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The Swarmlord


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surely abbadon/typhus could make a heck of a dint in him...combined with whatever firepower you can spare from the rest of the army...
Abaddon, maybe, if he doesn't get hit by Paroxysm. Typhus, not a chance unfortunately.

Abaddon isn't really viable at 1500 points or below, whereas the Swarmlord can be (one-trick-pony Deathstar build).

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but if you stick typhus in cover, he strikes first hitting on a 4+ wounding on a 4+ with a force deamon weapon i think iirc? or something like that anyway i thought. of course if he gets touched hes dead but still... though id prob play typhus as i would the likes of the sanguinor...
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Typhus also doesn't have to roll for winds of chaos or nurgles rot (not that the latter is much help), but this does mean that if you decide to throw Typhus and whatever bodyguard you have with him at the deathstar you do start the party off with a template that wounds on 4+ and ignores cover, which should soften them up considerably. Also consider that typhus's weapon is both a Force and Deamon weapon (+d6 attacks) always wounds on 4+ that means he has more opprotunities to try to get his force weapon off (and it's pretty likely to get it eventually at ld10, even on 3d6)

But that said I would suggest focusing fire on it... I'd also like to point out that the range of shadow in the warp is 12"... while lash is 24" =]

My personal plan on dealing with them will be to lash them away from me into a circle pattern and blast them away with vindicators, havocs, and other blast and template weapons.

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swarm lords are slow as hell and can be largely negated for most of the game by simply avoiding them. There close to 300 points, if my memory serves thats not going to be doing anything for most of the game, for the same points or there abouts you could take 3 choppy dreads.Just kill everything else and if you really have to then you can try and take it down turn 5-6 with massed fire.


beating nids 101 goes like this 1, stick every thing in cover 2, bolters and templates kill all the small swarmy stuff and krak, laser, melta and plasma for the big beast stuff. oh and dont run into the middle of the board, let them come to you.

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i think the swarmlord costs that near on his own... and yea whatevers getting charged should be in cover. normal marines can move as fast as the swarmloard so that shouldnt be a problem, specially when you dont try to outpace nids anyway...
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  • 1 month later...

What about playing a Slaanesh sorceror (in a rhiono) or DP and just lashing him backwards as much as possible from a safe place? That could get very annoying for your opponent i'd imagine ^^ or the Blissgiver suggestion sounds perfect imo against nids, if it isn't killing that swarmlord for you he can solo squads of warriors with the sweet I value.


- Sid

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you can ignore swarm lords for most of the game, as he's really slow and dosnt have range weaponry. Ignore him put everything into cover as far away from him as you can and shoot the rest of his army, nids dont have grenades so there at I1 when charging into cover and there shooting is so, so. Wait until you have shot up his army and then turn everything he has against the swarmlord.
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