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Honor of the Chapter on my shoulders

Grizzly Adams

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Well, I am totin the ol' Blood Angels to a 2500pt tourney tomorrow, and am gonna try to do our Chapter justice! Haven't ever played competitively at this size, but the winner walks away with $140+ in prize support, so the Grizz is gonna have a go!







-Sanguinary Priest

---JP, PW



-3x 10 man Assault Squads

---Melta, Flamer, Fisty Sarge

---2x Flamer, Fisty Sarge

---2x Melta, Fisty Sarge




-10x Death Co.

---6x BP/CCW, 3x PW, 1x Fist

-DC Dread

---Blood Talons

-Storm Raven




-Furioso Dread

---Frag Cannon, HF

---Drop Pod



-2x Baal Preds

---TLAC, HB sponsons



-2x Preds

---AC, LC sponsons





Gives me range, shots, mobile scoring units, and some nasty assault stuffs. Win/lose/draw it oughta be fun. I'll let y'all know how it goes. Wish me luck!

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Nope Normally Death Company are a 0-1 choice unless you have Astaroth and he removes that. In the DC dread's entry all it sayss is you can have 1 dread per 5 DC members. So you can have 25 DC and then have 5 DC Dreads for your troops slot if you wanted.


@ Grizzly, looks like a pretty good and balanced list! Is this meant to be an ard boyz warm up tourney or just an actual tourney?


Good luck with it!

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great looking list(scribbles some random stuff down :) )

as to the lemmy dilema he would have to equip all his DC with jump packs if he took lemmy...that would punch their price through the roof...keep the Stormraven :wub:


good luck !



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Well, to update all, I have a new battle cry. It goes, "don't be an idiot". First game, i came up against a good Shooty SM player, killpoints pitched battle. My dice failed me, big time and i got wiped on turn 7. Game two was against 6 squads of plague marines, spearhead, 4 objs. I thought i had it lost on turn 4, and so i started playing to get battle points. Once my brain shut down from trying to win, i didnt see my opportunity to win the game on turn 5 by usin baals to contest his obj's. Talk about feelin like an idiot when looking at the table after the game. Game 3 was against razorspam Wolves. With my new mantra of dont be an idiot, i played like the list is capable, used my noodle, and won Capture and control with 2 obj's. I had a great time, and it just goes to show that even 13 year vets can make n00b mistakes, best thing is to learn from them and keep on truckin.
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Well, to update all, I have a new battle cry. It goes, "don't be an idiot". First game, i came up against a good Shooty SM player, killpoints pitched battle. My dice failed me, big time and i got wiped on turn 7. Game two was against 6 squads of plague marines, spearhead, 4 objs. I thought i had it lost on turn 4, and so i started playing to get battle points. Once my brain shut down from trying to win, i didnt see my opportunity to win the game on turn 5 by usin baals to contest his obj's. Talk about feelin like an idiot when looking at the table after the game. Game 3 was against razorspam Wolves. With my new mantra of dont be an idiot, i played like the list is capable, used my noodle, and won Capture and control with 2 obj's. I had a great time, and it just goes to show that even 13 year vets can make n00b mistakes, best thing is to learn from them and keep on truckin.


Hah been there done that. :lol: ...congrats on the last game dude. I had to start writing notes on my army-list... on the top - remember Red Thirst, Scout Moves, Dante's curse. Remember to use Fear of Darkness within 24", remember to use Shield of Sang when they start shooting. Use Corbulo's reroll early in the game, etc etc... of course that doesn't help me from forgetting stuff life contesting objectives etc, but it helps overall.


I usually have trouble against shooty SM as well; the first few turns are pretty one sided.

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Well, to update all, I have a new battle cry. It goes, "don't be an idiot". First game, i came up against a good Shooty SM player, killpoints pitched battle. My dice failed me, big time and i got wiped on turn 7. Game two was against 6 squads of plague marines, spearhead, 4 objs. I thought i had it lost on turn 4, and so i started playing to get battle points. Once my brain shut down from trying to win, i didnt see my opportunity to win the game on turn 5 by usin baals to contest his obj's. Talk about feelin like an idiot when looking at the table after the game. Game 3 was against razorspam Wolves. With my new mantra of dont be an idiot, i played like the list is capable, used my noodle, and won Capture and control with 2 obj's. I had a great time, and it just goes to show that even 13 year vets can make n00b mistakes, best thing is to learn from them and keep on truckin.


