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Abaddon Delivery Syatem

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Well, I am making a return to Chaos after a long stint playin nothin but Blood Angels. One of My favorite units in our Dex is Good Ol' Abaddon. He can take on almost anything, and is an IC (something many of my BA heroes lack!). I used to always run him in a land raider, but I am looking for cheaper alternatives. IME with blood angels, I would often take the sanguinor, keep him in reserve, then DS him to wherever he was needed most. This got me to thinkin, can the same be done with Abaddon? hold him in reserve, give every squad an icon, then DS him and join him to a squad wherever he is needed most? Has anyone tried this, and if so, how has it worked for you?
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If we could pick and choose what turn and when we could opt to bring him in, it might work, but since we can't, it's not any better a delivery system than what we already have, it's just cheaper to DS him, and even then, the rules for DS don't play to his greatest strength, which is CC. Having to arrive and then just stand there with only a bolter to shoot is a waste of an entire turn of charging him. At least the Land Raider can shoot while it moves.
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For how much Abby costs, we want to ensure he gets a few good turns in CC so normally he carpools with some folks in a LR. Often times with DS you could spend 3-4 turns waiting for him and half a good portion of your army wiped out by the time he arrives. But if you really don't mind the uncertainty with DS I'd say go for it. I would DS a few termies in there too with him though so he doesn't get shot up when he lands though.
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I would DS a few termies in there too with him though so he doesn't get shot up when he lands though.
I wouldn't, a good player will direct enough fire to force a morale check. Now if that check fails, that would be a sad fate for 'ole Abby. :)


Also, while it is probably the only decent delivery system for him, most players would probably consider downing that 'Raider early on, leaving Abby + 'zerkers to footslog.

Then there is the cost on that combination (Abby+Raider+Zerkers) alone which makes it unattractive to most.



My 2 Kraks

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The thing about deep striking is it is random, putting him in a landraider gives you the knowledge that he is in a heavily armoured box, that can move 12 inches a turn, sure it might get blown up, but most things that destroy landraiders are short range, and thus he will generally be able to jump out and charge what destroyed his ride.


Dont put him with anything that isn't fearless, I made Abaddon run away due to being attached to terminators (there was a post in this forum about it, I was the opponent).


I regularly play with a logan wing army, and I often put logan with 3 termies in a drop pod, which due to me having 3 drop pods he will come in from the 2nd turn onwards. sometimes he has come down exactly when I have wanted him, other times he has landed on the 4th turn when the game has ended there due to my opponent having to leave..


I guess the good thing about abaddon is eternal warrior, dropping a lone IC special char that costs more then a landraider on his own would be damn scary if he didn't have it...

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A decent player will have set his army up so that they can support each other with fire once they find out you've got deepstrikers.


I tried Abby with some Terminators and an Icon of Chaos Glory last weekend. They were pounded by absolutely everything in my opponent's army, and Abby damn near survived it all, too. Failed the last 2+ armour save from the last wound. . . Paying 435 points for denying my opponent one round of shooting at the rest of my army so my CC monster can die? No, not again, thanks.


If you want to deepstrike him, try and put him near cover so he can run into it, otherwise he will get murdered.

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This got me to thinkin, can the same be done with Abaddon?

not when he doesnt have doa and/or wings.



hold him in reserve, give every squad an icon, then DS him and join him to a squad wherever he is needed most?

50% chance that he will drop turn 2 when there is not "needed most" yet means this way of delivery not viable.

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I've had great sucess with Abaddon in a Land Raider. I've never had it shot down from under him. I have no idea why, but it just keeps on trucking pretty much anything.


Perhaps there is something else very frightening in your list?

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