Natives resist, The Amber Dragons see that annihilating them solves no purpose, and instead that there is a better way (okay this might be too altruistic - even for a Salamander successor) and take it upon themselves to teach it to them, as the Amber Dragons believe it to be His will to do so, and therefore of paramount importance.


I'll have a think about stuff, as deciding on a Founding does resolve a few things, but I'm not sure where to place them, as the Black Dragons were Founded in the 21st (Cursed) Founding and the Storm Giants in the 26th (and latest if I recall correctly). Is it feasable to have a DIY Successor Chapter Founded earlier than Canon ones? My gut opinion is yes, if I can find a good reason for why they were older than the Canon ones.

  NightrawenII said:
The Black Dragons and Storm Giants are rumoured successors of Salamanders. The Salies gene-seed is somewhat wild card, since they don't have any official successor.


It has no known second founding. It never says anything after second founding. (At least in 5th edition codex).


So, as long as his founding is after the second (and can even be the second, but then the Imperium would not know if it was or not), then it can be recognized as one.

  Telanicus said:
  NightrawenII said:
The Black Dragons and Storm Giants are rumoured successors of Salamanders. The Salies gene-seed is somewhat wild card, since they don't have any official successor.


It has no known second founding. It never says anything after second founding. (At least in 5th edition codex).


This was discussed several times before... and I stand correct:

The Salamanders have never been great in number and were the smallest of the First Founding Legions. Perhaps it is for this reason that there seem to have been no Second Founding successor Chapters formed from the Salamanders, whilst the other Legions were broken down into several smaller fighting forces. Others point to the disaster at Istvaan V as reason for the lack of Second Founding Chapters (as many scholars believe the Salamanders to have been present at this infamous massacre). It is a matter of debate whether there have been Successor Chapters during subsequent Foundings, although it appears likely and many scholars point to similarities in the physique, markings and tactical dogma of Chapters such as the Storm Giants and Black Dragons. Recent questions regarding the purity of the Black Dragons' gene-seed has led to some Genetor-Biologis questioning the purity of their source zygotes, but the legacy and reputation of the Salamander has led to their detractors being openly ridiculed.

~ Index Astartes, Salamanders


  Ecritter said:
Others here have used Salamander geneseed with no problem.


I don't mind as well. My comment was observation rather than disagreement.

Edited by NightrawenII
  • 1 year later...

In light of the Liber Campaign, I have revisited the Amber Dragons. I have effectively deleted all of their old IA and started again. Whilst it's rather bare at the moment, I feel it is more appropriate for them than the last attempt ;)


I will add more as I work out ideas etc.


C+C welcome ;)

  Octavulg said:
OK...what do you want them to be like?


Right now they're Salamanders in a different place with orange. What should change about who they are compared to the Salamanders?


Having looked at a few ideas, I remembered that the word "Cuyahoga" is a native American name for a river in Ohio (it was referred to by many as "the river that burnt" in the 1960's), so I must have had a native American feel for the Chapter (and simply forgotten to go further with it :P ). Whilst I realise that it's not an uncommon "theme" in the 40k universe (The Death wing for a start), I'll roll with it and see what I can come up with.


If anything, it kinda ties in well enough with the Humanitarian vibe that Salamanders have, so I'll have a look on the Interweb and see what I can rip off come up with :(

Good stuff so far, mate! Always nice to see another dragon themed Chapter ;)


Just to try clear things up about the Salamanders having successors - as mentioned it is only speculated and rumoured that the Black Dragons and Storm Giants are descendants of the Sons of Vulkan. So it could be plausible for your Amber Dragons to be successors. Also, as far as successors inheriting the onyx skin and red eyes of the Salamanders, that is not true, i believe that particular mutation to be a result of the Nocturne atmosphere. Further proof of this is that the Black Dragons (as mentioned, COULD be of Salamanders stock) do not have onyx skin or red eyes.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

  EgoDraconumNigrorum said:
Good stuff so far, mate! Always nice to see another dragon themed Chapter ;)


Just to try clear things up about the Salamanders having successors - as mentioned it is only speculated and rumoured that the Black Dragons and Storm Giants are descendants of the Sons of Vulkan. So it could be plausible for your Amber Dragons to be successors. Also, as far as successors inheriting the onyx skin and red eyes of the Salamanders, that is not true, i believe that particular mutation to be a result of the Nocturne atmosphere. Further proof of this is that the Black Dragons (as mentioned, COULD be of Salamanders stock) do not have onyx skin or red eyes.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum


Thanks for the comments.


