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Is there any logical reason for B.A not having T.F cannons?

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The only logical reason I can think of is that they thought they would be kind to you Blood Angel players and spare you the misery of building one of them - honestly, a Rubiks cube is easier to solve than trying to get the Thunderfire barrel to go together...
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because we couldnt fit supercharged engines onto them.... and techmarines are fluff. our actual decent techmarines are busy fixing our supercharged engins.... and building stormravens and furisos, fixing the death cos armour etc..
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Or did he he should not be mentioned by name just forget about them?


Also, why the hell to techmarines exist xD?


A nice trick with a techmarine: Place your objective in a ruin in your deployment zone (should this be the mission). Take a scout squad with camo cloaks, take a techmarine and bolster the ruin with the objective in. Deploy your scouts on said ruin to hold the objective, watch your opponent struggle to kill them off with their disgusting 2+ cover save. (obviously works best for armies like Tau and IG)

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Also, why the hell to techmarines exist xD?


For fluff reasons?


He could have been worth taking in a few different roles... IF he only had a least one of the following


the IC rule


Didn't take up a force org slot


2 wounds or FNP


free power weapon


relentless servitors


less expensive servitor upgrades


more than 5 servitors



As it is he doesn't really fit in at all with the BA play style and is an even worse waste of point than a captain.

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Or did he he should not be mentioned by name just forget about them?


Also, why the hell to techmarines exist xD?


A nice trick with a techmarine: Place your objective in a ruin in your deployment zone (should this be the mission). Take a scout squad with camo cloaks, take a techmarine and bolster the ruin with the objective in. Deploy your scouts on said ruin to hold the objective, watch your opponent struggle to kill them off with their disgusting 2+ cover save. (obviously works best for armies like Tau and IG)


Unless he has a colossus, hellhound, eradicator or a chimera with a heavy flamer in the hull. It would work well against other marines to be honest, and especially tau, but against guard your uber camo scouts would be laughed off the table.

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Or did he he should not be mentioned by name just forget about them?


Also, why the hell to techmarines exist xD?


A nice trick with a techmarine: Place your objective in a ruin in your deployment zone (should this be the mission). Take a scout squad with camo cloaks, take a techmarine and bolster the ruin with the objective in. Deploy your scouts on said ruin to hold the objective, watch them not being a threat to anything thanks to their low volume of fire, nerf to sniper weapons and BS3. Your opponent will then not struggle at all to kill them off despite their disgusting 2+ cover save, because flamers and scorchas just don't care about cover.


There, I fixed it :P

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I mean... There was nothing wrong with the HQ one in 4th ed. He had lots of attacks and double plasma pistols and all that... But now they're just a joke.

And take jump pack for free. Best idea ever G.W. Single model non I.C jump infantry squad with a single wound.


I've actually ran a Techmarine with a JP a few times in my DoA list when I've had 70ish points left to spend because I built one out of the Vanguard Sergeant model and wanted an excuse to use it. Mine has JP and a Combi Melta. Its worked sometime too. In his first game he dropped in and killed a Landraider. Second game he took the battle cannon off of a Leman Russ. Albeit no the most efficient use of points most of the time and certainly not for competitive play but when it works its hilarious.



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Or did he he should not be mentioned by name just forget about them?


Also, why the hell to techmarines exist xD?


A nice trick with a techmarine: Place your objective in a ruin in your deployment zone (should this be the mission). Take a scout squad with camo cloaks, take a techmarine and bolster the ruin with the objective in. Deploy your scouts on said ruin to hold the objective, watch them not being a threat to anything thanks to their low volume of fire, nerf to sniper weapons and BS3. Your opponent will then not struggle at all to kill them off despite their disgusting 2+ cover save, because flamers and scorchas just don't care about cover.


There, I fixed it :P


Ah, yes. I forgot how awesome 'flamers' are in multi storey ruins... covering 3 models a time. And how easy it is to get to said ruin... with no resistance en route at all. I also forgot that your army has super charged troop units with 3+ inv. saves, power weapons and one-handed lascannons holding your objective. Damn this bad memory of mine. ;)

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Ah, yes. I forgot how awesome 'flamers' are in multi storey ruins... covering 3 models a time. And how easy it is to get to said ruin... with no resistance en route at all. I also forgot that your army has super charged troop units with 3+ inv. saves, power weapons and one-handed lascannons holding your objective. Damn this bad memory of mine. :lol:


Actually I have plenty of old school devastators so the one handed lascannon is spot on!


Scouts as objective holders are pretty rubbish. Even with the cover save there's so many fast vehicles with template weapons in the game, and a lot more of them are ap4 than ap3. Tacticals and devastators just do the job better. I still field scouts from time to time because I like them and I put some effort into making mine, but other than the occasional lucky krak missile they don't bring much to the table.

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I have found that depending on WHO you are facing scouts are either awsome, or terrible. Its not like tac marines that are solid against everything, scouts have no in between. Against Eldar, or any army with low armor saves and low leadership or monstrous creatures, scouts are a force to be reconed with and give you a huge advantage. Against other marines, chaos, stuff like that, i.e. high leadership, high armor saves, no monstrous creatures, scouts tend to fall flat. They definately have their place, just don't make an all comers list that relies on them as a lynch pin.
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I have found that depending on WHO you are facing scouts are either awsome, or terrible. Its not like tac marines that are solid against everything, scouts have no in between. Against Eldar, or any army with low armor saves and low leadership or monstrous creatures, scouts are a force to be reconed with and give you a huge advantage. Against other marines, chaos, stuff like that, i.e. high leadership, high armor saves, no monstrous creatures, scouts tend to fall flat. They definately have their place, just don't make an all comers list that relies on them as a lynch pin.


I think my big beef is with sniper scouts hanging out in the back, new codex and 5th edition changes hit them hard. A 5 man squad will average 1-2 wounds (no partial hits or wounds when you actually roll the dice) with no rends before any saves are taken. OK I guess against MCs but not exactly stellar. Those wounds are not going to do anything against hordes either unless they are already severely weakened, at which point they're probably little more than a speed bump anyway.

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