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Death Company Based force discussion. Everyone is welcome.

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Hi guys!

Hi guys!

I ve been playing this game for 5 years. I have drop pod based space wolves and black templars mechanized armies.

I like space wolves a lot but they are not aggressive enough for me(they are counter attack style army).Black templars are good but outdated now.

And i decided to start a new Blood Angels army.I find them to be aggrresive enough to deal with almost anything.After reading their codex i really liked their death company marines and dreadnoughts(they are just as crazy as i want) The only problem with them is that they have that rage special rule, but it can be controlled by blood angels fast transports.Also I will have some problems with objectives.But what if i add some scouts or tactical marines into this force.


I need your opinion on this army.

How should I builed it.


What kind of transport should i use?


I need your help!!!!

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I run a 1500 pt DC only list and have found that rage is less of an issue than being able to choose when you charge.


If you run any non-assault transports (DP and Rhino chassis) then you have less control of when your enter combat. If you can't get the charge then you lose a major factor of what makes a DC only army tick.


I'd go for stormravens or land raiders as tranports and if possible 2 chaplains (I run astorath and a chaplain, a DC Dread, stormraven a raider and as many bolter wielding DC as will fit in 1500pts)

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If you want to do a Death Company army, first of all you will need Astorath since he allows to you take up to six DC units instead of one. I'd consider putting him into a Stormraven with some DC and a Dread in tow. Other than that, depending on how many points you want to use, I love running mine in rhinos and razorbacks.


The advantage of the Raven is that you can use the characters that work best with them -- Astorath and Lemartes and still have them in a vehicle. Normal Reclusiarchs and elite-choice Chaplains work too, and can be taken without jump packs if you're not keen on the Stormraven


As far as objectives, I can see a 10-man Tac squad being used here as objective sitters. Buy them a razor back and combat squad them. put the heavy weapon on an objective and the Sgt in the razorback and use them to hold another, support the DC, or do whatever you like! You could do something similar with scouts, but I am not sure I like that option as much.

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Today I went to a team tournament 1k each my partner and I took DoA, we had 7 KPs combined. I took a large Jumper DC squad (9 guys 4 PWs, 2 Pfists+Lemates) we did okay pretty much drawing every mission.


Anyways I prefer Jump Packs to transport bound because once the transport dies they are pretty much useless. With Jump Packs it is harder to lead them around. Another suggestion splurge on the extra weapons. If you cannont control what you will charge make sure you have the weapons to wipe it out.

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Thanks for your help.


What is the best combo you think I mean transport they should use.


What about a stormraven and some rhinos as transport and baal predators as a fire magnet.


How should i run my Astropath squad should i join him to sanguinary guard or honor guard squad or jump pack death company?

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Thanks for your help.


What is the best combo you think I mean transport they should use.

I reckon a mix of storm ravens and land raider because you can move twelve, assault six, plus the two inches and base width.


What about a stormraven and some rhinos as transport and baal predators as a fire magnet.

I don't think the preds are a good idea. dC are expensive and you want as many as you can get , so don't waste points on tanks


How should i run my Astropath squad should i join him to sanguinary guard or honor guard squad or jump pack death company?

I would put him with a ten man squad, no jump packs, in a stormraven equipped for anti tank. Remember, he has the liturgies of blood rule so he let's them re roll hits and wounds.

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