Hah been there done that. :huh: ...congrats on the last game dude. I had to start writing notes on my army-list... on the top - remember Red Thirst, Scout Moves, Dante's curse. Remember to use Fear of Darkness within 24", remember to use Shield of Sang when they start shooting. Use Corbulo's reroll early in the game, etc etc... of course that doesn't help me from forgetting stuff life contesting objectives etc, but it helps overall.


I usually have trouble against shooty SM as well; the first few turns are pretty one sided.


yeah, they have been a thorn in my side as well, problem was, there was a 3 leveled ruin on each corner of his deployment zone, so he had devestators blowin my :lol: out of the water and i couldn't ever get to them. Didnt help that my stormraven went down with a 4+ cover to a missile launcher, lost 5 assault marines to 7 bolter shots, charged a tac squad with a fisty sarge, 9 RAS, Sanguinary Priest w/ PW, and the sanguinor within 6" giving them an extra attack a piece and didnt kill a singl one. Yeah, it was one of THOSE games.

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great looking list(scribbles some random stuff down :ph34r: )

as to the lemmy dilema he would have to equip all his DC with jump packs if he took lemmy...that would punch their price through the roof...keep the Stormraven :wub:


good luck !




Taking Lemartes does not mandate the rest of his squad must also be equipped with JPs. It just means that Lemartes would have to walk and run along with his squadmates. And as far as loading them in a Stormraven, Lemartes w/JP takes 2 slots and the 10 footsloggers makes 1 unit of 12 slots. ;)


Well, to update all, I have a new battle cry. It goes, "don't be an idiot". First game, i came up against a good Shooty SM player, killpoints pitched battle. My dice failed me, big time and i got wiped on turn 7. Game two was against 6 squads of plague marines, spearhead, 4 objs. I thought i had it lost on turn 4, and so i started playing to get battle points. Once my brain shut down from trying to win, i didnt see my opportunity to win the game on turn 5 by usin baals to contest his obj's. Talk about feelin like an idiot when looking at the table after the game. Game 3 was against razorspam Wolves. With my new mantra of dont be an idiot, i played like the list is capable, used my noodle, and won Capture and control with 2 obj's. I had a great time, and it just goes to show that even 13 year vets can make n00b mistakes, best thing is to learn from them and keep on truckin.


Hah been there done that. :) ...congrats on the last game dude. I had to start writing notes on my army-list... on the top - remember Red Thirst, Scout Moves, Dante's curse. Remember to use Fear of Darkness within 24", remember to use Shield of Sang when they start shooting. Use Corbulo's reroll early in the game, etc etc... of course that doesn't help me from forgetting stuff life contesting objectives etc, but it helps overall.


I usually have trouble against shooty SM as well; the first few turns are pretty one sided.


yeah, they have been a thorn in my side as well, problem was, there was a 3 leveled ruin on each corner of his deployment zone, so he had devestators blowin my :cuss out of the water and i couldn't ever get to them. Didnt help that my stormraven went down with a 4+ cover to a missile launcher, lost 5 assault marines to 7 bolter shots, charged a tac squad with a fisty sarge, 9 RAS, Sanguinary Priest w/ PW, and the sanguinor within 6" giving them an extra attack a piece and didnt kill a singl one. Yeah, it was one of THOSE games.


I have a similar mantra, but it sounds like something a drunken sailor with terrets would say to his own reflection in the mirror!!! :P I have learned to visualize ALL objective markers as "FREE PARKING" zones. If the enemy wants that objective they have to crater my vehicles to get it!!! :huh: Oh well, as long as you beat the Pups you have nothing to be ashamed of. ;)

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Sorry to hear about your first two battles. Some days the dice just screw you, nothing you can do. And everyone has a ohh crap what didn't I see that tide changing moment when it was there. At least you pulled out the third battle, always good to go out on a high note.
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