I realise what you mentioned, especially the part about the skin and eyes. I decided that the Amber Dragons would have skin that was darker than the natives had, and that their eyes would be red (or a shade there of), but not to the extent that the Salamanders have themselves.


With regards to the issue of successors, as they are from the 12th Founding, I figured that there was enough geneseed stockpiled to make an "officially" recognised successor, even if that successor was, like their Progenitor, a small one.


I'm currently reading up on "Native" American stuff and unless something else comes along that is more interesting or plausible I'll be going with that.

  Aquilanus said:
  EgoDraconumNigrorum said:
Good stuff so far, mate! Always nice to see another dragon themed Chapter ;)


Just to try clear things up about the Salamanders having successors - as mentioned it is only speculated and rumoured that the Black Dragons and Storm Giants are descendants of the Sons of Vulkan. So it could be plausible for your Amber Dragons to be successors. Also, as far as successors inheriting the onyx skin and red eyes of the Salamanders, that is not true, i believe that particular mutation to be a result of the Nocturne atmosphere. Further proof of this is that the Black Dragons (as mentioned, COULD be of Salamanders stock) do not have onyx skin or red eyes.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum


Thanks for the comments.


I realise what you mentioned, especially the part about the skin and eyes. I decided that the Amber Dragons would have skin that was darker than the natives had, and that their eyes would be red (or a shade there of), but not to the extent that the Salamanders have themselves.


With regards to the issue of successors, as they are from the 12th Founding, I figured that there was enough geneseed stockpiled to make an "officially" recognised successor, even if that successor was, like their Progenitor, a small one.


I'm currently reading up on "Native" American stuff and unless something else comes along that is more interesting or plausible I'll be going with that.

Yeah thats fair enough, mate.

I like the ideas you have alot. I'll be keeping a keen eye on the updates.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

Having looked at a few ideas, I remembered that the word "Cuyahoga" is a native American name for a river in Ohio (it was referred to by many as "the river that burnt" in the 1960's), so I must have had a native American feel for the Chapter (and simply forgotten to go further with it tongue.gif ). Whilst I realise that it's not an uncommon "theme" in the 40k universe (The Death wing for a start), I'll roll with it and see what I can come up with.


If anything, it kinda ties in well enough with the Humanitarian vibe that Salamanders have, so I'll have a look on the Interweb and see what I can rip off come up with laugh.gif


Cuyahoga is an Iroquois word, apparently. I'd go with old-school natives (i.e. how they were before white people showed up). As in, wooden armour, wooden swords, and battle lines. No, really.


This is from the Jesuit Relations:

"...They choose as [war] leaders, by general vote, either the eldest members of illustrious families or those whose warlike valor, or even eloquence, has been approved. In civil war they never engage; they carry arms only against their neighbors, and not for the sake of extending their dominion and sway, but usually, in order that they may avenge an injury inflicted upon themselves or their allies. They have obtained swords and guns from the Dutch and English, and, relying upon these weapons, they plan with greater determination and boldness the destruction of their enemies, and even of the Europeans. Sometimes they decide their wars by single combat. Two bands, one of the so-called Montagnais, the other of Iroquois, had met a few years ago in readiness for battle. The leaders had advanced and were already designating the positions for the formation of the lines of attack, when it is said that one thus addressed the other: "Let us spare the blood of our followers; nay, rather let us spare our own. Let us settle the matter with our bare hands, and he who overcomes the other shall be the victor". The proposition was accepted, and the two joined battle. ...They make their shield's of hewn wood, principally cedar, with slightly curving edges, light, very long and very large, so that they cover the entire body. Next, in order that they may not be penetrated and split by spears or tomahawks, they overlace them on the inner side with thongs made from the skins of animals, which hold together and connect the whole mass of the shield. They do not carry the shield suspended from the arm, but cast by a cord over the right shoulder, so that it protects the left side of the body; when they have cast their spears or fired their guns they slightly retire the right side and turn toward the enemy the left side, which is protected by the shield.


In battle they strive especially to capture their enemies alive. [Nasty, nasty torture of prisoners omitted]"


And from A Military History of Canada:

"The native tactics encountered by Champlain would have been recognizable to any European. The Iroquois had landed from their canoes and hurriedly built themselves a palisaded fort, emerging the next day to fight in a massed formation. Warriors protected themselves with slatted wooden armor, proof against clubs and stone axes at close quarters and flint-headed arrows at a distance."


That's before they had guns, of course. The same book explains how once they had guns (or, more accurately, once ONE SIDE had a lot of guns), things swiftly moved to ambush and what we more traditionally expect.


