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Flesh Tearers vs Dark Eldar

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Ok, so I have a friend who rocks the 'ard boys tourny every year. He uses Alpha Strike Guard to auto-win. Anyways, in a non-tourny he's a awesome guy and a fun player. He is also the ONLY guy I have yet to beat once. Even his Necrons beat me. It's not that I'm bad, he's just that good. His Deathwing army is undeafeted. Deathwing in 5 Ed.

Well, his new and favorite army is Dark Eldar. You have to be absolutely precise and make zero mistakes with this force. That's why he loves em.

Last night we played Scenerio 6 from last years 'Ard Boys.

And it was his first encounter with a Stormraven. My first time really using it. And it went All-star. It came in from reserve round 2 on the right side of the board. Let loose a Death Company Dread with bloodtalons on the dog pack of DE. 3 wounds. All I hit and scored were 3 wounds.......but I digress. The Stormraven let loose a volley of Death on a Ravager. 5 pens, 2-3 glances. All.....flicker fielded away. So at this point I expect my Raven to go away at the bottom of round 2. The dread got immobilised from rending in CC. Well on his round, his 18 some Darklances couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. And the Dread was so furious from being immobilised, that the Blood talons scored 27 wounds. I won that combat.

Top of the 3rd, I turbo-boosted, and PotMS slagged another Ravager. It exploded killing some of it's passengers. His turn, I make 12 cover saves vs pens.

Top of the 4th, Stormraven drops Seth off with HG, they go chop a Raider in half. Stormraven slags 2!!!, 2 more DE boats removing the last of his vehicles from play. Sent a full payload at one, PotMS a bloodstrike at a 2nd that went through.

I had Seth+ Honor guard, Immob DC Dread, a Dakka dread left at the end of the game. If on turn 5 I woulda turned the SRaven to shoot the lone DE Warrior that lost 19 friends to the Immob. DC Dreads flamer he forgot about, I would have had 11 Kps to his base 9. But with the bonus scenerio rules of +1 for killing most expensive unit, in the vent of a tie, if someone holds 1 of 2 objectives they get +1. We were tied, but his hoverboard guys jumped back on an objective at the end.


I left out the rest of the forces this game because all the amazing was the Stormraven pilot. It lived an ENTIRE game with 19-24 Darklances on the table and being priority target #1.

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