I'd actually recommend changing the name to something not particularly Native-sounding, to throw off the scent.


In any case, you could then draw a bit from Native spirituality and the like and get something interesting. Just don't be too heavy-handed about it.


Regarding their eyes: the Salamanders red-eyed stuff is a very recent imposition on the fluff. I personally ignore the hell out of it.

  Octavulg said:
Having looked at a few ideas, I remembered that the word "Cuyahoga" is a native American name for a river in Ohio (it was referred to by many as "the river that burnt" in the 1960's), so I must have had a native American feel for the Chapter (and simply forgotten to go further with it tongue.gif ). Whilst I realise that it's not an uncommon "theme" in the 40k universe (The Death wing for a start), I'll roll with it and see what I can come up with.


If anything, it kinda ties in well enough with the Humanitarian vibe that Salamanders have, so I'll have a look on the Interweb and see what I can rip off come up with laugh.gif


Cuyahoga is an Iroquois word, apparently. I'd go with old-school natives (i.e. how they were before white people showed up). As in, wooden armour, wooden swords, and battle lines. No, really.


This is from the Jesuit Relations:

"...They choose as [war] leaders, by general vote, either the eldest members of illustrious families or those whose warlike valor, or even eloquence, has been approved. In civil war they never engage; they carry arms only against their neighbors, and not for the sake of extending their dominion and sway, but usually, in order that they may avenge an injury inflicted upon themselves or their allies. They have obtained swords and guns from the Dutch and English, and, relying upon these weapons, they plan with greater determination and boldness the destruction of their enemies, and even of the Europeans. Sometimes they decide their wars by single combat. Two bands, one of the so-called Montagnais, the other of Iroquois, had met a few years ago in readiness for battle. The leaders had advanced and were already designating the positions for the formation of the lines of attack, when it is said that one thus addressed the other: "Let us spare the blood of our followers; nay, rather let us spare our own. Let us settle the matter with our bare hands, and he who overcomes the other shall be the victor". The proposition was accepted, and the two joined battle. ...They make their shield's of hewn wood, principally cedar, with slightly curving edges, light, very long and very large, so that they cover the entire body. Next, in order that they may not be penetrated and split by spears or tomahawks, they overlace them on the inner side with thongs made from the skins of animals, which hold together and connect the whole mass of the shield. They do not carry the shield suspended from the arm, but cast by a cord over the right shoulder, so that it protects the left side of the body; when they have cast their spears or fired their guns they slightly retire the right side and turn toward the enemy the left side, which is protected by the shield.


In battle they strive especially to capture their enemies alive. [Nasty, nasty torture of prisoners omitted]"


And from A Military History of Canada:

"The native tactics encountered by Champlain would have been recognizable to any European. The Iroquois had landed from their canoes and hurriedly built themselves a palisaded fort, emerging the next day to fight in a massed formation. Warriors protected themselves with slatted wooden armor, proof against clubs and stone axes at close quarters and flint-headed arrows at a distance."


That's before they had guns, of course. The same book explains how once they had guns (or, more accurately, once ONE SIDE had a lot of guns), things swiftly moved to ambush and what we more traditionally expect.


I'd actually recommend changing the name to something not particularly Native-sounding, to throw off the scent.


In any case, you could then draw a bit from Native spirituality and the like and get something interesting. Just don't be too heavy-handed about it.


Regarding their eyes: the Salamanders red-eyed stuff is a very recent imposition on the fluff. I personally ignore the hell out of it.


An interesting read - thanks :)


I'd like to keep the name Cuyahoga, but if I can think of something else then maybe....


I was trying to go for the non "Holywood" version of Native Americans/Canadians, but if I go for the pre "metal weapons" idea, then how would that tie into the Salamanders and their affinity for metal and smithing?


Perhaps this might resolve it:


When the Amber Dragons arrived on Cuyahoga, the natives were using primitive but functional stone and flint based weapons. Over time, the Chapter introduced the Promethean cult to them and showed them how to work metal.


The natives learned quickly and over time were able to produce many fine examples of metal work - including swords, axes and hammers.. But the temptation to use such weapons to take control of other tribes lands was too much to resist and resulted in many conflicts. When the Chapter found out, they were both horrified and angry that their teachings had been abused in such a way. They interceded and ruled that no tribe would lay a hand on another, reasoning that each should help the other, there being many dangers that each faces on a day to day basis, fighting creatures for food and survival.


The Chapter did have one solution to abate any tensions rising amongst the tribes. A contest held (annually?) so that potential candidates can fight using weapons they themselves have created. Successful candidates are then further tested for suitability to join the Chapter.

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